04-09-2021, 04:31 PM(This post was last modified: 04-09-2021, 04:32 PM by Gwdjohnson.)
The time has finally come. Congrats to the Quebec City Citadelles on winning the Four-Star Cup, and congrats to all the rookies for completing the very first seasons of your career.
The following may claim the TPE next to their name for their participation in the S58 SMJHL Championship Week:
124715 16
39alaska39 16
Blasoon 16
BoloBill 16
cakequest 16
Dagumpa 16
dasboot 16
Deng 16
DollaBill 15 (only got 2/4 right on the trivia, can only give 2/3 TPE for that :/ )
Emiko 16
Exilate 16
fever95 16
Frostbite 3
gaby 16
Gaia Mormont 16
Gifter of Bikes 13
GoonerBear 16
GrannyPanPan 16
grimreaper 16
gucci 16
HabsFan6776 16
Jackers41 16
jackkmart 16
KenitohMenara 16
LB3737 16
Lukstins88 15 (got 0/4 on trivia so only got 1 TPE from that, but 15 total still)
Memento Mori 16
micool132 16
Minnesotafine 16
Mooty99 16
NorwegianDemon 16
pat 16
podzilla111 16
qWest 16
Randominoe 16
Raven 16
RenoJacksonHS 16
Rowe89 1
santej29 9 (did not hit word count on a couple of the 50 word PTs, got 1/4 on trivia)
ShnarlyDude 16
SlashACM 16
steveoiscool 16
TapdancingNecrons 16
taterswc 16
ValorX77 16
visceralpotamus 16
WannabeFinn 16
WildfireMicro 16
wumaduce 16
xTri 16
yonggarius 16
ZootTX 16
If your name is not on the list, it is because you were ineligible to participate in CW. Feel free to dm me if you feel a mistake has been made!