1) What player type/playstyle are you hoping to build for your player (pure goal scorer, playmaker, defensive specialist, etc)? Any NHL equivalent players?
Defencive-focused defence first, possibly expanding into a 2-way player
2) How much time do you think you'll dedicate to the league and updating your player?
I look to be a max earner here.
3) Our locker room activity takes place on Discord, do you use Discord or would you be comfortable joining it? If so, what's your ID and how active would you say you are?
Sivart#9607. Yep, no problem. I'm more active when stuff is going on.
4) Any other miscellaneous things you'd like to share about yourself? Favorite NHL team, video games you like to play, other hobbies, etc? Feel free to share as much or as little as you'd like!
Leafs fan. PBE participant. I enjoy most games.