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League Wide Topic

The SHL Collective Bargaining Agreement is fastly approaching, we have a lot of things that can be considered by players, teams, and by Officials of the League. The Collective Bargaining Agreement doesn't seem to be getting close on either side, as the League stands by the rules they have now, and the players feel inclined to more money per year.

SHL Players have the demand for more money, and GMs demand a larger Salary Cap. These are the 2 big issues the league is having to deal with. SHL GMs, and Players both agree that the Contract Tiers should be taken out completely, but League feels it is a great way to make an anti-super team. Which players do not agree with as they should be able to make a super team. Players have asked why they have done this, and it is the Leagues full decision to either change it or keep it the same. 

Maximum season length for 2-4 is a troubling idea to players, as they feel they should be in charge of how long they should play for a team this is another agreement that players have to agree with that League should not restrict how many years some players should play, while everyone agree limit on a ELC should be 3 Years, but after that 3 year deal it should not stop them from signing a long-term contract.

The hometown discount rule would no longer be in effect as the tier would no longer be existent in this next upcoming stage of the (CBA). It's more of a substantial rule, but it will no longer take into effect in the next couple of seasons, as players are starting to call a hold out if they do not get a new Deal soon. Main point of eliminating Tier is so Unrestricted Free Agents can make more money, or less money depending on how they choose to go. Players will have 3 Seasons Restricted Free Agent as soon as their Entry Level Contract ends, which will make it more fair to SHL Teams, and GMs to sign players instead of losing them because they want more money they are offering.

I personally have made a cap plan 70M, and a 8M Minor League Cap Space. I think that in order for the League to work this out increase the cap by 1M-2.5M per year for the next 5 Seasons in order to make the SHL players, and GMs happy with the Collective Bargaining Agreement, as they want more money is the main source of issue, and it's not a huge problem to just up the cap space, and up the contract salaries as a whole. 

Players are demanding No Movement Clauses, No Trade Clauses, and Modified-No Trade Clauses over the course of a contract, as players may get trade when they do not want to be traded which makes them feel secure for a team, but players do have the option of waiving it as they can receives a trade offer, and if the player likes he takes it. On the other side GMs would not like to be stuck with those contract if they become bad. So if a player is inactive for 2 Weeks or more (14 Days+) any Clause in the contract will be fully nullified for the rest of the contract, unless appealed or the player gives them a heads up he will be gone. 

Players have also asked that signing bonuses, performance bonuses be added into contracts as players over reach their marks, and don't get rewarded for them, and they have ask that they receives bonuses depending on if they reach certain amount, or if they receives a signing bonus. I have thought this one through as well as I have thought put a Limit on the contract bonuses for signing a bonus aty 3M as the max to signing a contract, and for performance bonuses no more than 10M be given out per year, but due to teams having not a lot of money, I would say this 10M bonuses will not be met a lot which is why it's a 10M bonus. Only the best of the best can get these normally, and it is a big interest booster when it comes to having a Free Agency war over a player. 

Overall the League has a lot to work out with Players, and General Managers over the course of the next few months. Getting ready for another season, and it might come to a lock out if it ever were to occur, that the League won't meet the demands of the players, and general managers alike. It has come to my attention that all of these things can be met, but will they be met is the question. We will find out in the upcoming months, after this season is over, but the big idea is that contracts, and fairness balance between General Managers, and Players need to be well improved, and it has not been that way yet.

Messages In This Thread
League Wide Topic - by ItssYoBoiDaLegend - 07-01-2019, 03:19 PM
RE: League Wide Topic - by Chris-McZehrl - 07-01-2019, 03:30 PM
RE: League Wide Topic - by artermis - 07-02-2019, 09:35 AM
RE: League Wide Topic - by Troy_McClure03 - 07-02-2019, 09:38 AM
RE: League Wide Topic - by ontanis - 07-02-2019, 09:43 AM

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