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TSN SportsCentere: "Who is Sinn?" 35.100000000000001

<div align="center">[Image: TSN-938x419-SC.jpg]

TSN SportsCentere special: "Who is Sinn?"

// Air date: 28 June 2017 //</div>

Narrator: “It’s roughly 2 am Eastern when Sinn Nolan boards the plane for his first solo flight out of Northern Ireland.”

[Cut to Sinn Nolan walking through the terminal of Belfast International Airport.]

Sinn: “I’d traveled a plenty with the Giants and the National Team but this is the first time I’m leaving Belfast by myself,” Nolan explains. “There’s some anxiety with me on this flight. I’m tough…but there’s anxiety.”

Narrator: “In just a little over 8 hours, Belfast’s biggest ice hockey prospect over the past decade will touch down in North America. Waiting for Nolan is a shot at competition on the world’s largest stage.”

Sinn: “They say the best hockey players in the world are in Canada and the United States. I think it’s time for me to see how I measure up.”

Narrator: “Sinn Nolan looks and sounds like a seasoned veteran, but fact is the “Bastard from Belfast” is only 19-years old.”

[Cut to several images and videos of Nolan as a youth and playing ice hockey.]

[Image: 24405F5100000578-0-image-a-66_1419427456344.jpg]

Sinn: “I started skating when I was five years old. My great granddad picked up a love for hockey after befriending American soldiers in Northern Ireland during the Second World War. While other families were listening to or watching football, we were always focused on hockey in the Nolan house.”

Narrator: “’Nolan’ is the surname of Sinn’s mother. It’s a name he wears proudly and serves as a constant reminder of what motivates him as a competitor.”

Sinn: “I was an angry little bastard…and very much so today.”

[Cut to a highlight of Sinn fighting during an Elite Ice Hockey League (EIHL) game during the 2015-16 season.]

[Image: AskKeefe-450x235.jpg]

Sinn: “To grow up without a dad is my life was tough. You don’t understand why. Worse is the all the boys you *bleep* hate because all their dads show up to their hockey games to root them on. Those were the kids I’d put on their asses once the puck dropped.”

Narrator: “Sinn channeled his anger, using the violent game of ice hockey as a release. Though he was always an aggressive youth player, he says a growth spurt at age 14 was the beginning of the enforcer fans across Belfast know and love to watch play today.”

[Cut to a photo of Nolan in his Grade 9 hockey uniform.]

Sinn: “I became too big to be the playmaker I wanted to be on the ice. The next best thing became kicking the *beep* out of the playmakers wearing another team’s uniform.”

Narrator: “Sinn Nolan received Belfast’s equivalent of the General Education Diploma just before turning 17. A month later, he was suiting up for the Belfast Giants of the Elite Ice Hockey League.”

[Cut to Sinn holding up his Giants jersey during the press conference to announce his signing.]

Sinn: “Signing with the Giants was sort of a dream come true for me. They’re the hometown team and if you’re a kid in Belfast who likes hockey…then you *beep* love the Giants.”

[Cut to a mob of kids hounding Belfast players for autographs as they step off the team bus.]

Narrator: “Sinn established himself as a top league enforcer by his second season. He was just 18 and dropping gloves with men who were more than 10 years his elder. But for what Sinn lacked in age and experience, he made up for in size and grit.”

Sinn: “I’ve had some veterans tell me to respect the elders and not initiate spats on the ice. I always said *beep* ‘em. While this is a game, I am paid to do a job. My job is to protect our playmakers and *beep* the other team’s up. I don’t care whether they’re 5 years old or 50.”

Narrator: “Many critics oppose the violence of hockey and feel it’s time to outlaw the act of in-game fighting. Sinn Nolan obviously disagrees.”

[Cut to massive end-game fight behind the Belfast net.]

[Image: manitobafightRCMP-806x601.jpg]

Sinn: “Fighting has always been a part of hockey for a reason. The owners spend a lot of money on players who score goals and it’s understandable they want to protect their investment. That’s what I’m here to do…protect the investment.”

Narrator: “There’s plenty of highly paid players for Sinn Nolan to protect in North American hockey. The question is whether or not North American hockey is ready for him. Sinn will tell you that it doesn’t matter.”

[Cut to Sinn stepping off the plane and walking onto the Tarmac at Lambert International Airport.]

Sinn: “Blokes will speculate, “…this big Irishman doesn’t fit into our game…”. Well *beep* ‘em. I don’t need to fit…I will force my way in.”

//787 words//

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