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S54 PT #1 - A New Focus

Player's perspective: What did your coaches ask you to focus on this offseason? Is there anything you're hoping to do better than you did last season? How will you be altering your on-ice play for this season and what did you do in the offseason to prepare you for that?? Are you going to be trying to fit into a new role this season?

After what was a pretty successful season in S53, Anazibf is working with his coaches to take his game to the next level in S54. While being a good offensive presence, Anazibf's role as as a more defensively responsible centre on the 2nd line means he's been putting a lot of work into his positioning and defensive awareness. He's hoping to be more responsible on the dot this season, and while he wants to make sure his defensive ability and penalty killing makes major strides this coming season, he's also looking to be a lot more of a presence on the 2nd line offensively and build on his solid play last season. He's really been working hard to ensure all of this comes true in S54 by doing his gym work, his dry lands AND his one ice practices. While Anazibf won't be stepping into a new role this season, he's gonna make sure that the role he's already established for himself on the Steelhawks is one he excels in and continues to truly succeed in.

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**First GM in SMJHL history to win 3 Four Star Cups back-to-back-to-back**

my first season in SMJHL was good. i didn't get drafted but played 49 games and got 17 points, 7 goals, 10 assists. so i decided not to use redistribution and i stayed with same build. that was because of my good performance last season and how many unexpected points i got. i didn't get drafted in shl draft and stayed with raptors so i am good and my player will do better. i will have same role as last season, but i will have just more tp this season so maybe i will get more time to play and more opportunities to get points. my role will be the same as last season- be at right moment at right spot to score and assist so we team wins. last season was my debut season so i don't know how it was with previous simmachine. but in this simmachine is cool. i understanded that you need at least 12 attribute at skill so you are at least good player
169 words and it's for user's perspective

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This offseason I didn't changed my build up that much. We just won a cup with our strategy and it's something that we built and it has been successful and will be successful. Instead of changing how I play, there was areas of my game that were definitely weak last season. I had troubles keeping up with the play so I worked hard on my skating. Additionally, I was having issues with hitting the net when I took a shot, so I shot 1000 pucks every day and worked on my skating drills for an hour every day this offseason so I could be faster and be able to hit the net on a more consistent basis. I feel faster and my shot is a lot better. I had a poor 20 point season last year and I feel like I should be able to improve upon that this season. My possession game is still strong and I'm still a smart two way player. I'm excited for what this season brings Hamilton and myself

For this season, Elizabeth Doyle had to make sure she improved as much as she could during the summer. While she played in the past in the big league, it will be nothing compared to what's coming up for her. This season, she got the word from the buffalo stampede management. She would be the starter this season, with Cedric Robinson relieving her. This will be a big deal, due to the steep competition in the league. She had to be prepared to face a massive amount of shots this season and a new speed. There was some easy night in Junior, but that wouldn't be the case in the SHL. She made sure to capitalise on everything she learned with the St. Louis Scarecrows in order to be as ready as she could. She know she can count on some amazing teammates and a solid defense in order to make her transition as smooth as possible.

159 words

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This offseason was rather strange. My coaches hooked me up to a machine that wiped all of my muscle mass, muscle memory, and mental strategy. Then, my coaches had the gall to demand that I train back up to a level even higher than pre-wipe! What the hell was that about? So yeah, this offseason was brutal having to retrain myself to play hockey but slightly differently than I had the previous season. I was able to get to my coaches' expected level, but man was it a grind.

This coming season I will still take up the playmaking role. My goal is to get even more assists or at least to stay near the top, though now that people are starting to get a handle on the new game rules it will be tougher to compete and stay on top. My other goal is to help my team make it over the final hurdle of making it past Hamilton in the playoffs. It's unfortunate that our biggest competition is in the same conference so finals rounds will likely be rarer as we duke it out in the conference finals for the good chance at a cup in the finals.

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

SMJHL Stats || SHL Stats
[Image: YZjkK9Q.png] PORTAL [Image: rwqM7d3.png]
Berserkers Elk Falcons Renegades Germany

Stats Pre-S53 || Stats S53+
[Image: yXVPZSm.png] [Image: updates2.png]
Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget

Gunnar has had some big changes in the recent past in both his own training and his career trajectory. Near the end of his time in Tampa, he was attempting to shift into a role more focused on scoring, whereas all of his prior development had been geared towards playmaking and improving his passing abilities. He had barely had time to adjust to those new things when the trade happened, and after the trade, he was open to whatever the Chicago coaches had in mind for him, but it turned out that most of the things he'd been focusing on were useful so the majority of the changes in focus came before he even left Tampa. Of course, everything is a little different when you're playing with an entirely new team, but it was nice to not have to do yet another complete turnaround in focus, so Gunnar is hoping that the work he put in at the end of last season before the trade will help him in this new environment as well.

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Zimmermann training during the offseason

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Thank you @Carpy48, @honkerrs

For this season, I completely redesigned Sasha Dangelchek. With the jump from the SMJHL to SHL, it was the perfect time for a redistribution. I had tried to create an offensive player with some physical ability in the past. This was met with middling results. In his final season in the J, Sasha had a decent amount of points and was a generally impactful player, but it fell short of my expectations. So I decided to change him up completely once the redistribution was announced.

I took advice of my teammates and mentors in New England and started to morph Sasha into a more defensive player to complement the Wolfpack in a more complete way. As we've only played a few games, it remains to be seen how well Sasha plays. Initial returns, however, point to a more defensively responsible player that will continue to grow as time goes on. I'm excited to see how it plays out! -158 words

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I think joining up with the SHL right before the switch happened really made things easier for me. Since I hadn't quite hit the SMJHL cap yet, I was able to keep growing and experimenting with my player build without ever really having to do a redistribution, since I had so few points to spend to begin with. With this free redistribution just before the second season of FHM use, I was only uncapping to the next cap level of 425. Working closely with the team manager for the falcons, we were able to come up with a build that we think will do well based on how it did in the previous season and seeing what areas needed improvement with the extra TPE I was getting to spend from uncapping to 425. This season will really be the test, but I think with all the stuff that has gone into it already, I don't really have anything to worry about. The next big thing will be uncapping for the SHL in a few seasons. I'll be sure to work closely with my GM at that point to make a great build that is best for the team.

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His coaches had a hell of a time with Bohne last season. He showed up late to every team meeting. He showed up drunk to practice. He was just a terrible guy to try and rely on during the season. He's always show up clear headed and ready to play on game days, but more often than not he'd show up and not have any pants to wear during the game.

Part of the exit interview after last season, the coaches asked him to be a tad bit more professional as a hockey player. So far he's doing pretty good this season. He's had his pants every game, and even asked @"luketd" to make sure there's an extra pair of pants for him at every game, just in case. No one knows what's going to happen after this season, as his contract expires, but Bohne is trying to make a better impression during his contract year.

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This offseason, I spent even more time honing my offensive skills. After setting a career high in goals, assists and points last season, coach and Edmonton management saw the potential I had when they took me with the fourteenth overall pick in the draft. Now that they've seen what I can do, they want to know how much more I have left, and I want to prove to them that the best is absolutely left to come. I stopped doing faceoff drills all together, as I only took like fifteen faceoffs last season. That extra time was spent honing my offensive zone skills, but also my defensive game. I was a little bit of a defensive liability last season for the Blizzard and I want to be someone they can count on in all facets of the game. I've even heard that after my forty point outburst last season, there are some statistical eggheads out there that are predicting I could put up close to sixty points this season. That's why I'm working my ass off out here. I want to not only score those sixty points, but help my team by being a solid defender and not being as laissez faire with the puck.

205 words

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Scarecrows Usa Blizzard Panthers Patriotes Stars

Last season I saw a decent amount of success producing goals however it was not enough for Jaska Seppala. I wanted to create a pure sniper build and I did not really see that come to fruition. So I stepped back and created my ideal player. It also helped that I also had more TPE to work with since I unbanked to 425 TPE. I dropped my bravery a little but and also my shooting range. I thought shooting range would be helpful for a sniper but it was not. I then increased a ton of my other offensive stats like screening, getting open, and shooting accuracy. I also decided to not touch my defensive rating keeping them all at 9 except for Defensive Read which I increased to 11 just because I saw my player turn the book over quite a bit so I thought that might help. I also increased my speed quite a bit while also dropping strength a little. Judging by preseason I thought I did fairly well with my build

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Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
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Player Page || Update page

With the Hamilton Steelhawks winning the S53 Challenge Cup, I thought it was important to dive into the figuring out how they ended up with so much success even though they clearly had less TPE than many of the other teams. While I understand that the strategies that they Steelhawks employed were the main reason for their success, I believe that emulating their strong defensive player builds coupled with the Buffalo Stampede’s already defensive playstyle would only make Big Wanger an even better player. Last season, Wanger was statistically one of the worst players on the Buffalo Stampede and I believe that focusing on improving his physical stats would be one of the biggest improvements to making him better in the sim. We discussed it a lot in the Buffalo locker room and we concluded that it would be best if Wanger was stronger and was more defensively aware. I think these changes have played dividends in improving Wanger’s game as he has started with an average game rating of over 60 in the first 6 games of the season. I am definitely looking forward to what’s in store for Wanger because he is now in a bigger role on an extremely competitive team in the Buffalo Stampede.

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

During the offseason, my coaches in Hamilton definitely came to us with a theme. I remember coach Apricot telling us "everyone thinks you're all too similar. But I think you're not similar enough! We all need to be identical links in a single chain." As a result, they stripped of us everything, including our very identities and gave us robot brains. While my memories of my past life are scarce and fleeting, I remember the name Tig Murphy. I was a defenseman, implying that anything mattered other than defense in the before times. I am now Worker TM94D, a perfectly positioned drone protecting the beehive of our beloved ruler, the former Geezus Kryyst. As has been pointed out by foolish mortals who have yet to ascend, Hamilton does have players with strong defensive stats. While the former me may have used a witty retort such as "there's more than one way to skin a cat" (side note: my new AI brain calculated that there is only one optimal way, starting from the base of the tail), I see now that only defense matters. We must all be infallible in our pursuit of defensive glory, and become more similar and more in sync until there are no differences left.

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