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S55 PT #1 - Back To Where It All Began

Mobius. Metropolis Zone City. After the first season with the Knights, Fleetway Super Sonic decided to take the first ship back to Mobius to do a few things here and there, so now here he is. It can't be fully placed but, it's something about this place that seems so... familiar... While SS hadn't fully regained his memories, he still had feelings like these when certain places came to mind. However, before things could be thought about, SS gets stopped by a person hopping out in front of him. It's an oldish armadillo man wearing business casual clothes and glasses that look like they've stood the tests of time.

"Hey! You're that defensemen for Kelowna, right? Super Sonic correct?" SS nods. "It's nice to get to meet an upcoming prospect like you! I've been following some of your stats and performances, and I'd say you did pretty decently despite that sweep in the playoffs." Super Sonic thanks the man for his compliment. "Say... I know this sounds crazy but, could you do me a favor?" "I'm a teacher for Metropolis High, and we've been looking for someone with a speck of fame to come and talk to the kids about their futures for our career week. We'll pay you for your services, all we ask for is for you to come tomorrow. Is that alright with you?" SS thinks for a moment... "Talking to kids about their futures? I don't think I exactly have the charisma or motivation skills to do that... But... I guess I could give it a try... Plus there's also the aspect of being paid..." SS agrees to the man's terms and says he'll be there. "Great! I'll give you the location and time tomorrow. Be there on time." they both walk away now with their plans in place.

The Next Day...

Metropolis High. It's a pretty huge school, and it's unlike what SS has seen before. The time is 1:30 PM, just like agreed upon in the texts from earlier. Super Sonic walks into the school looking upon the halls, lunchtime just happened so it's a flurry of students going to different places and doing different things. Eventually, SS makes it to the other section of the school that holds the gym, auditorium, empty stairways and looking at the walls, he can see things like jerseys of former students, a few team pictures from time periods, and a trophy case filled with different completion medals, awards, etc. He then finally makes it to the gym door where the teacher from yesterday is. "Ah great. You made it." "The kids are inside sitting on the bleachers, they're a group of freshmen and seniors so it shouldn't be too much trouble. I'll be at the door if you need me." SS nods and gives a thumbs up he grabs the door handle and takes a deep breath then exhales. "Here goes nothing..." The door opens and in goes the defenseman to stumble and try and talk about the future to children...

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RE: S55 PT #1 - Back To Where It All Began - by Taxman100 - 07-27-2020, 05:07 PM

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