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S21 Detroit Falcons Combine

PlayerName: Rembrandt Q. Einstein
Position: Defence

1) Why are you interested in becoming part of the Detroit Falcons Organization?

Strong franchise history and I know many great players who have played for the Falcons. Would love a chance to etch my name into their history.

2) What kind of player are you, what skills do you bring on the ice?

I'm more so an offensive defenceman, but can certain hold my own in our own end. Smooth skater and great puck-handler, I can move the puck efficiently and successfully to put the forwards in the best position possible.

3) What kind of person are you off the ice, what will you bring to our locker room?

I'm a team player 100%. It's all support and encouragement from my end. We win as a team and lose as a team.

4) We’re looking for players that are motivated to become future stars, is this you? How will you get there?

I'm absolutely motivated to become the best I can be. I'm going to train at every opportunity I can and use all resources to keep getting better. Failure isn't an option.

5) Most importantly we are looking for mature players who will work hard to improve while conducting themselves with class around the league. Do you feel you are that kind of person?

I feel like I am very mature and I hope to bring that type of attitude to any team that drafts me. I'm not a headcase, not selfish, and not someone you need to baby. I can and will be a leader.

6) We’ve developed some of the best prospects in the league over the last few seasons, are you the next great Detroit prospect? Tell us what your goals are this season and beyond.

The goal is always to win. I want to win the 4 star cup and find success with my teammates. My goal everywhere I go is to just win baby.

7) Activity is key to success, will you be active? Do you have time in real life to devote to the league on a daily/weekly basis?

I'm as active as you can possibly be on here. You don't have to worry about my activity at all.

8) Do you plan on writing media? Do you enjoy writing or do you find it a chore?

I do enjoy writing, but I enjoy reading media as well. It's always nice reading stuff from new and old members.

9) Do you plan on doing all the Point Tasks available in order to improve your player as much as possible? How about Graphics, is that something you see yourself doing?

I will absolutely complete all point tasks. However, I have no graphic skills so those are out of my league.

10) Why should we select you on draft day, what separates you from other players?

Guaranteed activity and commitment.

11) If we do select you and you find yourself in a depth role, bottom 2 lines, bottom 2 defense pairing or back up goalie, how will you handle it?

I have no problem with whatever role my GM puts me in. They know what's best for the team and I trust their decisions. Team success is first.

12) What have you enjoyed most about the SHL since joining?

The growth of the community and the diversity it brings. It's become so much more than a sim league.

13) Are you a big hockey fan, have you played in real life? What position?

Huge hockey fan, but haven't played ice hockey before because I don't know how to skate.

14) If Kate Upton and Selena Gomez were drowning and you could only save one, who would it be and why?

There's no way Kate Upton would ever drown with THOSE on her chest, so I'm going to save Selena Gomez.

15) And finally, Cake or Pie?

Probably pie, but can't go wrong with ice cream cake.

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 76
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 1] [Pts 1] [+/- +3] [PIM 4] [Hits 7] [SB 33]

[Image: ERs3IrD.png]


PlayerName: Alex Fischer
Position: RW

1) Why are you interested in becoming part of the Detroit Falcons Organization?
Have heard good things about Detroit as an organization

2) What kind of player are you, what skills do you bring on the ice?
An offensive forward, I believe that I posses a good shot and puck handling skills

3) What kind of person are you off the ice, what will you bring to our locker room?
Im a huge sports guy, whether it be hockey to football I always have something to say

4) We’re looking for players that are motivated to become future stars, is this you? How will you get there?
I like writing so I think the point tasks will get me to where I want to go

5) Most importantly we are looking for mature players who will work hard to improve while conducting themselves with class around the league. Do you feel you are that kind of person?
I believe I am, never been big on people with huge attitudes so I've always strayed away from being one of those people myself

6) We’ve developed some of the best prospects in the league over the last few seasons, are you the next great Detroit prospect? Tell us what your goals are this season and beyond.
My goals would be simply put to improve my player the best I can on the pace to win a championship with Detroit

7) Activity is key to success, will you be active? Do you have time in real life to devote to the league on a daily/weekly basis?
I live a fairly busy life, but I will try my best to log on at least once a day to check up on the website. Also doing at least a media task a week along with each point task that comes up

8) Do you plan on writing media? Do you enjoy writing or do you find it a chore?
As mentioned before I don't mind writing at all, especially if a topic is given to me

9) Do you plan on doing all the Point Tasks available in order to improve your player as much as possible? How about Graphics, is that something you see yourself doing?
I plan on doing all the point task that are available. However in regards to graphics it is something that I have tried before and never gotten into, so I don't see myself changing in that aspect of media

10) Why should we select you on draft day, what separates you from other players?
I can promise that I'll work hard to make the best player available while contributing to the locker-room atmosphere in a positive sense

11) If we do select you and you find yourself in a depth role, bottom 2 lines, bottom 2 defense pairing or back up goalie, how will you handle it?
There is a reason you are the GM and not me, and I would accept that role if it meant the team was winning. However I wouldn't be comfortable in that position and try to work back into a more key role through improving TPE

12) What have you enjoyed most about the SHL since joining?
I've enjoyed how active it has been. Everyone has been helping the rookies out to try and make it a better site to enjoy

13) Are you a big hockey fan, have you played in real life? What position?
Big hockey and Canucks fan. Never got the chance to play competitively though

14) If Kate Upton and Selena Gomez were drowning and you could only save one, who would it be and why?
Without a doubt Selena Gomez, would be hard to save a drowning fridge

15) And finally, Cake or Pie?
Nothing beats a good ice cream cake

Player Name: Steve Linkos
Position: Left Wing

1) Why are you interested in becoming part of the Detroit Falcons Organization?
From what I've seen you are a successful organization and are going to go far this year.

2) What kind of player are you, what skills do you bring on the ice?
I am a play maker with good puck handling and aim to get lots of assists.

3) What kind of person are you off the ice, what will you bring to our locker room?
I love hockey i know a lot about stats and current events in the league i love to discuss and debate. I want to be a good helpful presence for the team.

4) We’re looking for players that are motivated to become future stars, is this you? How will you get there?
I want to get there and im confident i can. I can write fairly well and doing research can be enjoyable so ik my player will advance quickly.

5) Most importantly we are looking for mature players who will work hard to improve while conducting themselves with class around the league. Do you feel you are that kind of person?
Yes i am definitely that kind of person i always make sure i am respectful.

6) We’ve developed some of the best prospects in the league over the last few seasons, are you the next great Detroit prospect? Tell us what your goals are this season and beyond.
My goal is to make sure my player is the best fit for his team and can help win a championship.

7) Activity is key to success, will you be active? Do you have time in real life to devote to the league on a daily/weekly basis?
Yes i spend a lot of my day on the computer and i like to take short breaks which is perfect for reading an artical or writing a short one.

8) Do you plan on writing media? Do you enjoy writing or do you find it a chore?
Yes i do like to write about subjects i like and i love hockey. Scouting and analyzing is my favorite part of sports.

9) Do you plan on doing all the Point Tasks available in order to improve your player as much as possible? How about Graphics, is that something you see yourself doing?
I will always try to complete point tasks as i know they are important to improve your player. Graphics im not good at but if someone was willing to help me figure it out i would definitely start doing it.

10) Why should we select you on draft day, what separates you from other players?
I am focused on play making and assists. Im not focused on goal scoring i want to set people up which i think is a highly important role that is often over looked.

11) If we do select you and you find yourself in a depth role, bottom 2 lines, bottom 2 defense pairing or back up goalie, how will you handle it?
If the team is winning i cant argue against a winning formula and would just focus on improving my player and hopefully making the first line. If the team isnt doing well i would talk to the coach about getting more time or what he would want from me to move up in the order.

12) What have you enjoyed most about the SHL since joining?
I enjoy reading articles about hockey im always up for learning more about the sport i love.

13) Are you a big hockey fan, have you played in real life? What position?
I am the biggest hockey fan i play as often as i can im a right winger.

14) If Kate Upton and Selena Gomez were drowning and you could only save one, who would it be and why?
who ever was flailing the least as they would be the easiest to save.

15) And finally, Cake or Pie?
Cake all the way

PlayerName: Stacker Pentecost
Position: D

1) Why are you interested in becoming part of the Detroit Falcons Organization?
Honestly, I don't have a preference of teams. Detroit seems as good as anyone right now.

2) What kind of player are you, what skills do you bring on the ice?
Two-way D, passing/puckhandling/endurance/skating/defence

3) What kind of person are you off the ice, what will you bring to our locker room?
Pretty laid back, easy going, mature.

4) We’re looking for players that are motivated to become future stars, is this you? How will you get there?
I'll put in the work weekly, get all the PT's and be a stud, simple. I have 20+ mill in bank so won't miss any training.

5) Most importantly we are looking for mature players who will work hard to improve while conducting themselves with class around the league. Do you feel you are that kind of person?
Again, I think my advanced age helps me bring a certain maturity to a league full of mostly younger guys.

6) We’ve developed some of the best prospects in the league over the last few seasons, are you the next great Detroit prospect?
Tell us what your goals are this season and beyond. Win a championship first and foremost. Then come back next year and win another, then get the 3-peat. After that, win every SMJHL award possible, all of them.

7) Activity is key to success, will you be active? Do you have time in real life to devote to the league on a daily/weekly basis?
Depends on time of year. Winter break is busy but I'll check in regularly.

8) Do you plan on writing media? Do you enjoy writing or do you find it a chore?
I enjoy writting, will do it when I have the time for it.

9) Do you plan on doing all the Point Tasks available in order to improve your player as much as possible? How about Graphics, is that something you see yourself doing?
Yeah I'll do all the PT. I go a lot of graphics.

10) Why should we select you on draft day, what separates you from other players?
Nothing huge, so far I've got the biggest bank, the most TPE, and been the most active.

11) If we do select you and you find yourself in a depth role, bottom 2 lines, bottom 2 defense pairing or back up goalie, how will you handle it?
If I'm getting less minutes than better players, don't care. If I'm getting less minutes than worse players, then ask why, and keep it between me and the coach.

12) What have you enjoyed most about the SHL since joining?
Nice community.

13) Are you a big hockey fan, have you played in real life? What position?
Yes, yes, D.

14) If Kate Upton and Selena Gomez were drowning and you could only save one, who would it be and why?
Kate Upton, this seems like a "who do you find more hot" kind of question. So that's why.

15) And finally, Cake or Pie? Pie, cake is meh.

1) Why are you interested in becoming part of the Detroit Falcons Organization?

I have no specific interest in any of the teams

2) What kind of player are you, what skills do you bring on the ice?

Left Wing, Power Forward
High Skating, Decent Puck Handling, Defense, Checking, Shooting, Strength, and Endurance

3) What kind of person are you off the ice, what will you bring to our locker room?

I consider myself a funny person

4) We’re looking for players that are motivated to become future stars, is this you? How will you get there?

I want to win and being a better player helps to win. I will do media and PTs and will listen to the advice of more experienced players

5) Most importantly we are looking for mature players who will work hard to improve while conducting themselves with class around the league. Do you feel you are that kind of person?

I consider myself mature, but I am probably still younger than most people in this group

6) We’ve developed some of the best prospects in the league over the last few seasons, are you the next great Detroit prospect? Tell us what your goals are this season and beyond.

Score Goals
Win Games
World Conquest

7) Activity is key to success, will you be active? Do you have time in real life to devote to the league on a daily/weekly basis?

I am in high school so I have plenty of free time

8) Do you plan on writing media? Do you enjoy writing or do you find it a chore?

I am willing to write media, but I am not very good at writing on completely open ended topics, though I can write if I have an idea.

9) Do you plan on doing all the Point Tasks available in order to improve your player as much as possible? How about Graphics, is that something you see yourself doing?

Of course I will do PTs. I have a bit of Photoshop experience so I can do graphics.

10) Why should we select you on draft day, what separates you from other players?

Because I am awesome, I have plans to conquer the world

11) If we do select you and you find yourself in a depth role, bottom 2 lines, bottom 2 defense pairing or back up goalie, how will you handle it?

Get good enough to not be in that position

12) What have you enjoyed most about the SHL since joining?

The (generally) friendly community

13) Are you a big hockey fan, have you played in real life? What position?

Yes, but I have not played in real life.

14) If Kate Upton and Selena Gomez were drowning and you could only save one, who would it be and why?

I would probably spend too much time considering why they were drowning and which one I should save that they would both die

15) And finally, Cake or Pie?

Why not both?

PlayerName: Nils Wahlstrom
Position: LW/RW

1) Why are you interested in becoming part of the Detroit Falcons Organization?

The falcons could use a leader on and off the ice, and I could be that guy.

2) What kind of player are you, what skills do you bring on the ice?

Two way winger with a scoring touch. My main skill is scoring.

3) What kind of person are you off the ice, what will you bring to our locker room?

Friendly and approachable, and as for the locker room, cake and strippers.

4) We’re looking for players that are motivated to become future stars, is this you? How will you get there?

Constantly improve, gain as much TPE as possible and become an all-around player

5) Most importantly we are looking for mature players who will work hard to improve while conducting themselves with class around the league. Do you feel you are that kind of person?


6) We’ve developed some of the best prospects in the league over the last few seasons, are you the next great Detroit prospect? Tell us what your goals are this season and beyond.

My goal is to repeat, albeit not with the same player, as Four Star champion. Beyond that, I want to be looked at as a great SHL player, an all-time legend.

7) Activity is key to success, will you be active? Do you have time in real life to devote to the league on a daily/weekly basis?

I'm on the site at least two hours a day, so yes and yes.

8) Do you plan on writing media? Do you enjoy writing or do you find it a chore?

I love writing! It's part of my major, so I do it anyway, why not write something I enjoy.

9) Do you plan on doing all the Point Tasks available in order to improve your player as much as possible? How about Graphics, is that something you see yourself doing?

Writing, yes, graphics, maybe. I'm not especially skilled graphically.

10) Why should we select you on draft day, what separates you from other players?

I know the ins and outs of making a good player, I'm a two-way guys, and I'm active.

11) If we do select you and you find yourself in a depth role, bottom 2 lines, bottom 2 defense pairing or back up goalie, how will you handle it?

Work hard to improve and earn more minutes.

12) What have you enjoyed most about the SHL since joining?

The people. Everyone is friendly and willing to help.

13) Are you a big hockey fan, have you played in real life? What position?

Center for the 18U AAA Mustangs Rolleyes

14) If Kate Upton and Selena Gomez were drowning and you could only save one, who would it be and why?

Kate Upton. Selena Gomez dated JB, there's obviously something up with her.
15) And finally, Cake or Pie?

PlayerName: David Webb
Position: RW

1) Why are you interested in becoming part of the Detroit Falcons Organization?they have an amazing GM

2) What kind of player are you, what skills do you bring on the ice? Im a playmaker that will set up 40 goals this season

3) What kind of person are you off the ice, what will you bring to our locker room?im usually a locker room only guy. Ill bring a positive up beat attitude

4) We’re looking for players that are motivated to become future stars, is this you? How will you get there?I will hit 1k TPE and I have a bank account to support myself

5) Most importantly we are looking for mature players who will work hard to improve while conducting themselves with class around the league. Do you feel you are that kind of person? Id hope a GM lol

6) We’ve developed some of the best prospects in the league over the last few seasons, are you the next great Detroit prospect? Tell us what your goals are this season and beyond. I will set records this season.

7) Activity is key to success, will you be active? Do you have time in real life to devote to the league on a daily/weekly basis? Yes. Ill get it done

8) Do you plan on writing media? Do you enjoy writing or do you find it a chore?probably not unless I needed the money

9) Do you plan on doing all the Point Tasks available in order to improve your player as much as possible? How about Graphics, is that something you see yourself doing?
Ya ill do them all for the tpe

10) Why should we select you on draft day, what separates you from other players? I know what I'm doing and guaranteed to be active

11) If we do select you and you find yourself in a depth role, bottom 2 lines, bottom 2 defense pairing or back up goalie, how will you handle it? Im a freaking all star. Trade me now. 50 in 07 bro

12) What have you enjoyed most about the SHL since joining?
The friendships I've made
13) Are you a big hockey fan, have you played in real life? What position?
I play D for a AAA team

14) If Kate Upton and Selena Gomez were drowning and you could only save one, who would it be and why?
kate upton. Boobies
15) And finally, Cake or Pie?cake

PlayerName: Noah Jackson
Position: Goalie

1) Why are you interested in becoming part of the Detroit Falcons Organization?
Hoping to make a name for myself. Think Detroit could be the place for me!

2) What kind of player are you, what skills do you bring on the ice?
I'm a Goalie, and can bring thoughts and ideas, as well as advice and wins!

3) What kind of person are you off the ice, what will you bring to our locker room?
I'm a hard worker, and very active! I could bring ideas and entertainment to the locker room (strippers included!Wink

4) We’re looking for players that are motivated to become future stars, is this you? How will you get there?
I'll get there by outshining the starting and opposing goalie!

5) Most importantly we are looking for mature players who will work hard to improve while conducting themselves with class around the league. Do you feel you are that kind of person?

6) We’ve developed some of the best prospects in the league over the last few seasons, are you the next great Detroit prospect? Tell us what your goals are this season and beyond.
My goals are to get a .935 SV%, 4 shut outs and to be over .500

7) Activity is key to success, will you be active? Do you have time in real life to devote to the league on a daily/weekly basis?
I am available weekdays. Some weekends, depending when I work (snow removal, usually 12 hours)

8) Do you plan on writing media? Do you enjoy writing or do you find it a chore?
I'm willing to write! after all, i did this didn't I?

[b]9) Do you plan on doing all the Point Tasks available in order to improve your player as much as possible? How about Graphics, is that something you see yourself doing?[/b]
I'll learn the graphics! And yes, I'll try and complete them all!

10) Why should we select you on draft day, what separates you from other players?
I'm active alot. Can bring alot to the table. Great goalie!

11) If we do select you and you find yourself in a depth role, bottom 2 lines, bottom 2 defense pairing or back up goalie, how will you handle it?
I'll accept it. Have to start somewhere. I'll just prove myself. I love a challenge.

12) What have you enjoyed most about the SHL since joining?
The People.

13) Are you a big hockey fan, have you played in real life? What position?
Huge sens fan! never played in real life (damn being malado! more basketball player)

14) If Kate Upton and Selena Gomez were drowning and you could only save one, who would it be and why?
Selena no doubt

15) And finally, Cake or Pie?

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