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3 Week S67 Rankings
(This post was last modified: 07-27-2022, 09:30 PM by luke. Edited 2 times in total.)

Hey guys, normally I dont post in the SMJHL Media, but I have this idea going through my head for a while, and created the parameters on how to rank the S67 class while setting up my scouting sheet for New England. So, how do I rank users for the S67 class. Its pretty simple, and I will explain it here:

As a note, all these rankings is also weighted as well, determined by weight of importance to me and what I am looking for.

So the Parameters are the following
Rank of TPE vs Class
Percentage of TPE Completion vs TPE Opportunities
              - It will start at the time someone created their player, so they cannot be docked for TPE opportunities they could not do
              - It will also include the 2 Deep Dives that the user can do
The Percentile Rank of Media + Graphics the user has done compared to the rest of the class
The Percentile Rank of the Bank Account the user has done compared to the rest of the class

The last parameter is an optional one
A ranking ( -1 to 1) of their previous players, graded by me. -1 is they had multiple failed players, 1 is they had multiple successful players.

So as an example, lets go by an example.

Lets take @Rich and @JNH as an example, to give a good mix of what it looks like

Rank of TPE vs Class

Rich: 253 TPE - .99 Percentile Rank
JNH: 226 TPE - .663 Percentile Rank

Percentage of TPE Completion vs TPE Opportunities

Rich: 1  - Rich has completed all 6 TPE opportunities + the 2 deep dives so he gets a
JNH: .625 - JNH has completed 5/6 TPE opportunities and hasnt completed any deep dives

The Percentile Rank of Media + Graphics the user has done compared to the rest of the class
Rich: 5 - Mostly from podcasts, but it does show Rich is making money throughout
JNH: 0

The Percentile Rank of the Bank Account the user has done compared to the rest of the class
Rich - .975 - with 157 mil in the bank account, it also shows Rich has plenty of money to max earn with his player for atleast 8 seasons
JNH - .85 - With 53 mil in the bank account, it also shows why JNH isnt making money. Also the fact that he has the 8 mil in salary from Jobs, he will have plenty of jobs

A ranking ( -1 to 1) of their previous players
Rich: 1 - Rich previous 2 players both had long careers and max earned. Deeply ingrained with the SHL, there is no fear that Rich will go IA
JNH: 1 - Same with Rich, he has had multiple players with long and max earned careers, also no fear that JNH will go IA.

So how does that all get to?

Well the formula is simple
(Rank of TPE vs Class  * 0.85 ) +(Percentage of TPE Completion vs TPE Opportunities  * 1) + (The Percentile Rank of Media + Graphics the user has done compared to the rest of the class * 0.45) + (The Percentile Rank of the Bank Account the user has done compared to the rest of the class * 0.8) +  Optional (A ranking ( -1 to 1) of their previous players * 0.75)

So for Rich that comes out to 3.81335 with recreate Bias and 3.06335 without recreate bias
For JNH it comes out to 2.61855 with recreate Bias and 1.86855 without recreate bias

Now, its way too early in the season to really show who is better than who, but its eye opening to see who is pulling ahead so early, and who is lacking a bit.
Also the scope of the rankings does not include Jobs, which can supplement Media/Graphics output. You could probably include some type of rankings of time online, which would be interesting to see. But with Discord, discord activity would be a lot more important that you can't get from forum activity.

Anyway, the way too early rankings of the draft class so far. I will probably post something like this after the draft as well, who knows

also im using tables that a lot of people dont know we have

Also as another note: with recreate bias the recreates will have more value, so 1st gens wont be high in the recreate biased one.

RankNameUsernamePosValue (w recreate bias)
1Adam PrpichRichGoalie3.81
2Jack St. ClairCrazyMojitoCenter3.32
3Nevek KoveEvokRight Defense3.3
4Axel KirbyOtrebor13Right Wing3.26
5Brennan Kennedy IIIbk1689Left Wing3.19
6Antonio FlussoMassive CoilerRight Defense3.18
7Paul PetersonTheDangaZoneCenter3.08
8Dusty RhodesBarnabasCollinsLeft Wing3.05
9HodorbbjygmRight Defense2.99
10August Von HechtCptSquallGoalie2.86
11Terry LeviathantrellaCenter2.82
12Meta KnightspookedCenter2.79
13Bruno TooyoBruins10Left Wing2.62
14Rasmus BerglingJNHRight Defense2.62
15Alexi Piastrivbottas17Right Wing2.61
16Pawter MeowskiAndyLeft Wing2.57
17Theodor LarssonZemaCenter2.55
18Lachlan MoonDELIRIVMGoalie2.53
19Connor McKeilMericaCenter2.51
20OneC9VanRight Defense2.45
21Daniel SwiftjumpSeatRight Wing2.4
22KyIe MurrayJimmysmo27Right Wing2.37
23Nichael FittedPremierBromanovLeft Wing2.36
24Jacques HammerTheHammer43Left Wing2.27
25Diablo RoseNONAMELeft Wing2.25
26Otter Von BismarckJackHrīmGoalie2.19
27Shea O'ConnallLegendRight Defense2.15
28Bobby McGinniserikvmLeft Wing2.03
29Rod Cockeraustin623Left Defense2.01
30FoxySamsung virtual assistantLeft Wing2.01
31Sven PandajunipedRight Defense1.98
32Sean DaviesRunningman434Left Defense1.96
33D JobinJobinRight Defense1.91
34Bohdan JarovskyJustAnotherHockeyFanCenter1.91
35Mito ChondriaMyLittleHexxLeft Wing1.88
36Tam KoveHordleRight Wing1.85
37Brendan LarouxShmurphLeft Defense1.61
38Trap ZelenocktrappypapiLeft Wing1.51
39Gaston LeGumeConverseFall1Left Wing1.4
40Rush JusticeJusticeRight Wing1.2
41Carl Ray JetsonpauadrianLeft Wing1.08
42Potential SpamRoobaccaLeft Defense1.03
43Erick VasiljevsjohjeffLeft Wing1
44Chamai MalachigukuLeft Defense0.94
45Grayson YatesArcticRight Defense0.91
46Goony Toonsnegs77Right Defense0.78
47Louis PerreaultWind SavonLeft Defense0.73
48Joel ErikssonMr_KlankLeft Defense0.72
49Toxic NeutralitysarahCenter0.68
50Johan NørgaarddjconradLeft Defense0.67
51Benjamin DevitoDallasrougeLeft Defense0.64
52Finn BrandtpeskypenguinRight Defense0.64
53Cob CorningsteinLeft Defense0.63
54Jon Bellsambam229Left Defense0.6
55Taco SaladNoSkillZLeft Wing0.59
56Chuchichäschtli ZopfAneeqsLeft Defense0.58
57KC BradyJackers41Center0.47
58Neal NewlandHallsyyLeft Defense0.43
59John ManganelliOogimLeft Wing0.43
60Max HoshiGeckeezRight Wing0.38
61Hendrik StahlbergJay_FRight Defense0.34
62Eliz TroiamelowrieLeft Defense0.31
63Awcrap IhavethepuckCJTheM16Center0.27
64Pope Coswi JrCoswiCenter0.26
65Hans MulluerCHildOfTheKingRight Defense0.26
66Ryanko WitunkeyPorky PlatypusLeft Defense0.26
67Nate DoggNate_l_doggCenter0.26
68Otto SteinbergerTubbyTim69Left Defense0.23
69Emil LindenberggreatgentooLeft Wing0.21
70Velociraptor GregSamxCenter0.21
71Baby SharkimanightriderCenter0.19
72Tim CokemattiePeepzRight Wing0.19
73Gray RoseyBleedBlue52Goalie0.15
74Petteri PäälykäinenvekekoLeft Defense0.12
75Koda JudaciakrshnyRight Defense0.12
76Joel FarfalleTurtle7243Goalie0.03
77Alex PhaneufPhaneuffRight Wing0
78Pepega PaquetteReaperComePepegaAimLeft Wing-0.04
79Joseph Milone JrJmiloneCenter-0.06
80Skoomina Hulk a Votto IIBauerLeft Wing-0.4
81Manny PizzaMrJoey2928Center-0.6

Without Recreate Bias

RankNameUsernamePosValue (w/o recreate bias)
1Adam PrpichRichGoalie3.06
2Shea O'ConnallLegendRight Defense2.9
3Antonio FlussoMassive CoilerRight Defense2.73
4Axel KirbyOtrebor13Right Wing2.62
5Jack St. ClairCrazyMojitoCenter2.61
6Nevek KoveEvokRight Defense2.55
7Brennan Kennedy IIIbk1689Left Wing2.44
8Bobby McGinniserikvmLeft Wing2.41
9August Von HechtCptSquallGoalie2.41
10Daniel SwiftjumpSeatRight Wing2.4
11Pawter MeowskiAndyLeft Wing2.35
12Paul PetersonTheDangaZoneCenter2.33
13Dusty RhodesBarnabasCollinsLeft Wing2.3
14HodorbbjygmRight Defense2.28
15Jacques HammerTheHammer43Left Wing2.27
16Bruno TooyoBruins10Left Wing2.25
17Connor McKeilMericaCenter2.21
18Otter Von BismarckJackHrīmGoalie2.19
19KyIe MurrayJimmysmo27Right Wing2.14
20Rod Cockeraustin623Left Defense2.09
21Lachlan MoonDELIRIVMGoalie2.08
22Meta KnightspookedCenter2.08
23OneC9VanRight Defense2.07
24Terry LeviathantrellaCenter2.07
25Sean DaviesRunningman434Left Defense1.96
26Brendan LarouxShmurphLeft Defense1.91
27Bohdan JarovskyJustAnotherHockeyFanCenter1.91
28Rasmus BerglingJNHRight Defense1.87
29Alexi Piastrivbottas17Right Wing1.86
30Theodor LarssonZemaCenter1.84
31Nichael FittedPremierBromanovLeft Wing1.83
32Carl Ray JetsonpauadrianLeft Wing1.75
33Diablo RoseNONAMELeft Wing1.72
34Sven PandajunipedRight Defense1.64
35D JobinJobinRight Defense1.54
36Tam KoveHordleRight Wing1.51
37Trap ZelenocktrappypapiLeft Wing1.51
38Mito ChondriaMyLittleHexxLeft Wing1.43
39Gaston LeGumeConverseFall1Left Wing1.4
40FoxySamsung virtual assistantLeft Wing1.26
41Rush JusticeJusticeRight Wing1.13
42Toxic NeutralitysarahCenter1.05
43Potential SpamRoobaccaLeft Defense1.03
44Finn BrandtpeskypenguinRight Defense1.01
45Erick VasiljevsjohjeffLeft Wing1
46Chamai MalachigukuLeft Defense0.94
47Grayson YatesArcticRight Defense0.91
48Neal NewlandHallsyyLeft Defense0.81
49Goony Toonsnegs77Right Defense0.78
50Louis PerreaultWind SavonLeft Defense0.73
51Joel ErikssonMr_KlankLeft Defense0.72
52KC BradyJackers41Center0.69
53Johan NørgaarddjconradLeft Defense0.67
54Benjamin DevitoDallasrougeLeft Defense0.64
55Awcrap IhavethepuckCJTheM16Center0.64
56Cob CorningsteinLeft Defense0.63
57Jon Bellsambam229Left Defense0.6
58Otto SteinbergerTubbyTim69Left Defense0.6
59Taco SaladNoSkillZLeft Wing0.59
60Chuchichäschtli ZopfAneeqsLeft Defense0.58
61Gray RoseyBleedBlue52Goalie0.53
62Pope Coswi JrCoswiCenter0.49
63John ManganelliOogimLeft Wing0.43
64Max HoshiGeckeezRight Wing0.38
65Skoomina Hulk a Votto IIBauerLeft Wing0.35
66Hendrik StahlbergJay_FRight Defense0.34
67Pepega PaquetteReaperComePepegaAimLeft Wing0.33
68Eliz TroiamelowrieLeft Defense0.31
69Joseph Milone JrJmiloneCenter0.31
70Hans MulluerCHildOfTheKingRight Defense0.26
71Ryanko WitunkeyPorky PlatypusLeft Defense0.26
72Nate DoggNate_l_doggCenter0.26
73Emil LindenberggreatgentooLeft Wing0.21
74Velociraptor GregSamxCenter0.21
75Baby SharkimanightriderCenter0.19
76Tim CokemattiePeepzRight Wing0.19
77Manny PizzaMrJoey2928Center0.15
78Petteri PäälykäinenvekekoLeft Defense0.12
79Koda JudaciakrshnyRight Defense0.12
80Joel FarfalleTurtle7243Goalie0.03
81Alex PhaneufPhaneuffRight Wing0


[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
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[Image: luketd.gif]


Messages In This Thread
3 Week S67 Rankings - by luke - 07-27-2022, 09:27 PM
RE: 3 Week S67 Rankings - by Ragnar - 07-27-2022, 09:55 PM
RE: 3 Week S67 Rankings - by luke - 07-28-2022, 08:43 AM
RE: 3 Week S67 Rankings - by Legend - 07-28-2022, 10:56 AM
RE: 3 Week S67 Rankings - by JNH - 07-28-2022, 04:58 PM
RE: 3 Week S67 Rankings - by Merica - 07-29-2022, 08:40 PM
RE: 3 Week S67 Rankings - by WannabeFinn - 07-30-2022, 01:30 PM
RE: 3 Week S67 Rankings - by honkerrs - 07-30-2022, 01:37 PM

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