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S54 PT #1 - A New Focus

Looking at my build between this season and last will have been significant in terms of changes, however that is not due to the redistribution that was awarded. Starting last season i was one of the lowest TPE rookies in the SHL, and as such my attributes stood fairly low. With that in mind, I will have had a largely changed build just by virtue of gaining more tpe. Sitting now at 690 tpe with 14 of that banked, I soon will be able to upgrade my stickchecking to 14. This is where the redistribution comes in, as I did pull two points out of stickchecking at the off season to accommodate further stats in physicals however 30 tpe is not that large of a change. Anyways for my new role, I’ll be slotting in as a purely defensive D man for the foreseeable future until my TPE level catches the level I will need it to be to feel comfortable putting points into offense. I should be seeing some PK time so that will be fun to see, and is a primary reason of getting stickchecking up to 15.

I haven't changed my build too much this season. I kept my defensive style of play, which I've had for pretty much since the start. Luckily, this type of build works much better in FHM than it did in STHS, so I'm more than happy to use it, after many seasons of being bad. With the help of my coach Mook, we figured out a build that would allow me to improve my defensive play even more. Last season, I felt like I could get more hits and blocked shots, so we improved my build a little more towards that. We started by removing the little bit of tpe I had in screening, since I never really get to go in front of the goalie to screen generally. We also added tpe mostly towards defensive stats, like strength and checking, so that my player could be better defensively. Defensive stats seem quite important regardless, looking at most of the builds in the SHL.

163 words

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|Canada |Steelhawks| Armada|

|Canada| Inferno| Knights|

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What did I change about my player build? Not a fucking thing because I did damn well last season! Okay this might sound a bit too cocky because there are always thing you can improve on and you should always strive to be better in order to become a Champion, but to be completely honest I am not a big fan of the min-maxing approach to things in a game like this. Of course you wanna build a good player and invest in the right attributes, but meticulously testing all attributes in hundreds of test sims to come up with some kind of meta build, as a lot of people seem to be oing nowadays, isn't really my cup of tea. I would argue that it actually makes the game less fun in the end even if you might end up racking up a few more points in the sim, and overall it isn't healthy for the league overall either. But then again, this is kinda easy for me to say because, well, my build already rocked last season. So... yeah.

After my rookie season there was a feeling, both from myself and from my coaches and people who's opinion I respect, that my game just didn't translate well at all to the big deal. Partly the issue was my size. The physical and intensive game that I enjoyed playing and thrived on earlier in my career just didn't work when playing against larger men and women. I consulted my coaches and they felt like we could focus on my skating and work more on the offensive side of the game. I still have the intensity but I think its more focused now. I feel like especially my skating has become much more focused. I think skating has always been one of my better if not my best skill but the work we did this off-season really payed off. I think having a more focused play style will do good for me, I enjoy playing a very focused and narrow game. So far its been great and I feel fantastic.

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PT Pass

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Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

Tom Fiddler's new focus sounds rather two-faced, but that is just the type of player he is. At first, he took a lot of time to improve his shot, puck handling skills, and passing skills. He also improved his Offensive Read to 17, and I can't think of what a real life parallel for that is. Lots of practice I suppose. At any rate, the focus here is to allow him to be more of a threat in the offensive zone, since Tom Fiddler is one of ~4 active forwards on the team and one of the highest TPE players as well, at just under 1000. Lots of responsibility here. Speaking of that responsibility, he also did a lot of long distance skating drills to improve his stamina. He bumped it up to 16, which may see diminishing returns on a deep team but Tom expects 20+ minutes a night and needs to be ready for 50 games this season. Finally, his Defensive read also went up to 17, just to boost all of his already high defensive stats. This should help Tom Fiddler round out his game to more Two-Way Center away from 4th line grinder. Lastly, I'd like to become more brave, which I will do by watching scary movies

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Fuck the penaltys
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All in all, I didn't change too much about my player's build during the off-season. When I initially made my first FHM build, I converted myself to be more of a two-way defensive build as opposed to the defensive build I used in STHS. After the redistribution this past offseason, I'm still rolling with a two-way build like I did in my first season on the engine. One of the biggest tweaks I did was relocating some of the TPE I had put into shooting range and putting it into shooting accuracy instead. I feel like I overloaded the range but paid little attention to the accuracy my first season. While my range might not be as far this time around, I'm hoping that my accuracy will be better within that range now. Other than that, I moved around a little of my athleticism TPE. Maybe dropped an attribute point or two off of my speed, acceleration, and agility, and bumped up a few defensive attributes instead.

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I did not change a lot in my free off-season redistribution. I earned a lot of TPE though and had a good amount banked so i improved that way instead. So far it has been working seeing how i've got 5 points in the first 7 games, as well as 10 blocked shots. I'm not hitting a lot but that isn't that important to me right now. In the future i am definitely looking to become a strong fantasy defenseman, hopefully both offensively AND defensively, though my main focus will be the defensive game, lots of blocked shots and hits, right now i'm on the third line however which of course brings those numbers down, but i am optimistic about the future, i'm not even 1100 tpe and i can already see solid results! I got my coach Mook to coach me through all of this and with his guidance i hope i can achieve great things.

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With the conclusion of the first FHM season in the books, we finally had a sample size (although small) that could digest and learn what attributes seemed to be the most effective. Some of the attributes that seem to carry more weight than at least expected is checking, stamina, and strength. Before the season I had heard that screening was going to be an important attribute for the PP so I invested a respectable amount of TPE in it to get it to 16. With learning more about what we have, I decided to drop my screening to 15 and use the TPE to get my strength up to 16. The rest of my build I left virtually untouched as I was content with using that as the base. From the knowledge I did gain from this season my plans with the build have changed drastically thought which will have me be more defensive than originally planned.

Falcons Canada

Quote:User's perspective: With a season on FHM in the books and a free redistribution gifted by HO for the offseason, what did you decide to change about your player build? Did you drastically change your build from last season? If so, why? Are you going to be trying to fit into a new role this season? What did you learn from last season's pilot run?

This season, I decided to make my player play like my idol, Gabriel "Gone Wild" @Gwdjohnson Johnson, except better because I have more TPE. I decided to switch from a build focused on two way defense to something that just kind of goes balls to the wall, and to try to become a powerplay specialist. I should be able to pull this off because I have Perry Morgan by my side to bail me out whenever I join in on the offense, just like Gabe Johnson had Samuel Michaud to bail him out whenever he made a defensive misstep (which happened quite often). Now that my build is just like Gabe's but better, I hope to not only replicate his results from last season, but to exceed them. Now, if Guy doesn't manage to pot as many powerplay points as Gabe did last year, I'll just have to blame @hotdog for not utilizing him correctly. Guy Zheng for Stevens?

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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PBE claim

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(This post was last modified: 05-31-2020, 12:34 AM by Toivo.)

Coach liked what I did last season, especially towards the end. My play really started clicking in the playoffs. I’m a garbage collector, and so I have the skills to match the playstyle. After a quick glance around the league, Jones is one of the only garbage collectors in the league. It’s not a sexy name, but the playstyle is pretty serious. When the puck gets loose out in front of the net and I’m there, the goalie is in big trouble. There were a few areas that coach had to pull be aside and coach me on, but that’s expected. I’m looking forward to carrying on the momentum I had toward the end of last season, specifically the playoffs. I’m not sure which specific areas I will seek to improve at the moment. As we go down the season and I see holes in my game, I will address them through training in the gym with the coaching staff.
kahn on pbe

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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With the SHL giving all players a chance to redistribute their TPE before the season, many were looking to build better players. I decided to remain mostly the same with just a few adjustments. I wanted to strengthen my Offensive ability and stamina at the cost of a little less Defensive skill. I chose this because most were doing the opposite and I figured it would be better this way for me and my team. I have the ability to increase my Defense with future earned TPE if it turns out my decision was a mistake, but so far it seems to have been a smart decision. I kept my passing maxed to ensure I was still able to help my linemates as best as I could. With the season underway now, the choices our team has made have so far worked out well. I just hope it doesn't end the same way it did last season.
(This post was last modified: 05-31-2020, 02:09 AM by AlwaysGettingHaxed.)

Having been away for so long, and not being a part of the inaugural FHM season, Kaspertommevisnapuu did not take advantage of changing his game. He still has a sniper first mentality, and will continue to believe in that mentality. His game needs all around improvement since he hasn’t practiced in over 2-3 seasons.

With a return to practicing on the ice, and recent signing to the Tampa Bay Barracuda. KaKa sees an opportunity not only to continue to be a sniper, but to thrive upon it, in his new home. While being away for so long, his game has deteriorated in all facets, so he will look to strengthen his strengths first to provide some help to a rebuilding Tampa franchise. Then, he will look to round out his game.

KaKa will listen to his coaches and general manager if there are specific areas they would like to see him improve upon. Till that time comes, however, he will work on the areas of the game he feels will not only help his chances to stay in the SHL, but also his team down the road.

~180 words

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Michael Fox finally had what he would consider a successful offensive season in S53, posting his second best shooting season yet, as well as setting a career high in points. The New Orleans Specters coaching staff thought his offensive game was where it needed to be, but his defensive game had taken a dip. Seeing as how Fox once led the SHL in plus-minus, the Specters knew he was and is still capable of having a very solid two-way game. This is why the New Orleans staff asked Fox to focus on the defensive aspects of his game this offseason. Fox specifically worked on his hitting and shot blocking, but he also spent a good amount of time in the film room trying to get a better gauge on how teams and players liked to play last season, hoping it would give him a better defensive read on the players he’ll be spending the most time on ice against.

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Aleksi Kettu
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