The following users may claim the TPE next to their name for S72 Week 2 PTs (PT #2 and mPT #2)
aeonsjenni 4
AK41 4
Arayvenn 4
Bongo 4
charlieconway 4
CloudRobot 4
CptSquall 4
Crazylemire 4
Cycro 4
dylanjj37 4
Fluw 4
fubaguy 4
G2019 1
Jepox 4
Jonahcraft7 4
Justice 4
kahri 4
karey 4
Leafs4ever 4
Leppish 1
LordBirdman 4
LumberingGiant 4
MartinLK 4
Mayuu 4
MrPresident 4
Nike 4
oknom 4
Psanchez55 4
puolivalmiste 4
RaidTheArcade 4
SewingWithNancy 4
SmittyHextall 4
Takk806 4
ThisSeemsFishy 4
TonyW19 4
Tylar 4
Wearingabear 4
Will3 4
wumaduce 4
zflem 1
The full breakdown is
Thanks to @Ragnar, @High Stick King and @Maxy for the sigs!