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S67 SMJHL oPT - One Season at a Time
(This post was last modified: 10-30-2022, 10:04 PM by MikeLiut. Edited 1 time in total.)

My memorable moments were mostly off the ice, and not on it. Production-wise, my player did not contribute a lot to the team this year, and I think that was expected. I arrived late into the season, I invested my TPE only after the third week of the season, so only with a few games left.

Almost scored on my first shift – and loved my teammates’ reaction when it happened. Scored a hat trick out of nowhere near the end of the season – and my teammates seemed genuinely happy when it occurred. Got promoted to the second line, managed to get 13 points in 12 games to end the season and helped in the playoffs with a decent production. I think the best is yet to come, both for the team and Ekaterina.

The Kelowna crew made those moments memorable, and I am happy to have been traded to this team.

In my rookie season, I performed decently, but there is much room for performance.  I feel like I definitely put in a solid amount of work this season in the weight room, in film study, and on the ice, but my stats were not up to par with many of the other rookies in the SMJHL.  In the 66 games I played in my rookie season, I put up a total of 36 points, comprised of 12 goals and 24 assists.  While this was over 0.50 ppg, I feel that I could've done much better.  I was a -27 in plus/minus and my CF% relative and FF% relative barely moved the needle.  Next season, I hope to improve analytically and accomplish my goal of becoming one of the top players in the SMJHL.

134 words

[Image: lutz-first-sig-shl.png]

My expectations for my rookie season in the SMJHL was for TPE earnings instead of performance in the sim since in the SMJHL player stats are more compressed due to the 350 and 425 applied TPE caps in place.  I wanted in particular to earn near the top, I heard before the season that around 300 would be at max earning.  I did hit 300 TPE before the SHL Entry Draft so I accomplished that goal. The 300 TPE mark put me at tied for 11th in the Season 68 draft class.
Sim wise, while I didn't have expectations or concrete goals I wanted to accomplish I am still satisfied with my performance this season.  In general I wanted my player to be a really good defensive defenseman and I accomplished that.  My player was 3rd in the SMJHL in shots blocked, first among SMJHL rookies, and recorded over 100 hits.  My DGR was over 70 and I think in the top 30 in the league as well

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[Image: MEAGHER.png]
Credit Maxy and Merica for sigs

As the Knights didn't end up making a deep push into the playoffs, Pete Aleman definitely feels a little disappointed in himself for his results this season. Jumping up to a new league is always going to be tough, but at the end of the day seeing -32 in +/- on the scoresheet is going to make any defender feel a little ashamed. From a metrics perspective he had a pretty good season at a 69 DGR, but that's something that needs to come up if Aleman is to help the team make a deep playoff run in the next few years. This offseason is going to be spent watching film, doing edgework and preparing to make a strong push to become a top-tier defenseman in the J

[Word Count: 130]

Knights Update Thread Knights 

Knights Player Info Knights

Alexander performed above all expectations that I had for the season. I came into the league building an anchor in the defensive zone with the occasional points being generated. However finishing off the regular season, I was tied for most points by a rookie defenseman and tied 3rd for all rookies. The offensive explosion didn't hurt his defensive game as he was top 10 among all defensemen in takeaways (1st among rookies), hits (2nd among rookie), CF% relative (1st among rookies), and FF% relative (tied 1st among rookies). However the best achievement for his rookie season was helping the Citadelles make a deep run for the Four Star Cup. His postseason was not as successful as the regular season so we have plenty of work in the offseason to come back stronger and wiser.

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[Image: kcP9WEd.png] [Image: DNLeeu0.png][Image: eP8F2Ne.png]

(This post was last modified: 10-31-2022, 09:44 AM by SimmiZ. Edited 1 time in total.)

Im on par for the expectation I had before my first season with St-Louis. It was my first season in 6 years, and first time with FHM, so I knew I would need to do some adjustment. As a defensive type defenseman, my main goal was to have a good plus/minus, shot blocking, hits, and giveaway vs takeaway, and I met these expectation without surpassing them. St-louis had a team to win the 4 stars cup this season, and I knew my role would be less important, but for the next season, we will lose a lot of capped player, and I think I will see my player full potential here.

111 words

Season 67 has come to an end, and it really flew by. As a user who has been around since S2, this was my first time making a goalie and I was not sure what to expect. Tummy Hurts had a pretty good rookie season, all things considered. As a rookie goalie on a rebuilding team finishing dead last, the expectations were not incredibly high at either an individual or team level. Tummy put up decent numbers, though, recording a few wins and putting up an .884 save percentage. Heading into Season 68, Tummy will look to turn things around and break the .900 barrier on SV%, while also hopefully recording his first (of many) shutouts. It was a fun rookie season, but I'm excited for the next one to see a more complete build at work.

Something happened on the day he died. Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside.
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried. I’m a blackstar, I’m a blackstar.

[Image: Wooly.gif]

 a bottomless curse, a bottomless sea, source of all greatness, all things that be.

After a hot start with several multi-point games in the preseason and early season, Marton regressed to finish with nearly the league average in most stats. After earning a lot of 2nd line minutes, he hoped to show up on the stat sheet more effectively, but was held back by the bad luck that plagued Carolina all season, as well as his own lack of focus in transitioning to the North American rink and the level of play in the J. Hard to describe the on-ice product this season as anything but a disappointment, but the off-ice element has been the exact opposite, with a huge welcome in Carolina and a great LR pushing everyone to grow.

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Sig courtesy @sulovilen

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As a third round pick going to a team with a lot of TPE capped players with their eyes on a championship, there wasn't a ton of expectations for Jarrod Lakemore's first season. I knew ice time would be limited in favor of the more senior players and any depth scoring I could provide would be gravy. More important would be holding down the fort on the third line while the team's stars got some rest, and for the most part that was accomplished with about 0.5 ppg production and a -5 rating in the regular season. Certainly not impressive numbers but enough to keep the ship afloat for the stacked top 6 to do their jobs. In the playoffs, Lakemore had an exceptional run with 19 points in 18 games, along with 20 takeaways and winning 54.9% of his faceoffs. The numbers were buoyed by an unsustainably high 28.6% shooting percentage, but it was still a nice run.

At the end of the day however, the team comes first and the team ultimately failed to close out a 3-1 series lead against QCC. With a large number of players moving on to the SHL, Lakemore will need to step up his game with his increased ice time next season.

Citadelles  S68 - Jarrod Lakemore - C Stampede

Playing through my first season in the SMJHL has been a thrilling and enjoyable experience starting right off the bat with the player creation. You have a build in mind,likely based off of a favorite player or what you wished you could have been yourself and with that you have these expectations. Of course then you play your first seasons and you realize how little you can contribute early. Unfortunately as a first time player your expectations are higher that reality is going to allow with a point based progression system. As you become more experienced throughout the season you look for the little things like seeing the participation among your fellow new teammates and the potential you all have together in the coming seasons which gives hope.

I would say the most memorable experience would be that first goal coming against the team that claim and traded me. It look longer than I would have liked but only made the payoff that much sweeter.

166 Words

Kind of hard to say really, if I played to my expectations. To be completely fair with myself, I don't know why I had expectations at all. I knew as a goalie I was not going to get much playing time, yet somehow I expected more. All is well though, as despite not logging many games played, I still made contributions to my team and helped them go all the way to the Four Star Cup! An exciting thing, to be apart of a championship caliber team from the get go. I truly hope the rest of career as a goalie here in the SHL can be just as exciting.

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Exceeded expectations for sure. Not only did Barca smash through Krash’s rookie tally of 4, but the Timbers won the 4 star! The biggest thing for me was getting that on the junior player and I was able to knock that off (with a lot of help from the team) right off the bat!

From here on out the junior career is all about chasing points, and trying to be in the running for bear d man the rest of the minors career. Setting myself up for a big SHL rookie season when the time to move up is on me. Until then, we have more championships to chase.

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I admit when I say I was a bit whelmed by my season, but overall, it was good, I learned more about the league and the people in it as well as making friends. Going into next season I hope to do much better considering I may potentially play with my two fellow S68 draftees on a line together. Hopefully this next season the Kraken as a team can take that next step as me and my fellow rookies become all that much more important to the team as a whole. Next season is the season Liam Logger will fill the nets with pucks.

[Image: zFE0mSA.png]      [Image: HKi05IH.png]     [Image: KS8UYv9.png]

As someone who set no concrete goals and preferred to see how things play out, I was pleasantly surprised by Hai Nam Hoang's performance over the course of the season and the playoffs. Given the situation Great Falls was in, it was important that Hoang play a key role immediately for the franchise, and I was lucky to have a wonderful sim over the course of the year. Even though no goals were met - because their simply weren't any - I can't call this season anything but a successful first campaign for Hoang's journey to the SHL.

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Well I didn't really have too many expectations for this season with Andy Ceylon. I just wanted him to put up good defensive numbers, which he did. Leading the Kraken in SBs and for a brief moment even making a leaguewide top 10 appearance despite his pretty limited development this season. Having watched a few sims it does appear that our poor Andy is struggling a lot with gap closing and tends to back into the goalie a lot when he shouldn't. Maybe that's just a FHM thing? Or maybe it will improve as his Defensive Read does? I'm hoping for the latter, as it was a bit demoralizing seeing my DFD play like a damn potato in his own end a lot of the time.

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