1. Welcome to the league! What is your player's name and position?
Mason Hudson, LW
2. What are you looking for from the team that drafts you?
cool ppl, active teammates, a team that can win in the next couple seasons
3. What sets you apart from other prospects in this draft?
i've got a fat bank account and a hall of fame player
4. How important is playing time to you for your rookie season?
pretty important
5. What is more important to you: winning or an active locker room?
ahhhhh they're pretty even tbh, i'll be in the discord more than the lr tho
6. Tell us an interesting fact about yourself?
i was on tv a couple of time lol, nothing too crazy
7. What is your favorite NHL team and player?
leafs, andrew shaw
8. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how interested in becoming a Halifax Raider are you?
about as interested as any other team
9. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how active do you plan on being?
probably a 6-7
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