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S35 Championship Week

TASK ONE: I've decided to volunteer Rick James (<a href='index.php?showuser=1883' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>RHolder71</a>) to drive us to game 1 of the finals (or rather, have his driver drive us, because everyone knows Rick James doesn't need to drive himself around- nor should he!Wink, but I wouldn't just do that without decorating his whip accordingly.

How does one go about decorating a car for Rick James? Well, first, you must know that RJ drives around in a limo, not too dissimilar to this one:

<center>[Image: armor1.jpg]

Before I stepped in, it was like most limos, seating all around, a few ice holes for your cold drinks, and plenty of scotch guard... Well, I took it upon myself to add a few things including:

-Pole for exotic dancers in the center of the isle. Because I chose to upgrade, the pole came with the dancer:
[Image: Ford450_interior_2.jpg]

-Hopefully he's not too pissed... but I cut out a portion of the back to add this sweet baby. What better way to relax pre-game, and pre-party, than to take a dip in the hot tub?:
[Image: 2.jpg]

I also sent it into the body shop for a little wrap, just to avoid any confusion as to who we are. It's not back yet, but I had them use this as the motivation:
[Image: RaidersRig.jpg]</center>

Needless to say I think RJ and the rest of the crew are going to be pretty stoked on my choices for decor when we take a few road trips to Portland and Toronto for the finals. Safe to say we won't need to bother taking a plane or chopper any time soon...

258 Words


Host: Welcome back to the Game Day Preview of the S35 SHL Finals, we've got Texas Renegade Conklin Owen in studio to answer a few questions. Thanks for dropping by, Mr. Owen.

CO: Please, call me Conklin. Thanks for having me, it's a pleasure.

Host: So we've got 2 teams here in Portland and Toronto who have never won a championship, so someone's popping their victory cherry this year regardless of the outcome. That's quite a contrast to what we've seen lately in terms of who has been hoisting the cup, isn't it?

CO: Yeah, it's great. To see two teams in it facing off for their first ever victory is compelling hockey. Of the last 8 years, only 2 teams not named the Dragons or the Wolfpack have managed to win the cup, and to be honest, I think things were getting a little stale. To see the Rage win last year, and to see Portland come back for another shot at their first against one of the most historically down trodden teams in the league- with a chance of redemption, is really cool.

Host: So who do you think will take the series? Why?

CO: I'm actually hoping for a Toronto win, to be honest. Last year Portland knocked us out of the Western Conference Finals, and I've still got a bitter taste in my mouth from that, believe it or not. Toronto has gotten the best of the regular season series, but there's only 2 games between them, so for some reason I still feel like they're the underdogs. Maybe it's their history that's coming out more than anything in that assessment, but either way, I think they'll win it. They just seem to be experts at converting on the chances they get, and even though Portland is the heavier shooting team, I think the North Stars are ready to shine in the brightest of moments.

Host: Anyone in particular you're rooting for?

CO: My former teammate, Evandrus Jesster. I was sad to see <a href='index.php?showuser=19' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Jesster</a> go when he was traded away, I've always been friends with him, and though we haven't spoken in quite a while, I still hope for the best for him. It'd be a really nice feather in his cap to see him be part of Toronto's first victory so late in his career.

Host: That's all the time we've got for Conklin Owen, we've got a lot more to get to. Again, thanks for stopping by, we always appreciate your insight.

CO: Yeah my pleasure, hopefully you'll be asking someone else about how Texas will fare in the finals this time next season!

431 words

TASK FOUR: I've got to go with Tononto North Stars' goal tender Jeff Kirkstone for MVP at this point. While it's true that Kyle Wahlgren has almost certainly been the better of the two players, with his .925 save percentage on the season... Kirkstone has stepped up in a huge way in the post season.

His regular season save rate wasn't anything to write home about- only managing a .905, good for 11th on the year. The regular season ends, and since then he's been at .912- that's a BIG jump! He's got the second best figure in playoff play outside Kyle. Yes, Wahlgren has gotten better too, up from .920, so both goal tenders are really playing top notch right now... it's just that Kirkstone's surge is coming at the most important time, and he's been able to bring home the wins for his team when they need him most. He's been the X factor for Toronto this year, so he's my pick.

162 words

TASK FIVE:  My first question is for Evandrus <a href='index.php?showuser=19' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Jesster</a>: What was it in Toronto which enabled you to put up such strong numbers this season? Was there a particular player you had great chemistry with? Was it a strategy which just fit your style of play perfectly, or was it something else? It definitely seems like the change of scenery away from Texas has treated you well. It's something I'm glad for, for your sake, but also kind of bummed about, because we miss that production here.

Next question is for <a href='index.php?showuser=1833' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>Cynthia</a>. You're coming up against a Portland team who threatened to win it all last year, and who seems to be on quite the roll this season. Do you see your team as coming in as the underdogs, despite besting Portland in the regular season?

Likewise, I have a question for <a href='index.php?showuser=2378' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-66'>MWHazard</a>. Portland shelled you guys in the regular season, despite the fact that you guys have the better goal tender. Sure, it was only 2 games, but it appears they have the upper hand? What does your team have to do in order to neutralize their strengths, and what's their biggest weakness you need to exploit to win?

I've got a bonus question for <a href='index.php?showuser=1045' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>Steelhead77</a>... How did you, despite having 3 of the top 5, and 5 of the top 7 scorers, manage to get ousted from the playoffs?! After you guys rolled over Texas, I thought for sure you were a lock to make the finals. What went wrong? Who do you have to win this series?

4 questions

[Image: tZTGSGj.png]
[Image: 2AFxw6o.png]

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