07-09-2023, 08:30 AMChevy Wrote: I had a moment like you once. It was March of 2022 and I was GM of the Grizzlies still. It was about, 3-3:15 in the morning and I was having a nice long blow-off about thing...about it felt like we had to be "perfect" as GM's in the SMJHL. A blowoff that should have never happened to be honest. I should have realized before hand that I was in the middle of a burnout. Mentally I was not alright and I should have said something, but I didn't. I blew up on something absolutely stupid and I still feel I owe SMJHL HO, especially @ACapitalChicago and @SDCore many more apologizes still over a year later for it since they were the ones that were there and heard it.
Mental health, is no joke and if you are, in fact, having issues you really should reach out and ask to talk to someone. Here, in real life, it doesn't matter. Nobody will know if you don't say something. Despite our best efforts as humans in the evolutionary chain, as far as I know...nobody has actually learned how to do telepathy.
Now, as far as you feeling the need to make this post and have it be pseudo-thunderdomeish...I just need to stop you right here.
While you were tired of stress, or whatever feeling of ostracizing you may have felt....when you left us you made ZERO STATEMENT about being in a bad mental state or really wanting to talk to anyone. Instead you dropped this wonderful post and split out faster than an Izzy-ism.
Scud, that definitely sounds more like a you issue than a fake "clique" issue. You weren't in fact a lone minority. There were times I recall my votes were alongside yours, and even now I can confirm in HO that I have had votes against subjects, made my arguments in support of my decision and still "lost" if you could call it that. Its democracy. It doesn't always go the way you want it in there. I can say, with 100% certainty that we enjoyed having you in HO.....until you decided to temper tantrum and just....split in the middle of your HO term without even letting it ride out.
And now you want to post this "woe-is-me" thunderdomy media post.
Don't get me wrong Scud, if you've got stress and mental stuff going on, I CARE. Many people here care. All you have to do is ask to talk. But I am also going to have to call you out on the BS.
Hope stuff gets better for you sooner than later and I hope to keep seeing you around the site.
I don't speak for Acap, but I hold 0 ill will or bad feelings/intentions towards you. Everyone here is a real person and I've done far worse than the things you said to me. I also have learned to not take things as personally. Plus, I've known you long enough and understood your frustration. So don't worry about me or feel a great need to apologize.
Scud, HO is demanding, unappreciated, and tough. Being a dissenting voice can be hard, annoying, and down right frustrating. In most of my tenure in HO, almost over 3 1/2 years, I played this role. So, I get the frustration of it, but this is maybe not the most constructive way to do this, though I have thought about something similar so I get the approach. I do hope you are doing better.