The following users may claim the tpe next to their name for S68 Week 3 PTs (PT #3, mPT #3, Hat Trick #1)
.simo 6
AgentSmith630 6
Aurora 4
Avakael 4
Bonk 6
charlieconway 6
Cjolson1968 2
Count Chocula 6
damienj10 6
Dewalt27 6
dustywilson22 6
Ferda 6
Fitted2106 6
GeckoeyGecko 5
HanTheMan_ 5
Hoovuh 7
iStegosauruz 6
jay2233 2
JSS331 5
karlssens 6
Lazyeye 6
Leatherneckmike 5
Leoben 6
LucidDreams702 4
Marlo 3
MattBake12 3
Matty7478 1
Maxy 4
McGriddy10 1
MCP_ 5
Myspace 4
Nictox 6
okestboomer 2
overdoo 6
PremierBromanov 6
Randominoe 6
Rankle 6
retuperkele 6
Ricer13 5
Samsung virtual assistant 5
sharksisback 3
Slappydoodle 2
TheRoyalEmpoleon 3
TheSparkyDee 6
Tonzy 2
trella 4
Wally 2
Zap 6
Zerg 5
The full breakdown can be found
Thanks to @Ragnar, @High Stick King and @Maxy for the sigs!