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S55 PT #1 - Back To Where It All Began

Nicholas Owens got to visit his highschool in Japan, the first time since he had graduated many years ago and went on his way to North America to pursue his dreams of playing professional hockey. As his story to eventual first overall pick in the S51 draft had started at very humble beginnings and constant ridicule from his peers of how a Japanese player would never make it to professional play, much less the SHL, Nicholas Owen's speech is about believing in your skills and dreams till the end. How your nationality doesn't matter one bit in if you will make it to the professional level and how important hard work is in achieving your dreams. It sounds all eloquent and all but in reality almost most of it won't really be said clearly cause unfortunately Owens is one of the worst speakers out there, at least for people who actually give speeches.

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RE: S55 PT #1 - Back To Where It All Began - by Grum - 08-02-2020, 08:32 PM

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