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League Personal Conduct Change / Slash Suspension

While I am strongly against the use of slurs and being an asshole just for the sake of it, I do agree with Slappy and others in that these rules might go a bit too far. It's good that we as a league want to do more against hate speech and that certain kinds of behaviour are clearly gonna be marked as unacceptable from now on but wow... this is quite far-reaching while also leaving a lot of room for interpretation that could lend itself to misuses of power and overreach in the future. I don't doubt that the people behind this rule change have the best intentions but I'm not sure if methods as drastic as this are necessary - especially because I think the league has actually improved a lot in this regard over the last few years!

In the recent Thunderdome, people in the thread were almost unanimously against the use of slurs with just a small handful of users defending their use. Now I remember having the exact same discussions just a few years ago and back then, percentages were waaaaaaaaay different. A lot more people were defending the use of slurs and personal attacks back then, it actually felt like it was the majority of users and even if it was just a minority, it sure was a very loud and confident one. I know this is only a small comfort at best for the members who are affected by these slurs right now, but we have already made massive progress in recent years and attitudes have already changed significantly. I think we should continue on this steady route of progress and gradual changing of attitudes and not risk creating massive pushback with drastic rule changes that might be seen as overreach even by people who are totally against the use of slurs and hate speech.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
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RE: League Personal Conduct Change / Slash Suspension - by RomanesEuntDomus - 09-14-2018, 09:31 PM

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