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Big Wanger's Press Conference
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2020, 06:07 AM by Ferda.)

05-22-2020, 03:21 PMkarey Wrote: 1.) "Favourite eating spot in Richmond?"

2.) "Why are soup dumplings so damn good and how many can you eat in a sitting?"

3.) "Do your hats still fit now that bank overlord has gone to your head?"

4.) "Favourite Canuck all time?"

5.) "You can have dinner with 3 of the following. Who do you choose, and why?
Don Cherry, Bieksa, Strombone1, Hank, Dan, Iginla, Sakic, Bissonnette, Rory Fitzpatrick, Judd Brackett, Jimothy Timothy, Petey, Burr, Big burt, Trevor Linden, Eddie Lack."
  • Favourite eating spot in Richmond?
Damn, you are really putting me on the spot here because that is pretty much asking me what my favourite food is too. I guess if I wanted to play it safe then I would have to say Silver Tower near Lansdowne Mall. It’s an Asian western fusion restaurant which are literally everywhere in Richmond, but I like Silver Tower the most because of a lot of reasons. The first one being that their opening hours are super clutch for an early or late bite to eat. They open at 9 AM and have breakfast till 11 AM. Afterwards, they have lunch and dinner options from 11 AM until 2:30 AM the next day, so their opening hours are 9 AM to 2:30 AM. I have lost count of how many times that my friends and I were hungry after some late-night shenanigans and couldn’t decide on what to eat, which leads me to the menu options. Like I said, Silver Tower is an Asian western fusion restaurant, so they have a lot of different things to choose from their menu. You can choose from stuff like baked pork cutlet over rice (with tomato or cream sauce) all the way to Singaporean style stir fry noodles and don’t forget, each menu item comes with a free drink and there’s also a lot of those to choose from. You could have stuff from the usual milk tea or lemon tea all the way to stuff like iced Ribena and lemon. If you didn’t know, Ribena is a blackcurrant drink that can be made from concentrate and it’s delicious with lemon. That’s all that I can really say. I think the only drawbacks of going to Silver Tower over the other Asian fusion restaurants is that the parking outside is absolutely horrendous because they share parking spots with Matsuyama, which is a popular cheap sushi place (pretty shit quality) and the interior of the restaurant is very visually unappealing. The portions are not the biggest, but the quality of the food is generally pretty food for the price and the service is usually pretty good. Oh yeah, and they only take cash, but you should know by now that most Asian restaurants in Richmond only take cash. They usually get pretty busy around lunch time (Noon to 2 PM) if they aren’t restricted by social distancing and also around dinner time (6 to 8 PM), so I’d suggest you go for a late afternoon lunch or go if you end up in Richmond late at night. I haven’t said much about breakfast because it’s the least special part of their menu, but I’d say its passable in terms of the Asian fusion breakfast menu list. However, I’d assume you would want bigger portions when you’re having breakfast because there’s only so many ways for you to have a typical Asian (HK Style) breakfast. Usually you’d pick one item from section A, such as 2 eggs and bacon, and then pair it with one item from section B, such as macaroni with ham, and the total of that would be about 7 to 8 dollars in Trudeau Monopoly money. If you want a big Asian fusion breakfast then I’d recommend 1+1 Café even though they’re pretty shit aside from their huge portions, so if you want to get full then I’d recommend that place. But, for everything else I’d recommend Silver Tower. It’s my go-to for Asian fusion and you can’t go wrong with them. The food is passable, and the service is alright. You sort of know what to expect when you go into an Asian fusion restaurant. If I were to rate it on a strict scale ranging from 1 being a restaurant with shitty food and shitty service and 10 being the best food and the best service you’ve ever had, I’d give Silver Tower like a 6 out of 10. I give them a 6 where it can be broken down into 3 points for food and 3 points for service. I feel like if I rated them any higher, I would be overrating them. But if I put their score any lower, then Silver Tower would be among the rest of the very average to below average Asian fusion restaurants. I would recommend it for a place that you don’t expect much out of because it’s really nothing special, but I put them down as my Favourite place in Richmond due their reliability and flexible hours which is perfect for a night owl like myself. I always order the baked chicken fillet on rice with cream sauce because they add a bunch of cheese on top that melts and makes it super creamy and delicious.
  • Why are soup dumplings so damn good and how many can you eat in a sitting?
I have no idea man. I’ve had my fair share of Shanghainese soup dumplings, aka xiao long bao in Chinese PinYin or XLB for abbreviation, and I’ve slowly grown more and more particular about what restaurants or stores that I buy frozen ones from. If you like xiao long bao, then I’d also recommend sheng jian bao. Sheng jian bao are known as pan-fried pork soup dumplings if you haven’t had them before. The outside of the soup dumpling is thicker like a typical “bao” skin and is deep fried to a slight crisp and topped with diced green onions. All of the soupy goodness is still preserved inside the dumpling and you get a nice crispy and chewy texture from the thicker skin of the soup dumpling. I will say though, some people don’t like them because sometimes they can be made with too little filling so the ratio between soup, meat and the dough. But, that notion varies between people based on where they have had them and also how they were prepared since each place will prepare them differently. I’ll give a good recommendation to my go-to place in Richmond (and possibly in Vancouver) which is BaiYuLan beside Lansdowne Mall. They have great service and have been my entire family’s (and extended family’s) Favourite spot to go have Shanghainese food. Go give them a try if you haven’t and make sure to order as fast as you can eat them because the moment you let them sit for a little bit, the xiao long bao will start sticking to the paper at the bottom of the bamboo steamer. I’m guessing you know all of this since you’re bringing it up to me now but let me know how you feel about the xiao long bao and sheng jian bao from BaiYuLan. Don’t order takeout from there because the quality just won’t be the same. Wait until quarantine stops or call in to see if they are allowing a few sit-in customers. Gotta have them fresh or not at all. In terms of how many I can actually eat? Well… I’m pretty sure that I can eat at least 2 full steamers full of them. AT THE VERY LEAST. Call me fat or whatever you want, but when I’m hungry I can’t stop eating them.
  • Do your hats still fit now that bank overlord has gone to your head?
Hey, what can I say man? I control the economy. If I don’t like you, I can empty your bank account in one fell swoop! Don’t try and cross me man, I know you’re on my team and all but you better watch what you say around me.

Also, this joke will definitely be taken out of context by someone and I’ll never hear the end of it. I’ll even leave a space for you to get a better screen cap too. @nour I’ll be waiting for the punishment thread to be posted.
  • Favourite Canuck all time?
I’m not the type to fawn over star players that are on my team because I feel like there’s more to being an NHL player than just playing well. The history of humanitarian contributions from members of the Vancouver Canucks has led me to feel this way about those who have such a large social platform to improve the city and its communities. Anyways, before this player, I think my Favourite player was definitely number 19, Markus Naslund. I loved Nazzy’s respectful and stoic approach both on and off the ice because it helped me learn how to be level-headed while playing hockey and as a person in general. The fact that he was able to withstand the constant grind that is the Vancouver and Canadian media was amazing and it’s easy to see why the Sedins were able to become such highly touted figures in the city too. The West Coast Express line only boosted my love for the team and Nazzy as a player because they were damn near impossible at times (at least until Sedin-ery became a thing). If you think back to all the times we fell short in the Western Conference Playoffs in the early 2000s, you can see that it was taking a toll on all of the other guys, but Nazzy would have to face the demons time and time again. He would never fail to give the fans hope and optimism even though times were getting tough and eventually his decline in play only made it clear that he was just an all-around great person. He’s part of the reason why the other Canuck players would go out of their way to make your day or life by simply taking a photograph or signing something for you and giving you a quick chat about your life since they already knew a lot about yours. Add on the fact that he was an insanely skilled sniper and it’s obvious why he was such a loved player during his time on the Canucks. The understanding that hockey is merely just a sport and the fact that their position allowed them to impact so many people’s lives through their opportunity to give back to the community will always be something that I’ll look back on in Nazzy’s tenure because he, and the other former Canuck leaders, molded a team around their willingness to give back to others.

My Favourite player nowadays is definitely Kevin Bieksa or Juice, as I’m going to call him for most of this post. I think the fact that the only reason why he ended up on the Canucks’ radar was because he punched Fedor Fedorov in the face. If you didn’t know, Kevin Bieksa was one of your regular guys that didn’t seem to have a clear path to the NHL prior to his promotion from the Manitoba Moose. He spent 80 games in Manitoba before his eventual call-up to the Vancouver Canucks in the 2005-2006 season. There was nothing too special about Juice’s play on the ice, but as you can probably tell if you’ve ever watched him in the media or against (or on) your Favourite team, then you would understand that he’s a big stand-up guy that shows a lot of character. As I stated earlier, the reason why he was even put on the map was because he accidentally spilled Fedor Fedorov’s beer by accidentally bumping into him. Juice even offered to buy him another one, but according to Brian Burke, the General Manager of the Vancouver Canucks at the time, Fedorov was not willing to take an apology from a rookie and offered to fight him outside. Juice even refused to fight him at the time and tried to defuse the situation, but Fedorov was having none of it. Thus, leading to his infamous knock out punch on Fedorov and what he thought was his final moments with the Canucks organization. Obviously, that wasn’t the case, and he ended up becoming a solid second pairing defenseman that was instrumental in the Canucks’ run to the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals, where the NHL Head Office decided to cancel the finals for the first time in NHL history. The man who scored the game winning goal to get them to that Stanley Cup Final? Kevin fucking Bieksa. Never forget #STANCHIONGATE. I’ll never forget that goal because I was watching the game with my dad, I had never seen him so excited after a game before as we were jumping around the living room in joy. Add on the miracle dragon slayer goal from the first round and you can only imagine how happy we were to have gone on such a storied run to a cancelled Stanley Cup Finals. Very unfortunate to say the last. Anyways, Juice’s contributions off the ice are the main reason why he’s my favourite Canucks player ever because his charisma and desire to make people happy was very different from the very calm demeanor that the Sedins and the rest of the Canucks players had at the time. In the NHL, it is still very normal to be non-confrontational and provide the same bland statements in interviews as to not draw too much unnecessary attention to the player and the team. Guys like Jeremy Roenick or Sean Avery were typically the wild guys in the media and would go against the norm to create the stereotype that anyone who wasn’t super bland in the media was considered a troublemaker. Juice proved that it was possible to avoid falling into that class by showing that an NHL player could differentiate his play on the ice by creating a bold and funny off-ice persona. From interviews, charity events and now his podcast, Juice created the funny goofball that is a stand-up guy that is caring about the community. He would fight for what he believed was right both on and off the ice. I'll never forget the superman punch that he had on Mike Richards and all the times he stood up for his teammates. There’s a reason why Juice was the comedic relief during the Sedins’ jersey induction ceremony and it was definitely for all of the reasons stated above. Go watch his speech for the twins and go check out the Kes and Juice podcast if you haven’t already. The guy his hilarious and is just a great person overall. I’m sure he’ll be considered for the Ring of Honor at some point in the future because he’s in the same realm as Alex Burrows to me and Burr just got put up there. If I’m being honest, you could put most of that 2011 team into the Ring of Honor, but that’s getting too far from this question. Kevin Bieksa, also known as Juice, is definitely my favourite player Canucks player of all time because he’s charismatic, funny and fits my description as to what an athlete should strive to be.
  • You can have dinner with 3 of the following. Who you choose and why?
I am way too biased here, but I’d have to go with Kevin Bieksa, Alex Burrows and Roberto Luongo (strombone1) simply because they’re all fucking hilarious and some of my favourite players from that 2011 Canucks team. I already talked about Juice above, so for this one I’ll focus mainly on Burr and Lou. Burr is such a hilarious and lighthearted guy who was always a loveable pest on the ice. He was definitely one of those guys who you would love to have on your team, but absolutely hate playing against. The guy is definitely one of the best players to have put on a Canucks sweater and I was there to watch his induction into the Ring of Honor when the Canucks played against the Senators this past (or ongoing, I have no idea anymore) season and it was so heartwarming to watch one of your favourite heart-and-soul players get recognized for his contributions. My favourite story of Burr was on episode 2 of the Kes & Juice Podcast, where Burr was the guest interviewee. They were telling a story about how they were in a hotel in Chicago and they could hear a couple having super loud sex. Well, Juice decided that it would be a good idea to prank Burr by asking him to bring an ice pack to his room, but instead of giving him the correct room number, Juice gave him the room number of the couple who were goin’ at it. The guy can give and take a joke and there’s no wonder why he’s one of the crowd favourites when you think of former Canucks players. If I were able to have dinner with Juice and Burr at the table, then the other guests around us better be ready to hear us laughing and going at each other once we have a couple of beers in our system. I’d think that they’d be 2 great buddies to have a drink with. Add on the third guy on the list, probably the quietest and also one of the funnier ones, Roberto Luongo and you have a trio that is going to be all laughs and funny business. Lou has always avoided showing his funny side, but as you listed his Twitter handle, strombone1, you can’t ignore that the guy has a great sense of humor and knows when to crack a joke. The guy is, no doubt, the best goaltender in Vancouver Canucks history and that 2011 would never have happened if it weren’t for his stellar play throughout his time here in Vancouver. Don’t forget that at one point, he was the Captain of the Canucks, so even the players in the locker room knew that he shows a lot of leadership. He also singlehandedly lifted Vancouver from being a bubble playoff team into serious consideration as a threat for the Stanley Cup. I believe that all of the flack that he got from the Vancouver media was relatively unjustified and simply created by writers who do not have the strongest grasp of the game of hockey. Lou took all of the criticism pretty well and you can tell from all the self-deprecating jokes that he made, that he was well aware of himself and was willing to take the heat like a champ. If I’ve got very talkative guys in Burr and Juice, then Lou would be a great compliment to the table. I have no doubt in my mind that having dinner with these 3 guys would be a fun and memorable time.

05-22-2020, 03:22 PMfrithjofr Wrote: 1.) "How big is your hog?"

2.) "Follow up question, show us your hog."
  • How big is your hog?
From a quick Google search, I found that the average domestic pig is about 135 cm in length and about 74 cm tall with a weight of about 300 kg. If I were to use a ratio between my hog size and the size of the average hog, by my calculations, my hog would be about the size of 0.2 hogs. You’d think 0.2 hogs is very little but think of the fucking size of the average hog. Like come on man, they’re basically a miniature version of a cow and cows can be fucking huge too. So yeah, I’d say 0.2 hogs is about the size of my hog and I believe that it’s a respectable size to be at.
  • Follow up question, show us your hog.
[Image: VLMRiQI.png]

05-22-2020, 03:37 PMMayuu Wrote: "Hi Wanger,"

1.) "E-boy or E-Girl?"

2.) "10 hours of AYAYA or Nyan Cat?"

3.) "Dick fingers or finger dick?"
  • E-boy or E-Girl?
Definitely e-boys man. You can never pass up some raw gachi over some e-thot. Always remember that our daddy told us not to be ashamed of your dicks. Rest in peace Billy Herrington, also known as Aniki. :pepehands:
  • 10 hours of ayaya or nyan cat?
This was definitely a hard question to answer. They both have their pros and cons, but the main concern is whether or not I have to watch the entire 10 hours. I’m going to assume that I do, so I am going to have to go with 10 hours of nyan cat. Firstly, the fact that ayaya is from an anime already puts it into a bad light. Next, you already know that we always need to keep the door open so that we can say “WEEBS OUT”. This presser is a weeb free zone and even though I seen the ayaya clip, I couldn’t stand watching it for 10 hours straight. Nyan cat on the other hand, is a wholesome pooptart cat and the video is at least interesting because of the stars and the galaxy. Also, the song is a god damn banger that has highs and lows that you can jam to without getting a brain aneurysm like ayaya. WEEBS OUT.
  • Dick fingers or finger dick?
I think the main question is whether or not I want to have 10 tiny dicks (yes, including the thumb here) or just 1 tiny dick. Once you put it that way, doesn’t the answer become glaringly obvious? Who wouldn’t want the ability to cum 10 times at once? I’ll take the question at face value and assume that the dick fingers replace my current dick too. Imagine the massive NUT from cumming all at once. Sure, I wouldn’t be able to really knock someone up, but at the very least I’ll still be able to pleasure someone who is willing to take my unique condition for who I am. Meanwhile, having a finger dick would just mean complete disappointment as it would be way too small. Sure, size isn’t everything. But when your dick is the size of a finger, it’s hard to ignore the fact that it’s barely providing any meaningful stimulation. That’s why dick fingers will always be superior to a finger dick and why I would choose them 10/10 times if I was forced to.

05-22-2020, 06:29 PMnour Wrote: 1.) "What’s the best burger you’ve ever had?"

2.) "Any ideas for your recreate in the future? Name? Position?"

3.) "Describe your favourite underwear?"

4.) "Who wins the challenge cup in S54?"
Hello Mr. Nour Harrak, my Arabian boyfriend, thanks for the questions! Congrats on your Hamilton Steelhawks and Detroit Falcons on winning the Challenge and Four Star Cups in the inaugural season of FHM.[/s]
  • What’s the best burger you’ve ever had?
The best burger I’ve ever had is definitely at Bin 4 on Granville Street just before the Granville Street Bridge in Vancouver. The level of burgers that I have had definitely isn’t that high and I also believe that it’s hard to judge a burger because of how simple they can be, but I think this place has some of the best burgers in the Vancouver area. They serve a burger called “The Breakfast Club” which contains a pork patty made from locally sourced, 63 Acres Premium BC pork and chorizo, along with a fried egg, smoked bacon, house made roasted jalapeno guacamole, roasted garlic aioli, 5 year cheddar, butter lettuce, tomato and red onion. If that doesn’t make your mouth water at the thought of it, I don’t know what will. The burger is fucking huge and you really need to squish it together in order to fit it in your mouth. Like holy shit, you read the ingredients list again and you imagine the sheer size of that thing in both your hands as you try to stuff that thing down your throat like a caveman. I honestly think it is part of a plan to make such a big burger so that you have to squish it and have all the stuff mix together before you take a big bite. The problem is that if you’re not careful enough, the stuff will start spilling out of its ass like a leaky butthole, so you really need to perfect the technique of handling a big burger otherwise you’re going to have a bad time. To pair with the burger, you get a choice of house cut fries or house made chips. Personally, I’d go with the chips because their fries are a bit too fat and mushy for my liking and the chips provide a nice crunch which is a nice contrast to the textures that you’ll be getting from the burger. The chips are lightly salted, and they provide you with your choice of 1 of their dips. There’s a ton of dips to choose from, but my choice would definitely be the garlic aioli since it’s one of the more balanced flavors out of their list. However, you can choose it to your liking because the dips definitely have too much preference tied to them for me to give you a real suggestion. If you are an indecisive person, then you can even pay a little extra for another dip to try too. So, to bring it all together, I’d usually order the Breakfast Club burger with chips and garlic aioli for the dip with your choice of drink. I’d go with a beer honestly because there’s so much fatty food. If you’re ever in town and want a burger, I’ll gladly take you there for a nice burger. The location is great because it’s not far from Downtown Vancouver and it’s got good food, good service and an overall chill atmosphere.
  • Any ideas for your recreate in the future? Name? Position?
Honestly, I haven’t thought about it too much so far, but I think the position of my recreate is definitely going to be doggystyle a sniping winger simply because I just want to score a bunch of fucking goals and let the other people play defense for a change. As for the name, I’ll have to figure that out when the time comes because I don’t really care what his/her/its name is going to be. I feel like I have more of an idea of what team(s) I want to go to for my recreate, but obviously things are likely to change later because Big Wanger isn’t even close, or even halfway, to the end of his career yet.
  • Describe your favourite underwear?
See, I want to cheat and just give you the name, but if you really want me to describe them then I guess I need to listen to my main man Nour Harrak. The first thing you need to know that they are boxer briefs. These briefs are made of a super soft, moisture wicking fabric that comes in a range of prints. I don’t really care about what print they have on them because this brand has pretty good-looking designs that won’t make anyone cringe if they were to see me wearing them. The moisture wicking fabric is definitely a big plus if you’re a sweaty dude because they air out super easily and dry super quick because of it. They offer a slim fit option too, but ya boi is a bit thicc so he gets the regular version. The waistband on them is a bit thick, but it’s not a problem once you put some mileage into them because they’ll stretch out eventually. I wear a medium size because I have about a 33 inch waist (which is a pain in the ass whenever I’m buying jeans). They are really snug and keep your junk in place so that you don’t need to adjust your manly bits often in public. I usually choose to have a fly on my underwear too, but I usually don’t use them. They offer easy access whenever I feel necessary and the price doesn’t change at all, so I’m like why not? This brand of underwear is a bit pricey, but I’m not afraid to shell out a bit extra to get good quality stuff, especially when I’m wearing them all day. At this point I’ve run out of ideas of how to describe them because there is only so many things you can say about a pair of underwear. If you were wondering, my favourite underwear is made by Saxx. They have a bunch of different styles, but the style that I always buy from them is the Vibe because they usually go on sale for around 20-25 bucks a pair. Like I said, they are a bit pricey, but I’ve worn mine for a long ass time and they’ve never made me feel uncomfortable.
  • Who wins the challenge cup in S54?
As much as I want to say that the Buffalo Stampede to win, I don’t want to put all of my money on us to win it all. I still think Buffalo will remain as a dark horse to win it all due to the strong goaltending tandem in Doyle and Robinson and the strong defensive core in Darrow, Scoop and Selich along with an abundance of 1k+ TPE forwards. However, you can’t ignore the fact that the New England Wolfpack have solved a lot of their problems going into S54. I think the addition of Benjamin Blue once again makes them the favourite to win the Four Star and the Presidents’ Trophy simply because their top lines are so strong. The eastern conference will definitely be a crapshoot, but I still believe that last season was a good indicator of who the top 3 will be and will continue to be. New England, Hamilton and Buffalo will continue to fight for that top spot and it will be interesting to see how teams adapt to each match up now that teams have a better understanding of the strategies that can be employed in FHM. I’m looking forward to seeing how it all pans out because even though I am picking the New England Wolfpack, I am not confident in them because of how close the TPE is between each team. A lot of the differences will be seen in their ability to formulate a good enough strategy to counter the other team and I think the Hamilton Steelhawks winning the S53 Challenge Cup is a good indicator of that. The sophomore season of the FHM sim engine will definitely be another fun one and I am really excited to see the outcome.

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[Image: dankestmemes69420.gif]

[Image: vhY18i8.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: nBgNUTY.png]
Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

Messages In This Thread
Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Ferda - 05-22-2020, 03:08 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by sve7en - 05-22-2020, 03:09 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Gooney - 05-22-2020, 03:09 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by 5ympathies - 05-22-2020, 03:09 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by bluesfan55 - 05-22-2020, 03:10 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by honkerrs - 05-22-2020, 03:18 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by fishy - 05-22-2020, 03:16 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by karey - 05-22-2020, 03:21 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by frithjofr - 05-22-2020, 03:22 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Mayuu - 05-22-2020, 03:37 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Mayuu - 05-22-2020, 03:37 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by nour - 05-22-2020, 06:29 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Lime - 05-22-2020, 07:43 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Grum - 05-22-2020, 08:36 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Zombiewolf - 05-22-2020, 08:40 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Ferda - 05-22-2020, 09:25 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Ferda - 05-22-2020, 10:10 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Ferda - 05-22-2020, 11:07 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Mayuu - 05-23-2020, 04:13 AM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Ferda - 05-23-2020, 04:28 AM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Mayuu - 05-23-2020, 04:54 AM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Nokazoa - 05-23-2020, 04:08 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Ferda - 05-24-2020, 06:01 AM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Ferda - 05-24-2020, 12:45 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by dylanjj37 - 05-24-2020, 02:10 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Ferda - 05-24-2020, 03:01 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by JSS - 05-24-2020, 03:25 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Ferda - 05-24-2020, 04:27 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by fishy - 05-24-2020, 06:04 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by fishy - 05-24-2020, 06:05 PM
RE: Big Wanger's Press Conference - by Ferda - 05-25-2020, 01:21 PM

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