The final buzzer sounds. Crestfallen, you drop to the ice as you realize that your best effort just wasn't enough. You were so excited when you scored that goal as it meant the world to your team. It was the goal that signaled that they could do this, but in the end the team just wasn't good enough. You were just not good enough. You made a lot of decisions tonight and just one of them played out in a goal for your team. The scoreboard shows 1-2. You definitely made your fair share of errors in your plays, but at the same time, you definitely made calls that kept the game tied. At the end of the game, a loss this close can only make you more frustrated than anything else.
Now exhausted, you take a moment to reflect about the game before the cheering gets so loud that you have no room in your thoughts for anything besides getting out of there. As you replay your actions from the night you can't help but linger over those moments where you could have played ever slightly more efficiently or skillfully. Two of those turnovers were your fault but the rest of your plays kept it a close game. Your defensive play is something to be looked at down the line. It was never your strong suit, but you have to do better in a game seven. It's a shame and it hurts at the moment. But scientists have been talking about if just the right circumstances line up you can try again.
Now the game is over. Your hard season has come to an end. As you straighten your shoulders to walk out with a little of pride left. You see the opponent's goal light up in a golden light. A voice says in your head "I'LL GIVE YOU ANOTHER SHOT"
You made a lot of terrible calls out there at the end. If you had just played it a little different you could have given a cushion to your team and let them play with more confidence. You might have even won the game. Take the chance.