12-18-2020, 08:50 PM(This post was last modified: 12-18-2020, 08:55 PM by luke.)
Hello SHL… Again,
We are changing the SHL twitter again to make it easier on you guys. Instead of posting your profile each week, there will just be 1 thread that you post your Twitter Profile to and you DONT have to repost your twitter profile each week starting next week
Instead, if you change your twitter handle, you have to edit your profile link
So at the start of thread, we will add this blurb in order to remind you guys
If you change your twitter handle or create a new twitter account, you have to update your profile link in order to continue to earn money
For example
My twitter profile is twitter.com/MikeIzzy
And I changed my handle to ARye-Izzy
I would go back to my post and change the handle to
This will come into effect next week, so this next sentence is important
Next week there will be a thread coming out. It will be the thread that will house all of the twitter profiles. You need to post there if you want to get money from twitter. It will be the last time you will post your profile for money
Also thank you for the people who reported issues with their payout, it helped me change the code so now there shouldn't be issues. But as always, make sure to double check you got the right payout and let me or a banker know. The Issue this time was a time zone issue on my end, that has been fixed.