The Following users can claim the TPE next to their user thingy for S62 Finals Predictions
Which team will have more shots on goal in the game 1?
HAM 29
TEX 33
Which team will have more hits in the series?
HAM 119
TEX 131
Which team will win Game 5?
How many games in this series will go to overtime?
Just 2, so under 3
Which player will have the most points for Hamilton in the series?
Aaron Wilson (8)
Which player will have the most points for Texas in the series?
Alexander Watcher (10)
spreadsheet for your viewing. Happy early new years
Average was 2.3
Min was 1.5 (a lot got this lmao)
Max was 3.5
.Laser - 3
3lewsers - 2.5
5ympathies - 2
aaronwilson - 2
ACapitalChicago - 3
Accka - 3
Ace - 2.5
AgentSmith630 - 2
Aleris - 2
Amidships - 2.5
Arkz - 3
artermis - 1.5
BasedMinkus - 3
Bauer - 2.5
bbjygm - 3
bdu754 - 2
BenDover - 2
Benpachi - 3.5
Bfine - 2.5
Big Newff - 2
bjkman - 2
Bk1689 - 3
blastmeaway - 2
bluesfan55 - 2
bongo - 2
boom - 2
brickwall35 - 2
Briedaqueduc - 2.5
Buster - 2
By-Tor - 3
caltroit_red_flames - 2.5
CampinKiller - 2.5
CanadianDuck - 2.5
canadice - 2.5
canes2112 - 2
CapnCooper - 1.5
Carpy48 - 2.5
CementHands - 2.5
charlieconway - 2.5
Count Chocula - 1.5
CptGoosar - 2
crazylemire - 2.5
CrazyMojito - 2.5
Crunk - 2
Damienj10 - 2.5
dankoa - 3
DarkCanuck29 - 3
dogwoodmaple - 2.5
DollarAndADream - 3
DrB1gMack - 3
Drokeep - 2
DrunkenTeddy - 3
Durden - 2.5
efischermann - 2.5
Emeril - 2
enigmatic - 3
EricNCSU - 2
Evil_AllBran - 2.5
Evok - 2.5
Eynhallow - 2
Faelax - 2
Fantobens - 1.5
Festinator - 2
fever95 - 2
FinnRhys - 2
FlappyGiraffe - 2
Fluw - 3
FuzzSHL - 2.5
G2019 - 2.5
gaby - 2.5
GCool - 3
Geekusoid - 3
Gifter of bikes - 2.5
Goilers - 2
goldenglutes - 2
Gordon Bombay - 2
graydonsanatomy - 3
grok - 2.5
Grum - 2
gurbs - 2.5
Gwdjohnson - 2.5
Halkohol - 2
HanTheMan_ - 2
hhh81 - 2
High Stick King - 2
Highhaschdi - 2.5
Hockeyiscool - 2.5
honkerrs - 1.5
hotdog - 2
Huck24 - 2
ImShiny - 2
Inf1d3l - 3
Inverted - 2.5
James Truong - 2.5
jay2233 - 2.5
Jepox - 2
Jericson - 2
Jimmysmo27 - 2.5
JKortesi81 - 2
JNH - 2.5
Jorec - 2
JR95 - 2.5
JSS331 - 2.5
JT3 - 2.5
jtam - 3
juke - 2
Julio Tokolosh - 2.5
Jumbobone19 - 2
Juniped - 2.5
JuOSu - 2.5
Kalesalad - 2.5
karlssens - 3
Katth - 3
KC15 - 3
KenitohMenara - 2.5
kentakira - 3
kenvald - 2.5
Keven - 2
Keygan - 3
Kierkan - 3
kingtag1999 - 2.5
Kraagenskul - 2.5
krazko - 2
Kyamprac - 3.5
Kylrad - 1.5
Lazyeye - 3
LB3737 - 2.5
leafs1997 - 2.5
Leafs4ever - 2.5
leafsftw1967 - 2.5
Leppisg - 3
lespoils - 2.5
Lev - 2.5
leviadan - 2.5
lilstifler - 2.5
Lime - 2
lmao - 2
LordBirdman - 3
Luketd - 2.5
Lukstins88 - 2.5
marco999 - 2
mastersheep - 2
Matteo - 2.5
mcpumpkin - 2.5
MDavidson - 2.5
Memento Mori - 2.5
mer - 2
Merica - 1.5
Michiganonymous - 3.5
micool132 - 2
Mike Izzy - 2.5
MN_Moosey - 2.5
monochroma - 2
Mook - 2.5
Mooney - 3
MP7 - 2
Mr. Finland - 2.5
Muerto - 2.5
Mutedfaith - 2
NamelessNate - 2.5
natedoeshockey - 2.5
negs - 2
Nerio - 3
Nhamlet - 2
Nike - 3
NorwegianDemon - 2.5
notorioustig - 2.5
notoriousTRON - 2.5
NTG - 2
Ohtaay - 2.5
Omniscius - 2.5
Opera_Phantom - 2.5
OrbitingDeath - 2.5
Otrebor13 - 2
Patty - 2
Pickle - 2.5
PremierBromanov - 1.5
ProjectSaint - 2
puolivalmiste - 2
Pythonic - 2.5
qWest - 2
r0tzbua - 2
r1c3bowl22 - 3
Rabidsponge21 - 2
ragnar - 2.5
Rangerjase - 2
RashfordU - 2.5
raymond3000 - 1.5
RedCapeDiver - 2
Redderder15 - 2
RenoJacksonHS - 2.5
Renomitsu - 2
retuperkele - 2.5
Rich - 2
roastpuff - 2.5
RomanesEuntDomus - 2
Ronniewalker - 2.5
rotticusscott - 2.5
Ruggsy - 2.5
rum_ham - 2.5
sakrosankt - 2
Salming - 2.5
Samsung virtual assistant - 2.5
santej29 - 2
Sburbine - 2.5
SchwarzNarr - 2
scrufdaddy - 2.5
SDCore - 3.5
Segi - 2.5
Serpe x 13 - 2
SewingWithNancy - 2.5
SeymourSnatches - 2
SFresh3 - 2.5
Shmurph - 3
Skeleton Party - 3
slashacm - 2
Snuffalupagus - 1.5
Sopath - 2
soulja - 2
Spartan - 2
SpartanGibbles - 2.5
Spooked - 2.5
st4rface - 2
StadiumGambler - 3.5
steveoiscool - 2.5
suavemente - 2.5
sulovilen - 1.5
supertardis101 - 2.5
sve7en - 2
Symmetrik - 2.5
Talls - 3
TapdancingNecrons - 2
taterswc - 3.5
Tayjay - 2
Thatguy91 - 3
the5urreal - 2
TheCC - 2.5
thedangazone - 2.5
TheSparkyDee - 3
Thunder39 - 2
Thunfish - 2
Toast - 2
Toivo - 3
Tomen - 2.5
TommySalami - 2.5
tommytightpants - 2.5
Traphag - 2.5
trashae - 3
Trautner - 3
Tweedledunn - 2.5
Tylar - 2.5
unconfident69 - 2
Urq660 - 2.5
ValorX77 - 2.5
Vandy - 2.5
Vaxlare - 2
Vikian - 2.5
Visceralpotamus - 3.5
WannabeFinn - 2
Wearingabear - 2.5
Whitecap - 2.5
WithTheMoose - 2
Wongy - 2.5
Wumaduce - 2.5
XLeafer - 2
Your Mothers Favorite Goalie - 2
Z-Whiz - 2.5
zeagle1 - 2
Zombiewolf - 2.5
Zoone16 - 3
ZootTX - 2