10-26-2021, 02:04 PMPremierBromanov Wrote: because you MIGHT miss 1 season?
I already missed one season five or six seasons ago (going undrafted). It was my fault, of course, but I weren't able to gain all possible TPE. I was allowed to do only 3 TPE for 500 000 weekly workouts and I was limited with PT's aswell, if I remember right. Missing a full season means I won't be able again to progress as much as others.
And this is very individual thing once again. Human who have never missed a full season with an active player are thinking that missing one season and doing nothing is interesting. Thanks for your opinion, but if I'm retiring then I'm just dipping from this league, because I've put really much effort in to this player. It's my hobby how to rest from the real world, but coming in and watching others compete isn't what I want and need.
i mean i played a winless season in tampa, am a negative 250 career, missed pretty much the first 4 coachings of my career and was inactive half a season at least. So i understand the notion of a career being less than notable.
What I dont understand is giving up on something you admitted to having fun with just because you couldnt do it the way you wanted. If you need this league, as you say, then why leave?
personally I'd advocate for you in tampa if we had any money.