23. Written, 2 TPE, Dreams 100 Words
- Bro don't ask personal questions like that on a sim league site, okey? But now that you asked, I don't think I really have any dreams, I'll just go where the wind takes me. Ofcourse it would be nice to live a peaceful life and have a kid or two.
Now that I think about it, the absolute best thing ever, would be to live in a small and quiet town, with no hassle going on. Just you and the nature. Maybe a town in lapland? Probably not, because it's annoyingly cold out there once winter comes around and that's even with me liking winter. WC: 105
16. Written, 2 TPE, Top Line (100 words min.)
- Goalie: Me. Why wouldn't I want myself? I'm the best obviously or maybe not so obviously, but I still think I'm the best. Narcissism? No you.
Center: Luukas Lilja ofcourse! Not only because he's my teammate, but also because DUH! He's the league leader in points, c'mon now don't get it twisted.
LW: Long John Donair. Well would you look at that! Another Panther, how did that happen, oh wait maybe because we're so god damn handsome. Also because he's the LW with the most points.
RW: You know we need a strong rightwinger and guess what, the panthers got you cover on that front too! We got the man himself: Rock Strongo.
D: We need to keep the chemistry going with our group, so I'm choosing another LAP member: Jonas Kahnwald.
D: YOU DID NOT SEE THIS ONE COMING! We're picking up Sven Svechnikov, because nepotism and Whalers for life. WC: 151