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League Personal Conduct Change / Slash Suspension

09-14-2018, 04:25 PMNJBadApple Wrote: While the words they are 'banning' are certainly ban/suspension worthy, why include the TD in this?  Furthermore, and probably a bigger a concern, is why are people bringing feelings into the TD?  If we're going to undermine the beauty and (really) necessity of the TD, then why does it even exist...

While I don't like the fact that we've had to go to such a clear cut blacklist (and it will backfire, because it'll mean a lot more work and thought required from HO almost immediately), I would point out that if you need any of those 4 words in the Thunderdome, you're not very good at it.

[Image: avakaelsig.gif]

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RE: League Personal Conduct Change / Slash Suspension - by Avakael - 09-14-2018, 09:54 PM

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