The following people can claim the TPE next to them for S60 IIHF Predictions
you can view the claim here:
39alaska39 - 3
3lewsers - 4.5
5ympathies - 3
aaronwilson - 4
ACapitalChicago - 4
Accka - 3
Acsolap - 4
Aephino - 4
AgentSmith630 - 5.5
Amidships - 4.5
Andy - 2
Arkz - 3
Asked Madden - 3
BadWolf - 3
BarnabasCollins - 3.5
BasedMinkus - 3
Bayley - 4
bbjygm - 3
bdu754 - 5
BenDover - 3.5
Blasoon - 5.5
BloomeyGB - 4
bluesfan55 - 4.5
Bongo - 3.5
boom - 4
BrewskyBoy - 4
Buster - 4
By-Tor - 2.5
ByrdeMan - 2.5
C9Van - 3.5
CampinKiller - 3
CanadianDuck - 5
canadice - 4
canes2112 - 4.5
canuckles - 2.5
Capt_Blitzkrieg - 4
Carpy48 - 4.5
CementHands - 4
charlieconway - 4
CheerfulBender20 - 4
Cobbenstein - 3.5
Count Chocula - 3
CrazyMojito - 3
crutch - 4
Cyanide - 4
Dagumpa - 3.5
Damienj10 - 3
dankoa - 4
Dextaria - 4.5
dmills3 - 4.5
dogwoodmaple - 4
DrunkenTeddy - 3
Duff101 - 3.5
Esso2264 - 3.5
Evil_AllBran - 3
Evok - 3.5
Exilate - 4.5
Eynhallow - 4
Faded - 3
Faelax - 4.5
Fantobens - 4.5
Feeler - 3
fever95 - 4.5
Fitted2106 - 3.5
FlappyGiraffe - 3
Fluw - 2.5
Frick_Nasty - 3.5
gaby - 4.5
GCool - 3.5
Geekusoid - 4
golden_apricot - 6
goldenglutes - 4.5
GoonerBear - 2.5
gordieboom - 4.5
GrannyPanPan - 4
Grapehead - 2.5
Graydonsanatomy - 3
grok - 3.5
Grum - 4
gucci - 2.5
Gurbs - 4.5
Halkohol - 3.5
HanTheMan_ - 3
hhh81 - 4
Highhaschdi - 4.5
hockeyiscool - 5
hotdog - 3.5
Inf1d3l - 3
Jaja sweg dingdong - 3.5
James Truong - 3.5
jeffie43 - 4.5
Jepox - 2.5
JNH - 2.5
Jobin - 2.5
Jonny Tsunami - 3.5
JR95 - 4
jRuutu - 3
juke - 4.5
Julio Tokolosh - 3
Jumbobone19 - 4
Kalesalad - 3.5
Keenan - 3.5
kentakira - 4.5
kenvald - 4
Keven - 3.5
Kierkan - 3
Kraagenskul - 2.5
Krazko - 4
Kylrad - 3
LB3737 - 3.5
leafs1997 - 4.5
Leafs4ever - 3.5
leafsftw1967 - 3
Leoben - 3.5
Leppish - 4
lespoils - 4.5
leviadan - 3.5
lilstifler - 5
Lime - 3.5
LordBirdman - 3
Lorec - 4.5
Luketd - 5
marco999 - 5
mastersheep - 4
Mazatt - 3
Memento Mori - 4
micool132 - 4.5
Mike Izzy - 3
Minnesotafine - 2.5
MN_Moosey - 3
Mooney - 4.5
MP7 - 3.5
Mr. Finland - 3.5
Mutedfaith - 4.5
MyLittleHexx - 4
Nerio - 4.5
Nhamlet - 4
nhlbeastmode_7777 - 3.5
Nictox - 3.5
Nike - 2
notorioustig - 3
notoriousTRON - 4
O4L - 4
Ohtaay - 4
OrbitingDeath - 3
Otrebor13 - 4
Pickle Juice - 2
PremierBromanov - 3.5
puolivalmiste - 4
Pythonic - 3
r0tzbua - 2.5
Rabidsponge21 - 4
ragnar - 4
Rancidbudgie - 3.5
Rangerjase - 3.5
Rankle - 2
Raven - 3
raymond3000 - 5
RedCapeDiver - 4
reid - 6
RenoJacksonHS - 3
retuperkele - 4
Rich - 5
roastpuff - 3.5
RomanesEuntDomus - 4
Ronniewalker - 4.5
sakrosankt - 4.5
Salming - 4
scorycory - 3.5
Segi - 3.5
SewingWithNancy - 3
SFresh3 - 4.5
siddhus - 3.5
Sivart - 4
Skeleton Party - 2.5
sköldpaddor - 5
slashacm - 3.5
slothfacekilla - 4.5
Snuffalupagus - 3.5
Sopath - 3
Spartan - 3
SpartanGibbles - 2.5
StadiumGambler - 3.5
steelhead77 - 3
steveoiscool - 4.5
suavemente - 3
sulovilen - 4.5
sve7en - 4.5
takethehorizon - 3
Talls - 5.5
Tate - 2
taterswc - 4.5
Tayjay - 3.5
TheDangaZone - 2
TheFlash - 3.5
Thelastheraclid - 3.5
tnlastatine - 4
Toast - 4.5
TommySalami - 4
Trautner - 3.5
trella - 4
TubbyTim69 - 3.5
Tylar - 6
Urq660 - 3.5
UrsinZ - 4.5
ValorX77 - 3
Vandy - 4.5
Velevra - 3
Vikian - 2.5
visceralpotamus - 3
VRTX L4S3R - 4
Wally - 2
WannabeFinn - 5
wearingabear - 2
Weretarantula - 2.5
XLeafer - 2
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie - 4
Z-Whiz - 4
zeagle1 - 2.5
Zema - 2.5
Zombiewolf - 4
Zoone16 - 2
ZootTX - 2
ztevans - 4