It was a long journey for Sazed, traveling all the way from his homeland Terris to Great Falls. As a feruchemist, he has the ability to store his abilities, and he prepared for the long journey to Great Falls by doing just that. He rested a long time before the draft in order to travel to Great Falls, he knew he only had less than a week before he’d have to play in his first game, so he burned his entire pewtermind to get there on time.
On arrival, he was immediately greeted by the GMs of his new team, Spartan and Rankle. You see, as a Keeper of Terris, it is Sazed’s duty to collect information. They all have a specialty. His is SHL history. So he immediately got to work at his new facility, talking to management, reading team history books, interacting with his new teammates, etc.
The team had a large party for the welcoming of the rookies, which of course reminded Sazed of his time spent at balls at the different keeps of Luthadel. Perhaps not as fancy, Sazed still used it as an opportunity to mingle and develop some relationships with his new teammates. This definitely wasn’t like his old crew, but he had a feeling he was going to still manage to find a way to get involved in some overthrowing of lord rulers! (Aka beat teams higher in the standings en route to an unlikely Grizz championship)