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S71 PT#4: Not My Stadium!

There's a lot of things that are different about playing in the college arena. For starters, there's the locker room they stole that the college kids keep giving them flack about every time practices run near each other. The audience is also different - there's the same fans they have season after season, and then there's the college crowd that gets in for cheaper as it's home turf. They can go one of two ways - they can be incredibly jubilant, cheering the entire game - or they can be the worst fans imaginable with jeers, beer on the ice, absolute nightmares. On good nights, Aksel can count on them to rock the glass when he checks it for a celly - rocking so hard he thinks the glass might break. On bad nights, Aksel sinks a bit lower onto the bench, shoulders hunched against an angry arena. He knows he's going to miss the good times, but he's excited for the new arena - a home, rather than a precarious in-between.

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gay heghog

To be honnest, its definitively not easy to play in so many different arena all the time, let alone when we concider the special events into the equations. Nevek Kove found out early in his career that the best way for him to stay focused during away games is to just perform his routine like he does at home. It all start by waking up, feeding and training Superb Owl, which he got in writing in his contract that the pet owl would follow the team everywhere. After that, he goes to the rink for an early morning skate where he could get a teammates to shoots some pucks at him. After, its a quick meal that consist of buttered pasta and buttered pancakes, because the sauce is good for him. It all end up with an hour nap snuggled close with his best buddy Superb Owl in the hotel room before making his way to the rink for the game.


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Player Prompt:

It takes an awful lot to knock Collin Gibbles off of his rhythm. The Minnesota Monarchs player has lasted through 27 seasons of professional play so they have seen more strange things over the course of their career than many see. No matter where he has to play, Gibbles makes sure to follow his easy routines and play at the best level he can. Gibbles has made sure to bring his pre-game meal with him on the flight to any away game to make sure he doesn't have to rely on his destination to provide. Gibbles has worked with a few different companies to make a great tasting shelf stable meal that can go without being refrigerated for 24 hours so that he can bring them along. He has also worked to get his own flavor of gatorade that he has a limitless supply of. The flavor is a secret publicly but behind closed doors it is a watermelon, blackberry, and mint flavor.

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[Image: qGhUIfY.png]  Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  [Image: PlcJv9V.png]


151 words 

Boy Howdy do I not care that we're playing in a college arena. I care so little, I used the term boy howdy which I don't care for. The fans are the same, as long as they didn't only let the people with the fancy seats in. In that sense, I like it better. Much like in the 1987 Jean Claude Van Damme masterpiece, in which the kumite is only attending by those who care enough to find it, so too should only our fans who don't need all the ludicrous amenities provided by a professional stadium be attending our games. So I guess, I do care. I think we should play out at least one season in this stadium. Boy howdy would it do the league so good if all the fans wanted to be there rather than the corporate nonsense that fill the expensive seats. Boy howdy, I say!

Prompt 1

Melvin really worked hard at being okay with playing at the college stadium, but the fact of the matter is, his heart belongs to the Michigan Wolverines, and playing at the University of Illinois hockey arena was definitely tough for him. Walking into the home team locker room night after night, especially seeing all of the large Is covering everything was not easy to bear. However, as a leader within the Syndicate organization, Melvin knew that he had to continue to put on a brave face for everyone else on the team. He couldn't let them down by letting the atmosphere shake him at all. Instead, he tried to lean into what it would be like to play in the party world a little bit more. Looking at making sure that he was celebrating more, engaging with the crowd, and really trying to make sure the drinks were flowing so that fans could continue to have a good time, Melvin kept his spirits up in this otherwise dismal place.

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Creative Prompt

Newman has always loved the college game, for better or for worse, thinking of it kinda like March Madness and college basketball in general only for hockey. He has always loved the excitement of the crowds that really bring the energy more so than pro crowds at times. My player does enjoy playing in a “college atmosphere” very much and wishes all crowds were like this (except without the thrown beer bottles please). The craziest thing a fan would get kicked out for would be trying to go onto the crowd and propose to someone also from the crowd in the middle of the field. The player wouldn’t go crazy enough to ever jump into the crowd, as much as the player enjoys said atmosphere. One of the player’s favorite things about playing in a college stadium is just how big it is, like even compared to pro stadiums it’s so much bigger and yet somehow the crowd feels more close, as if the crowd is playing alongside you. It really gives you more encouragement as you go throughout a game.

Sitting in the room, music is playing, as it usually is. The squad is getting primed on some vintage Celine Dion classics, that's just the way its always been. You lace up the skates, shake off the jitters, handshakes and embraces before stepping on the ice and going to battle with your family. It feels as it usually is, hearing the crowd roaring, its a packed barn. You start making your way down hallways that don't match your memories and its when it hits you, this isn't Staples anymore. You step on the ice and you see young and old fans go nuts. Its a 5000 seater, but it sure feels like 10 times that. You're ready to go, the puck drops and its showtime.

The reality is the barn is as good as the people that come to cheer for you, and god knows the best fans are the ones wearing the orange and teal, bleeding the colors and chanting the Panthers glory.  Derek Martin will give it all, night in and night out for those fans, so long as he can lace em up and leave it all out there.

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@jason kranz sig elite / @sulovilen elite sig
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Panthers Ireland Highlanders

PT Pass

GM of Canada in the WJC S56

S56 WJC Gold Medalist GM/Player for Canada

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Player Prompt

Ole Olson has one thing on his mind when he enters a sporting venue to play a competitive game; doing his best. It does not matter if it is a home game, an away game, or a neutral location, Olson simply focuses on the task at hand and does not let things off the ice distract him. He works with his coaches and teammates to make sure everyone is relaxed and ready to perform to the best of their abilities. For some it just takes a casual joke to release tension, and for others it is a deep conversation about strategy against the upcoming opponent. If there is a significant amount of stress, Olson just pops in headphones and melts away into music. It does not matter what he listens to, the only purpose is to block out the things around him and allow him to retreat into himself and relax before the game begins. Olson rarely has to work hard to find peace.

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Player Prompt

I mean, they are having the AKs, but it does not matter one bit. What are they going to do? Shoot me? Suppose they do. What happens? Nobody ever goes to play there again. I will be dead, but who cares? I have made peace with death, I do not fear him. He is another coward feeding on carcasses. So a heel squatting, vodka drinking, Adidas tracksuit wearing, Kalash holding bully will not get to my head. Because they act high and nighty only after they get the gun in their hands. Once they drop it, they turn into quivering cowards. Their guns do not phase me. I grew up knowing how to dismantle an AK and reassemble it. It is easy. Just think they are not there. It is another game of hockey. And if I die, I did it doing what I ended up falling deeply in love with. I died with a smile in my face. That is why I never lose my cool. I have already accepted that it can happen to anyone at any given moment. I cannot control it. If I cannot control it, I put it in the back of my mind and move on.

Player Prompt
Willow’s main strength for keeping herself focused is to not hold media times before or after games regardless if the team is doing well or not. She’s a private person who isn’t that trusting of reporters and the like because they try to twist words in ways to make you seem bad. Ever since she stopped giving out interviews willy nilly she’s found herself rejuvenated and energetic in ways she hasn’t felt since she was a small kid. The other thing that helps Willow out is during the game, in between her shifts, she has a bowl of cereal that she eats over the course of the game. This was a tradition started by Regina goalie Ally Mathieson who would eat cereal whenever the puck wasn’t in her end of the rink and she passed it on to Willow. With the carbohydrates and literal tons of sugar that came in from the Reese’s Puffs she has energy for the entire game.

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tommy westbroko but this time i upd was so crazy copnfused when he found out he has to play in a college stadium? are you serieous rtight now guys? this is so not right for a team at the big caliber of a team such as the hamilton steelhawks. why do we have to play here? we bring in so much money to the nice cityh of hamilton and now were forced to play in some little tiiny place that has no fans? this sucks but there is always some bright sides to things of bad situations. and tommy is the type of guy who will find the good. first of all its really easy to get from car parking space into locker room because the building is small so he just walks right in. talk about convientent am i right? but wow does he sure miss his old big stadium with all his big fans cheering him on

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