Kiwi was given a tour of the DODGE RAM HELLCAT 1500 ARENA and facilities personally with the other rookies by the new GM of the Nevada Battleborn. She didn't quiet catch his names but the GM looks suspiciously close to former president John F Kennedy who she could have sworn died like 100 years ago, but then how is he here giving her a tour. Anyway, the tour was great. DODGE RAM HELLCAT 1500 ARENA is a cutting edge arena and includes a casino deck basically over the hockey rink.
Now the facilities for the players obviously are funded by degenerate gambling dollars. The team has access to high altitude cardio chambers, cryo rooms for recovering and zero-G gravity beds because why not. There's a list of Nevada Battleborn who have gone on to win a Challenge Cup in the SHL and Kiwi's uncle Conner is on it twice. After the tour, she really felt an immense sense of pride for the chance to play in Nevada.