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Legends of hockey: Race has began!

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Yes guys! This race for glory has began! Before I intruduce you to 10 top porspect scores (Nobody fter year wasn’t drafted. Scores were good but I think system won’t recognise or scouts are amazingly dumb xD ) I want to show 3 new faces who will join for ride.

Almost forgot! If you are reading my article for irst time or you finally have enough courge to join:

Here is link for signup: Click for nudes!

Here is link for attribute info: Nobody usually press this!

And here is link for some addicional info: Not actually worth to press but ... ehh!

[Image: 485709-armada-blainville-boisbriand-elim...piques.jpg]

Name: Brendan „Sebreeze” Seibert

Position: Goaltender

League: QMJHL

Team: Blainville-Boisbriand Armada

Salary: 1'000$

Stats: --


++ Brendan Seibert is well made goalie. He could be good support for creating team. Teammates can rely on him. Good player for last line in team. To the „Seabreeze” has good skills to hold huge amount of trust. He is little bit better than average junior goalie. He has no catostrophic weakness and not so much bright skills. I we could note something then it would be good saves made by using glove. Really shots on left from him he can take with no problem. Brendan is smart player and takes right position even in difficult situations. If we look on his physical advantages then best of him has his left hand (glove hand) and his legs. He can skate fast in to the net and guard his 5 hole faster. He is playing bravely. He skates outside his field and confidently take his Stand-up position. It hard to fake him down but when it is done he play enough confident to continue his ne tin worst case scenario. Also he can mke pretty good pass to defender of further to forwards. That is Seiberts secret weapon how to make counter faster. Well played! Also many trainers predict bright future for him because he listens and works well to coach.

-- There are some things to work with. He could little bit improve his game behind net. Harder push up on rebounds. That is in quite sad level. Sometimes fancy rebound can cost much to him. Also he could sometimes better on breakways. Instead making to loose forward his puck he accepts opponents challange and takes it bravely. Souds crazy and it is! Seibert seems crazy himself. Rarely he does some aggresive stuff. Not often but sometimes. He could seriosly improve his focus on game. In case of bad start he isn’t savior anymore. Despite fast legs he isn’t strong. For goalie who need take at least 60 minutes, in case of intense game he may be could not take it.

Perspective: Brendan has chance to play in serios level. He looks like solid golie and that should be like that but he must work harder to his endurance. Seibert has talent for sure but he needs time to develop it. Experts predict some years in minors to develop better consistency. At least bad games + excellent games makes his numbers better. At this moment Brendan Seibert could be ranked as 1st goalie of Armada but his teammates are close to him. He has better potencial but it must prove every time. Skilled and ambitios plyer with big credit of potencional. Good luck to Brendan!

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Name: Karlis „Dirsa” Krumins

Position: Center and Right winger

League: YHL (Russian youth hockey legue)

Team: HK Juniors Riga

Salary: 1'000$

Stats: --


++ Karlis is young decent player but with huge which he could use to become star type player. „Dirsa” as friends call him is skilled sniper. He has quick, strong and deadly accurate shot for goalie. He has strong arms that is way he does good making shots, doing faceoffs. Karlis is very offensive minded and creative. He likes to do shot in the moment when nobody is waiting for it! Also his bright side is good positional play which is good for center player. Although he isn’t two way player he does well positionally in defense too. He definetly is dangerous goalscorer! He works well on his teammates and he coorparates with them although amazingly accurate shot he can choose for pass too. That is not bad if he feels that next shot by him isn’t going to net. Krumins has large amount of goals, good scoring % and very good faceoff %. He is fast skater with very agile skating technicue. It works well to make better open spot. He is huge skater too and very very strong. He likes to use his size to get away from his oponents. Sometimes he is going for forcheck. He likes to struggle. He is calm player and very disciplinated and listens to coach and his advices. Respect to coach is huge boost for him. Teammates admire him about his ability to be great friend, good teammate and very brave person. Fight for every moment in though game … which is every game. Truly leader type player!

-- First, Karlis isn’t very hot topic for hockey scouts and reporters. Being in YHL doesn’t compare his skill to other amazing prospects so well. Even though he has brilliant shot he can’t shot from every position. He likes to do shots which are closer to net and might reach it. And offensivly he could improve his bility to play more in front of net, from this center I would like too more play there. It would be more better for him too. His defensive game isn’t terrible but really weaker than offense. He isn’t aggresive and he isn’t anough passionate forward to do blocked shots or struggle a lot make them loose puck. He does good positioning in defensive zoe too but other decisions are sometimes really bad. Sometimes need to play more easier. Karlis is mentally addicted to good games. After bad games he need time to get back on grid other way he could be captain already!

Perspective: Karlis „Dirsa” Krumins is physically well done plyer with good offensive gifts but with lazy mind in defense. Despite being best shooter in whole YHL to NHL scouts he is just average good player. Need to improve missing links to become great and hot player for reportiers and scouts. At the moment Karlis is going to be best player for HK Riga for sure.

[Image: ak-ss02259-20140117-dinamo-sibir.jpg]

Name: Emils

Position: Osnins

League: KHL

Team: Dinamo Riga

Salary: 1'000$

Stats: --


++ Riga has purchsed young decent and very talented player. Emils is Offensive beast with also some good defensive aspects. He is very good game reader. His youth hockey trainers have admired him about his hockey sense and decisions what he does. He has fast legs too which makes him for deadly 1v1 situation executor. He likes to play creative and before he is trying to score he thinks what goalie is going to do and use it against him. Smart player who likes to play offensive. He has nice shot but most amazing is his creativity, somtimes he is doing shots from own zone and sometimes it comes hard for foe goalie. He reds game well and choose safe moments when to pass. For Emils it is his trademark – open uncovered spots. Also on bright side is his ability to handle puck. Scouts love his positioning skill an character. Osnins isn’t afraid from physical game. He is characteristic for his teammates, he likes to work on though moments to save team. Also Emils is team player. He isn’t selfish on ice. To Osnins has interesting philosophy that yesterday is past and most work for tomorrow. HE doesn’t care if he was 1st star or disaster. Every day comes with fresh start.

-- It is interesting why so proffesional team like Dinamo Riga signed contrct with so weak player. Despite smart mind and good stick handling skills he must for bad to his body strenght! To Osnins is terrible condition for such a young player. He has other abilities but barely holding on skates and almost dead after hits … not quite impresive. He has nice speed but he cant take it long he should work on his body condition a lot! It makes promblems in other game aspects, he isn’t able to work in front of net and in defense zone he has problems to make takeaways. Osnins wants to prove himself nd other that he can play physically well to but such a aggressiv game may cost a lot of penalties to him!

Perspective: This guy after his carrier could be excellent couch but there is question what king of player will he be. At moment Riga likes him a lot may be they can rise up his condition but situation in my opinion is very dark. To emils has chances but it all depends on him. For the 13th forward who come up to ice onpowerplay of penlty shot he would be good choise Wink

Before I'm going to announce results I'm already doing appologies that nobody of you were drafted. Doing before tests it worked but now I have theory about that problem. If I'm right you guys get drated only 3 seasons later but may be sytem won't recognise you or scouts ar terribly dumb and blind!

[Image: 123365_raw.jpg]

Name:Esa Anrikkanen

Position: Right Winger

League: OJHL

Team: Lindsay Muskies

Salary: 1'000$

Stats: [Image: WNsjtdN.png]

Carrier Spotlight: Almost 3 points per game and doing more than half them into …. Sick! Playing full 46 game season Esa is total leader. Sorry that didn’t took pictures in time while OJHL had tournament and it doesn’t save its history. Esa is TOP1 OJHL goalscorer scoring 73 goals (5 goals away from 2nd and ~30 from 3rd) and TOP1 OJHL assistant doing 68 assists (20 assists ahead from concurents) and of course it makes him to best forward in points but he managed to go ahead 30 points from 2nd place and 60 from 3rd! Being top forwards is hard job. It takes to do everything to make team win. Esa is 10th undisciplined player from OJHL taking 80 PIM Almost 2 in every game :D Esa has 100 points more than next best Lindsay Muskies teammate :o

++ Esa is amazing goalscorer and playmaker same time! He is team and league leader.

-- Esa is still playing bad defensivly and he has problems with disciple. He is too hot blooded player!

Perspective: Anrikkanen is best made player in my project. He has highest overall rating. He is amazing offensive forward and coaches already know that in offense there is no need to work. He is working on defense a lot! Waiting for NHL level! [OVR 11.5, Potencional 11.5]

[Image: 04_13_2012-stars-vs-fargo-force-049-49.jpg]

Name: Olivers Petifers

Position: Center

League: USHL

Team: Fargo Force

Salary: 1'000$

Stats: [Image: eNi07fd.png]

Carrier Spotlight: Petifers recorded 52 game and 117 point season taking most of the points as assists! USHL point and assist leader!

++ Petifers has done huge boost for his team and made his linemates to 70+ point players. Petifers is great offensive player!

-- Petifers has amazing shot which use pretty rarely. He have problems on defense too.

Perspective: Oliver is productive player with good shot and hockey sense. Great spiritual guy too. [OVR 10.5, Potencional 10.5]

[Image: hamilton3.jpg]

Name: Steven Jalopski

Position: Left Defender

League: WHL

Team: Saskatoon Blades

Salary: 1’000 $

Stats: [Image: sYiQ9Xi.png]

Carrier Spotlight: Jalopski managed to get solid place in Saskatoon roster as 1st pairing defenseman and in any special unit as first defenseman. Some people say that playing time is most important ratio for defender. Steven usually play 25+ min average in game (2nd best in WHL). Blades managed to get 3rd place in western conference and and far conference final (wiped out by Moose Jaw Warriors 4:0)

++ Jalopski is one of best young defensive defenseman. He helped to team become 2nd best penalty killiner team in league. In 68 games he got 162 blocked shot which is damn high! 2nd best in whole league (9 blocked shots away). Also 4th best in WHL taking hits. Steven can make suprises. In his account has one beautifull short handed goal!
[Image: BAcS5O.gif]

-- Despite being leader characteristic guy in 17 play off games took just one pass It would be nice if Steven would go better offensivly. At moment his points ar pretty low, he is 3rd best defender in points and further than 10th from all Saskatoon skaters.

Perspective: He is great defensive guy but should do better doing offense. Anybody knows he can score and that he is creative player not just point defender in power play. His future is unclear. He doesn’t have high players stats [ovr 9.0, potencionl 9.0] but they are pretty good Wink

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Name: Logan Beach

Position: Left defense

League: USHL

Team: Siux City Musketeers

Salary: 1’000 $

Stats: [Image: Dc9FlWS.png]

Carrier Spotlight: Although being Musketters defender he placed in team stats as best point taker. In whole league he was second best assistant and second best in points.

++ Logan has incredible overall skill. I’m speachless!

-- Logan Beach was 14 undisciplined player in USHL last season. If he could play more calm he would be next Orr.

Perspective: 18+84 in USHL is serius call for NHL. It for sure that he will play there some day. Because of amazing FHM system Logan isn’t in NHL scout eyes but for next season he is going as FA so lets see where he is going further.

[Image: dylan-wruck.jpeg]

Name: Kriss Davids „Labsy” Labsvards

Position: Defender

League: WHL

Team: Edmonton Oil Kings

Salary: 1’000 $

Stats: [Image: ug6H5nw.png]

Carrier Spotlight: OK, I know this will sounds like for rigged sim but my player got awards. I was speechless. ... Best Defensive Defenseman, Ok sounds possible althought I didn’t made Labsy for being shot blocking machine or stay at home guy but receiving award isn’t bad :D League MVP…. 22th in points but far away from other defensemans and Oil Kings were total leader of WHL. May be commision saw that it was Labsy work, may be. For rigged sim makes that Labsy got Play Off MVP too. I would be sad now if he would deserve it but it wasn’t! Oil Kings lost in 6 games in 1st round and let Red Deer Rebels further. Kriss got point in every game but negative -3 +/-. I give apologies to Carter Hanson who in my opinion should get play Off MVP…

++ Thanks God Labsy was not disaster! He was able to score and for well in power play but 40 assists in such a team like this Oil Kings isn’t best number for him. There should be more. Amzing is his disciplinē and charism. Damn with 6 games in Play Off he is Play Off MVP Huh

-- If Labsy is calling himself as all around defender. It sure isn’t if front of his hockey sense is weak game in defense. He could do more blocked shots and hits in other way his game in defense is solid positional play. Also as penalty killer he isn’t bd but same time not brilliant.

Perspective: Oil Kings coaches are working on his defensive ability improvement. There is progress but it should be bigger if he want in NHL as big ice time player. His rate are well made [OVR 10.5 and Potencional 10.5]

[Image: Perry_AB39378.jpg]

Name: Jackson Weekes

Position: Left Defender

League: OHL

Team: Belleville bulls

Salary: 1’000 $

Stats: [Image: IE0SwH9.png]

Carrier Spotlight: Weekes with made 3rd place in whole league and 1st spot in eastern conference. Later doing Play Offs Bulls made easter conference finals were lost in 6 games. Jackson wrote his name in OHL history as 2nd best fighter in whole league with 19 KO!!! In 57 games played he took together 181 penalty in minutes! More than 3 minutes he sit in penalty box every game average!

++ Jackson Weekes was in 20 best hit takers in whole OHL. + he won in every fight he was in. Techinicly well though guy Wink To Weekes had excellent playing time and thrust even in special lineups like Power play or penalty killer line despite he was absolute stay at home defenseman. He has 2nd best +/- in team too.

-- I believe he didn’t payed back with his power play deposit. 1+3 in 57 games isn’t so bright as it could be. Also he was in the end of team scorers.

Perspective: Jackson Weekes is best enforcer for this generation and good stay at home guy. If for some NHL team will be need for such a player they sure take him but there isn’t guarantee that for FHM14 sims will need this. Crazy build made him [OVR 7.0 and potencional 9.0]

[Image: 67422_raw.jpg]

Name: Ben Blood aka Roy Razin

Position: Left Winger

League: OJHL

Team: Buffalo Jr Sabres

Salary: 1’000 $

Stats: [Image: tsTMB8h.png]

Carrier Spotlight: Ben Blood was in OJHL super star Esa Anrikkanen’s shadow. 2nd best scorer, 3rd best playmaker and 2nd best in points was Blood’s record in 13/14 season in OJHL. Even though he had one of the smallest game amounts he was 67 points ahead from his next teammate in scoring. Ben won several player poll results but I was aviable to see just best skater and hardest shot owner …. It was Ben!

++ Ben was well disciplined and got just 10 penalty in minutes.

-- Ben was not super best but he doesn’t have specific weakneses.

Perspective: Ben’s to do list:
1) play higher league next year
2) get drafted
3) buy some candy
4) get NHL MVP award and Stanley Cup!

[Image: remparts-vs-drakkar-01.jpg]

Name: Fuck „Aboud Chamas” You

Position: Goaltender

League: QMJHL

Team: Baie-Comeau Drakkar

Salary: 1’000$

Stats: [Image: nBpFtsG.png]

Carrier Spotlight: Fuck You was overrated in my mind. I saw him as 1st goalie but Drakkar coach saw different! As second goalie did great and won 11/16 games. Fuck let some goals more than his teammate rival but made better percentage.

++ Drakkar made 1st place in league and that is important that You is part of that franchise. Fuck was going in to the top 20 save percentage in whole league. It is prograss to become better player.

-- Fuck isn’t mentally strong! You can fuck up game if he isn’t in mood.

Perspective: I don’t give Fuck big chance that he will go NHL. At first you should get 1st goalie spot in juniors then watch next. [OVR 7.0 and Potencional 7.5]

[Image: p818504977-3.jpg]

Name: Jordin Fourfour

Position: Goaltender

League: WHL

Team: Victoria Royals

Salary: 1’000 $

Stats: [Image: SVQSypa.png]

Carrier Spotlight: As I predicted Fourfour will be 2nd goalie. This came true but he did his job very well. He is young and I believe he can go further as 1st nd then play in better league. Even coach game him bigger game credit. Because of also good 2nd goalie game Royals made 2nd place in western conference and 2nd round in Play Offs.

++ 18/29 games were full time wins and Jordin had 5 overtimes too. Not bad start but could be higher. Fourfour manged to get better save percentage and average allowed goals. He was 1 victory away to rech fisrt goalie. Fourfour got magic four and four…. Magic I say :D
[Image: pDArXba.png]

I believe he wich that he would call his player now to FirstFirst xD

-- Victory Royals have dumb and blind coach in FHM14.

Perspective: He hs crazy build which actualyy works well. System show ovr and potencil pretty crazy but it is what it looks like [ovr 5.5, potencional 5.5 (It should be damn higher!!!Wink ]

[Image: IMG_5595.JPG]

Name: Franz Vranitzky

Position: Goaltender

League: Czech U20 NOEN

Team: HC Sparta U20

Salary: 1’000 $

Stats: [Image: lQA0QCF.png]

Carrier Spotlight: Vranitzky wiped out 2 good goalies and got 1st goalie spot. He did very well! In league he was 5th in victories, 4th in average alowed goals, 3rd in save percentage!

++ Despite being Australian in Czech republic he didn’t saw all upside down and did his best! Well going overall strong goalie!

-- He isn’t best in league. Short but true!

Perspective: In my opinion Franz has been best made goalie. He has big diference in skill and potenicionl but it is going for him. Later he will be strong goalie!

[Image: Funny-Hockey-7.jpg]

C'mon Guys! Go further! Go further than limits! We love hockey and it loves us! ait for next sims but before it! My little award for best made player!

And it goas to......


[Image: lego-photography-sports-funny-hockey-macro.jpg]
Fargo Force forward Olivers Petifers!!!!

Force was really with you Wink

Cheer up! 200k not much but enough worth to just spending some time to make a player! All the best to Petifers and bright FHM future to him! Guys I decided to start with smaller prizes. If I'm going to be richer I will raise it up for sure Wink And actully if more player sign up more I must write :D Luck to every one! Wink

Yeah, best made player. :D

And nice article Krišs Smile

[Image: 32882_s.gif]

Oliver Pettyfer / Isaac Cormier Hale / Eva Lykke Aparjode

Can't wait to see how Osninsh will do. Great article! Smile

Jackson whooped ass

Here is money to Jogurtaa

Going to sim next results this evening but you will must wait for next article Wink

Hope you guys like it Wink


Jalopski looks like a MONSTER

Here is link to NHL happenings in FHM14 sim

this is great :lol:
Can't wait for my player's stats.
P.S. My player is Seabreeze Wink

MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
[Image: xuHy0EF.png]
[Image: Artermis.gif]

Jordin FirstFirst, I like it Smile

Akashi SixNine Jr. Updates


Pfft, don't let the stats lie to you, Ben Blood is the best!

Alternatively: Rant Esa!!!

Thank you for fixing Ben's name btw! Love the article series, keep it up. Smile

Andren Akerson (Present)
Adrik Baranov (S55 to S70)
Rurik Razin (S32 to S44)
Roy Razin (S17 to S32) (HOF/Rage HOF)
Audun Wissink (S5 to S15)

Okay made a player for this. Lost the original thread. My player will be quite bland I would imagine.

[Image: BUzKbLn.png]

[Image: 5p7vOwY.png]  |  [Image: NA3IV5m.png]


:lol: just saw this! Esa an offensive dynamo! but no discipline, hilarious!

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
[Image: cgv4vCv.png] Goal[Image: 95lCCDx.png]
[Image: parmborg.gif]

[Image: steelhead77.gif]

#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

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