01-21-2020, 10:29 PMSamee Wrote: don't you guys piss in the toilet before going for a shower what the fuvk
PeE iS fOr InHaLiNg, NoT tHe ShOwEr
Big time pee-in-the-shower guy, despite being a prominent defender of the eat-in-the-shower lifestyle. Yea, I’m efficient.
SlashACM made some good points; the only thing further that I would factor in to my decision making is that if something gross happened to me (one of my piss bottles that I keep under the seat of my car spilled onto my ankle) the first thing that I would want to do is shower. In theory, nothing too dirty can ever happen in the shower because as soon as you get some soap and water going, you are back to being as clean as possible.
If you have to shower, cook, and clean a toilet in an afternoon, you clean the toilet first and then shower to get the filth off of you before doing something where cleanliness is valuable. If you know that your cleanliness is going to reset to “100” after your shower, you should be able to do pretty anything in the shower. For wafflestomping, it’s pretty similar, but the odds of getting all of your business through the grate is poor, and that’s a bit of a worse clean up.