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S53 PT #4 - Videoconferencing

This week our former junior team had a confrence call to discuss our early lives in the shl and as usual phineas gold was not only late to get on but also rocked out of his mind. It was 20 minutes in when he decided to show up and he for some god awful reason was in underwear with only a tie, this my friends is what I call peak phineas. After he joined and everyone was talking about there wonderful first seasons in the shl I noticed on phineas screen a small glass mirror with white powder on it, i was perplexed sure i know phineas partied alot in juniors but hes a top level shl player and one cannot simply do that at this point of ones career. Such actions from phineas were common place before but I certainly thought being in the big time would change his perspective of things in his lifestyle but I guess not same old phineas

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2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

Some of the Falcon guys like to use Skype or Discord to chat and pass the time, and I'm part of the gaming group. One time, we were in a raid in Tarkov, and we were getting pinned down by raiders in the Reserve map. Wanesly was a bit further back, and he was supposed to provide covering fire while the rest of us pushed up to try and take these raider scavs out. However, he mumbled out "Oven's done, I have to go, be right back!" and then we couldn't raise him any further on comms!

Needless to say, we got pinned down by the enemies, and grenades started raining down on us. We died shortly thereafter, and I lost one of my favourite kits in that raid.

Once we were out, we checked in on Wanesly, and like Edward Williams was saying above, the man was busy taking out fresh-baked sourdough bread from the oven! Unbelievable!

@Aephino @Mediocre_Fred

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Well, Jaska and I have been using some pretty funny backgrounds on our team Zoom calls every day. Luckily, we each have a lot of different clothing to choose from in our houses already, so we were able to set up some great green screen backgrounds for the boys to get a little laugh during these stressful times. One of my favourites is my background from "The Office". I have the green screen shot where the characters from the show would be interviewed, and one day I dressed up as Dwight Schrute, mustard shirt, glasses and all. That one got a good laugh. A couple days later, Jaska got a background of Fenway Park in Boston and put on his vintage Red Sox windbreaker with aviators and a ball cap on. It was like he was at the park, new manager for the Red Sox. Looking forward to trying out some new outfits for the lads, hopefully I'll be able to find some more funny backgrounds too!

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(This post was last modified: 04-13-2020, 08:48 PM by Gwdjohnson.)

Gabe Johnson had quite the dramatic moment happen on a video call with his Steelhawk buddies the other day. After Ben Waters had stepped down from his position of Co-GM, Johnson was considered a leading early candidate for the position, and wrote a large and thorough application about why he would be the best candidate. A few days after this GM Ben Dover decided to hold a video conference, and invited several core team players such as Johnson, Skao Anazibf and Jagger Fouquette. Dover said that in this new era, he needed someone very engaged and involved in the job, so he would be hiring Johnson to the job. Johnson was ecstatic and started losing his mind in joy during the call, then noticed everyone was laughing in the call. How could he have thought in the moment that he would actually be judged to be a better candidate than Ronnie Westbrook ( @Gooney ) for the job? He had no chance from the start, and feels like an idiot for thinking he could've had the gig.

(177 words)

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(This post was last modified: 04-13-2020, 09:12 PM by dankoa.)

Kaarlo Kekkonen suffered a video call situation recently that could be described by some as humorous; although he may not have seen the funny side of things. It mostly involves his Detroit Falcons teammate Jack Kanoff. Kaarlo and Jack we’re taking part in a team conference call to discuss some of the tactics the team would be adopting in the next few games. Kaarlo began to notice some strange movement going on in Jack’s camera and started to get a bit suspicious about what he was up to, and unfortunately, to his horror it soon became clear that Jack was living up to his name and jacking off during a team talk. The rest of the people in the video call were made aware by Kaarlo’s scream but they simply laughed it off. Everyone else saw it as very funny but the situation has deeply scarred Kaarlo and done potentially permanent damage to the relationship shared by the two teammates.

160 words

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Since Akira Ren is unable to hang out with his teammates as much he would like due to current physical distancing guidelines, him and his teammates have resorted to using video conferencing tools such as Zoom and Discord to have some fun. Every weekend the team has been participating in Jackbox Party Pack Games. Everyone on the team seems to excel at a different game. Ren seems to always be good at Trivia Murder Party due to his extremely large brain. His teammate Martijn Westbroek is the most artistically talented on the team and always seems to win at Tee KO and Patently Stupid. Daniel Smeb on the other hand is a god at Quiplash always coming up with the funniest quips and memes. Cameron Carter II is talented at Mad Verse City and always spits the freshest rhymes. Last but certainly not least, Parker Smeb does a great job of being an alien in Push the Button. Overall the team enjoys playing the games together and it has led to a ton of laughs and good times.

[Image: 60354_s.gif  ]
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Sig Credits: Gorlab and Kylrad

Last weekend, the OG Boat Gang got together to video call and play some games with each other. Since it had been a while, we decided to get onto our expensive gaming laptops to play some good old Minecraft on hardcore difficulty. We were all joking around and having a good time making houses, dick monuments and were working towards killing the Ender Dragon. On top of that, we were having a drinking game for gathering diamonds. This game meant that whenever someone got a diamond, everyone would have to take a drink even though we were just pounding beers like we did in the locker room before games. Keep in mind that we’re still on video chat. Well, we were all crazy intoxicated at this point and were about to enter the end portal until Danny tells us to all take a look at the video chat. Danny was so drunk that he decided to put his god damn clothes on. Like, who does that??? You’re hanging out with the boys playing the craft and you decide to put your clothes on in a video chat? There’s nothing better than going tarps off with the boys and letting it all hang loose. It’s not like we hadn’t seen each other naked or anything either. Well, guess what? We were all so shocked at this point that we ended up dying one by one to the Ender Dragon and screwed our entire hardcore run. I’m disappointed in you Danny. Gotta let the WANG hang.

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

During these tough times, New England has managed to find a way to keep the whole team together by practicing through video calls, players are either running on treadmills or cycling away on stationary bikes. The workouts usually start easily, so players can also chat a little bit with the coaches and with other players, but towards the end, the coaches take over and the main point is to work hard.

Ensio Kalju is known for his love for stationary bikes, but one day he got caught slipping by showing a video of himself cycling as in to make everybody think he is there with everybody else. In all reality, Ensio was sitting on a couch and just speaking over the video.

The clever plan got exposed when the video stopped playing and Ensio forgot to hit play again, to make things worse Kalju forgot to tape the camera, resulting in live footage of Kalju sitting on the couch without any pants on.

Kalju had to pay for it by doing twice the work while others watched from their homes.

Winnipeg jets had a team meeting on zoom as the members wanted to share their though on how the team was performing and how they can improve their current performance. As it was a videocall, Zlatan made sure to groom himself very well. He gave himself a haircut, trimmed his beard and looked very sharp. He was more than ready to answer some questions. When it came to his turn, zlatan emphasized the lack of defense on their team. He wasn't happy with the way the defense was playing apart from Adam Barron and McScruff. He said that he will need to improve much quicker so he can take a more pivotal role in the team. As he was giving out pointers, McScruff begans pulling down his pants and taking a shit in the washroom. Seeing this, Zlatan started barfing in the video and soon after the rest of the members began barfing. McScruff was confused to why everyone else is barfing but that is when he realized that he forgot to turn of his video. This did not bother him much because he is a goon so he decides to continue taking the shit. Then, GM Muerto decided to end the meeting and postpone it for another day.

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Videoconferencing can be a good way to distract yourself from not being able to see and hang out with your friends during this tough time. I was on an Anaheim Outlaws video conference with a bunch of my teammates, and I guess April Fools must've carried over a week and a half later because they decided to play a trick on me. All of them informed me that they could not see my video during the session. I could see it clearly, but they said they could not. I spent the next half hour trying to adjust it, but knowing I wasn't on video made me just lay back and put the computer at an odd angle. They later told me that my video was now on the entire time, and they had been screenshotting close ups of my face which have now been circulating in the team group chat. I can't believe I fell for that one!

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The Outlaws player-leadership hopped on a Zoom call the other day to brainstorm ideas to keep the locker room energized during this extended quarantine. As some of the others were discussing board game websites and socially distant netflix watch parties, Rhys received a call from his mum. He thought he clicked the mute button to take the call on speakerphone but he must have missed it because the whole call heard his conversation. Most of the call with his mum wasn't too embarrassing until she started asking if he was eating his veggies and if he was missing his 'hockey friends.' When he hung up he was startled by the science of the zoom call and only then realized that he had not been muted the whole time. The rest of the guys and the call then bust out laughing. They haven't let Rhys live it down yet and have been mailing him veggies to make sure he's eating them.

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Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
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(This post was last modified: 04-14-2020, 12:10 PM by leviadan.)

This might have been a trick of the light, or maybe a hallucination because I was so tired after a recent game, but something truly horrifying happened to me after our weekly sophomore video call. As we said our goodbyes, I stepped away to start pulling together my second dinner. I absent-mindedly forgot to disconnect from zoom when I did it. No big deal, I was off in my kitchen-- nobody could see anything weird or embarrassing.

The problem was what I saw when I came back. I immediately noticed that not only had I not remembered to disconnect, but @Mediocre_Fred had forgotten to as well. There wasn't much movement on his camera, but I noticed he had gone to the bathroom down the hall. I leaned in to the screen, and I could just barely see through a small crack in his door, in the reflection of his mirror. What I saw, was Fred standing there, methodically dying his hair red.

It shook me to my core. I involuntarily screamed. I have no idea if he heard me, I slammed my laptop shut and I haven't opened it since. I deeply regret what I saw, and I hope beyond hope that it was just my imagination.

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My cats are excited to have me home more, and they love to join in on the team Zoom calls in the morning. Ordinarily, it's not an issue, honestly I think the team enjoys the distraction when one of them gets up in my face.  However, one recent morning one of them (the heavier one of course) decided to jump down from the top of the couch into my lap, only she landed in a very particular spot. Apparently, a couple people on the call noticed the flash of fur and then the look as my face went white.  "What's a matter 13? Cat got your....." Well... yeah.. 10 pounds is a lot of weight to be focused on a very sensitive spot.  I coughed out "I'm... ok..." It might have been a little higher pitched than normal? I think it was just the video software.. yeah that's it.. the video software. I think in the future I'll be holding my playbook in my lap.

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We have all seen the Zoom videos on the internet where people have done some funny things while in meetings or attending classes.  There have been people who have taken a poo live for their class to see, or have been playing some porn while not being muted.  All classics but nothing can top what happened in our last team meeting this week.  We were going over defensive strategies when out of the blue, my ex-girlfriend who still had a key to my place came barging in.  She had it in her mind that I had cheated on her or something and came in swinging.  The rest of the guys could not stop laughing as I dodged punches and kicks.  When I finally got her out of there, we all had a good laugh about how I needed to put some work in on my fighting skills so I don't get beat up on the ice.  I really need to get those locks changed though.

165 words

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Gritty McGritterson Player Page
Gritty McGritterson Update Page

S53 Four Star Cup Champion- Detroit Falcons
S56 Challenge Cup Champion - Hamilton Steelhawks

04-14-2020, 01:57 PMJSS331 Wrote: We have all seen the Zoom videos on the internet where people have done some funny things while in meetings or attending classes.  There have been people who have taken a poo live for their class to see, or have been playing some porn while not being muted.  All classics but nothing can top what happened in our last team meeting this week.  We were going over defensive strategies when out of the blue, my ex-girlfriend who still had a key to my place came barging in.  She had it in her mind that I had cheated on her or something and came in swinging.  The rest of the guys could not stop laughing as I dodged punches and kicks.  When I finally got her out of there, we all had a good laugh about how I needed to put some work in on my fighting skills so I don't get beat up on the ice.  I really need to get those locks changed though.

165 words

Hopefully it wasn't @lukejm37 teaching you how to fight...

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Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
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