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Dean Colt III, First Interview
(This post was last modified: 08-28-2018, 09:45 PM by Mac.)

1,330 Words

*The camera pans the lockerroom of the Saskachewan Scalliwags, after a few minutes of silence, the door bursts open and in falls a wrinkled old carcass.*

???: Sorry, Gadies and Lentlemen. I got a bit distracted at the local pub. I stopped in for a little drinkey poo and I let the liquor do the thinking, unfortunately, it thought we should get to know each other a bit better, and well, here we are, hope I havent kept you waiting too long, my name is Richard Shivers, but most call me Dick.

Dick Shivers: Do I have a treat for you all today. I have gotten an interview with the Scalliwags top two stars, Dean Colt III and Brock Nuck,the dynamic duo who has combined for a total of 69 goals and 140 assists throughout the season, with Colt scoring 45 and putting up 55 assists for 100 points, and the playmaking winger, Nuck, putting up 24, to go with an astounding 85 assists.

At just 18 years of age, both of these boys have some of the largest frames in the league, and not just the South Saskatchewan Northerneastern Minor Junior Major League, but in the entirety of the hockey universe, with Colt clocking in at six foot six, and Nuck, at six foot eight, these two terrors have one of the most intimidating lines in the league.

*Door opens and in comes Colt*

Dick: Where is Nuck?

Dean: He couldnt make it, he sends his apologies, as far as I know, he has been sidetracked by an attractive female...or females rather, he said he'd be busy a few hours, or well into the early morning and to carry on without him.

Dick: Well then, I dont see a reason why we can't get started without him, why dont you have a seat and we can get down to business.

Dean: Sounds good, so I hear you did a lot of interviews with my Grandfather, Dean, from the start of juniors right up until his career ended, how was he.

Dick: He once locked me in a crate and sent me down river from your families cabin in the mountains.

Dean: Yes, I recall him telling that story, I havent been up there for quite some time myself. Ever since the police closed the investigation into the disappearnce of Jermaine Tennyson after the end of the Season 23 playoffs.

Dick: I recall that, your grandfather was a prime suspect but there no conclusive evidence to pin it on him. Then again, a lot of people weren't too pleased, so it really could have been anyone.

Dean: Thats what my Grandpappy always used to say, that it could have been anyone on the Wolfpack, and that is no reason to suspect him, just because some hair and blood was found in his trunk. He gave Tennyson a ride once and the blood and hair must have come off his hockey bag.

Dick: Right...Right...Well Dean, with the upcoming Season, where do you think you will end up playing? Any hopes, dreams or goals you want to share with us?

Dean: Well, as many are aware my Grandpappy was a faceoff god, I intend to surpass those records in due time, It is my goal to be the top of the leaderboards from the time I enter the SHL, until my retirement, and I will say, that will be a very long way off. I know he intended to play a lot longer, but retired early due to a case of Brumitis, I know he regrets it to this day, he could have been one of the all time greats. I remember there was an article written in Season 38, several seasons post retirement that still placed him in the top 20 centers based on stats alone, despite not having played for several seasons in comparison to others on the list.

Yes, he was a work horse and at times, as dumb as one to boot, but he was focused on his goals and what he wanted to be in the league and I think he succeeded with it, he was reigning leader in faceoff wins and I believe has the best career percentage at 55.20%, that will be a difficult number to reach and maintain, as he never was below 50% his entire career. Do you think you will be able to match those numbers?

Dean: I have worked on my faceoffs from the very start and intend on being the best in every league and level of play. I will continue to work on them this season, and next as well, with my shot, skating and puck handling I am looking to provide the offense as well, where he would shut down opposing players with his defensive skills and strength, I am seeking to carry the puck, dangle, snipe, wheel, and celly all the way.

Dick: Thats a good focus to have, do you think you will be as successful without Nuck on your wing should it come to that? You have played most of your career with him on your wing, bringing in comparisons to St. Louis and Stamkos in the NHL, with how they seemed to be in tune with each other and having an exceptional one timer.

Dean: That is a comparison I can live with, though the size difference between those two and us is a bit off, I agree, the guy is able to land it on my tape nearly everytime for me to bury it for the goal. I cant even begin to describe the countless hours we have spent practicing and without him, my production may suffer until my linemates and I practice and know each others tendancies enough to reach that level.

Dick: You have put a lot of work into your game, is there anything you feel needs improvement?

Dean: There is always room for improvement, Dick. I dont check as much as someone of my size would be expected to, I am more a finesse, point producer, however my strength allows me to keep control in the corners and from being knocked off the puck too often, so that helps and I find a lot draw penalties in frustration. Thats why when I check, its always a good clean hit that knocks the opponent on their ass, and keeps me out of the penalty box. I know my grandpappy was a hitting machine at times, and won the Turd one year, along with my linemates daddy, Bubba. Now being that fearsome among your peers is great, but you don't score often from the box and Id rather be on the ice.

Dick: Your shooting percentage this season was an astounding sixty percent, what caused such skills to develop?

Dean: I take the shot if I am all but certain it will go in or we will see a highlight reel save to stop it, otherwise, I pass off to my linemates or the defense and look for room and a shooting lane, hoping someone may set up a screen as well to get me an opening.

Dick: You have had some beautiful goals and I agree, a lot of highlight reel saves have been off your shots. You practice near constantly, I have heard that you show up to practice early, wearing a weighted vest and you skate for an hour or two after wearing it as well.

Dean: Completely right, I am so used to carrying an extra 50 pounds around the ice, that during game time, I feel so light on my feet that I can easily outpace most of the league to get to the net and split the defense.

Dick: Well Dean, it seems the juniors will have their hands full attempting to contain you, thats all the time we have for now, thank you for your time and for the interview.

Dean: You are welcome, Dick.

*Dick Passes out as the camera fades out*

[Image: CamNosreh.png]

Messages In This Thread
Dean Colt III, First Interview - by Mac - 08-28-2018, 09:44 PM
RE: Dean Colt III, First Interview - by King - 08-30-2018, 09:11 AM
RE: Dean Colt III, First Interview - by ontanis - 08-30-2018, 09:15 AM

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