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[Image: 217AF14F-7FDB-4EF3-AE3B-FB074F930706_zpsho5tnspf.png]

If you have followed the career of Mike Izzy then " the Augment" flows smoothly off youre tounge. Known for his ability to adapt and excel through each level of play.. Izzy's additions on the ice began to make its way through the net where an Izzy fandom site somewhere in Asia began what is now known as "The Augment" craze.

"oh man...The first time i heard it was a month or so after the Tamagachi goal of 04 .. i started seeing the signs in the stands.. yeah man it really took off.. they say it started in Asia eh.." - Mike Izzy

But to those who have been introduced to Izzy through the SHL, this information has been virtually classified.... .....THAT IS UNTIL NOW.

[Image: 421261AF-9E67-4AF5-8DEA-BA02BDC410C8_zpsyhgfidny.png]

Reports indicate that "The Augment" began resurfacing in the SHL somewhere between the International ice hockey Federation and the SMJHL history forums. We would like to be more specific but at this point thats as much info as we could gather.

Now we spoke with an SHL forum member who was posting in those boards at the time.... they asked not to reveal his/her name, this is what was said...

"It was just your typical post right.. talking a bit about this, and a bit bout that.. and then someone asked about the SMJHL draft... and then i heard the words ... (i think the Augment Mike Izzy was just drafted to the Knights) .... i was like the who??

Look i shouldnt say anything else."

But that wasnt the last of these incidents... in an SHL bathroom located somewhere near the rookie locker room Izzys pattented fandom logo was spray painted outside a bathroom stall....

[Image: 602D8A06-9692-406B-A080-3F5B65DCF303_zpszqcmh43v.png]

"We tried to wipe it off but who ever did this used a very strong coat of paint... like that upgraded 2.0 shit.. very reminiscent of the Augment Mike Izzy if you ask me" - An un-named Janitor at the SHL

Drafted by the historic Kelowna Knights with the 22nd pick, Izzy comes into the league with allot to learn as he will look towards Coach EJ and Jenny as well as his teammates to help make that transition smoother. But to those fans who have followed Izzys career path "The Augment" is destined to excel in the SHL.

Scoop Anderson -
Whitby Times

438 Words

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