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PT #4: City Living

Hands down, the thing Eugene Feist loves most about living in St. Louis is the food. He has his vices like fast food from Taco Bell or McDonald’s but he really is a foodie. Some of the hot spots he likes to visit whenever he’s in town is Vista Ramen, he says the Korean Fried Chicken Sliders are his favorite thing on the menu. He also frequents Retreat Gastropub where he can get some modern eats while sampling some local craft beer(s). Of course, St. Louis is known for their barbecue and they don’t disappoint, from ribs and BBQ chicken to burnt ends and brisket, St. Louis has it all. Feist doesn’t like a lot of attention so he shies away from the bar scene when possible. Food, however, draws him back in.

Feist will be playing for the Hamilton Steelhawks this coming season. With Feist’s pending move to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, he will have to visit his trusty to find new and exciting places to eat. A quick search of the area makes his mouth water with mentions of chicken liver brulee and plenty of contemporary restaurants all within a short distance of each other. Watch out, Hamilton, Eugene Feist is coming, and he’s hungry.

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After un-boarding from my private G6 jet, sent by my the St Louis Scarecrows organization, i was greeted by BOTH team general managers TML99 and CRUTCHFIELD. They were joined by this guy with the biggest, baddest ass moustache ever to grace mankind, Kelly Rivet.
"This is Mr. Kelly Rivet, your new defense partner. Gentlemen, here is a thousand dollars each, go enjoy yourselves. Let the bro-hood begin" They said as they were ushering us into our Scarecows limosine.
Clearly the driver had been informed to show us around this beautiful city labelled "the Gateway to the West," as he drove us over the stunning Gateway Arch. As we pulled up to Forest Park the driver hands us a silver cigarette holder and tells us not to open it until we've navigated in to Jewel Box deep in to Forest Park.
Damn, we got really lost and found a beautiful woman who directed us to the Jewel Box. We opened the case, lit up, and I don't even remember getting back to the limo.
As we pass Busch Stadium Rivet freaked out saying Busch is his favorite beer and the driver cut in saying, "That's good, so you'll enjoy your box seats."
Watching the St. Louis Cardinals beat up on the Pirates, I noticed Rivet downing Busch beer after beer. So for future reference, twenty-five tall boys is definitely Rivet's limit, as he passed out sitting up on his twenty-sixth can.
After an impromptu visit to St. Mercy Hospital, which Rivet doesn't even remember due to him being passed out in a emergency room bed in which he vomitted on two cute female nurses, I embraced a nice night walk to clear my head. Two women pull up in a car asking me if I need a ride. Turns out, they were given the night off after he puked on them so we went to their place to have a night cap, (yeah, I'm freaky, so what? It was just two girls my bro puked on, no big deal...)
The rest of the night was a blur, but every time my lawyer reminds me of the dual impending DNA tests from that night, I still smile and utter the words, "St. Louis, I love you you crazy bitch."

Go Scarecrows !

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There isn't much you can think of that you cannot do in beautiful Seattle, Washington, home of the Riot and one prospect, Viatcheslav Orlov. Orlov's native Yekaterinberg is no port town, but it does have an elusive lake that gives the impression it could be a water town. This gave Orlov the dream of living somewhere with bountiful waterfront property and easy access. With Seattle's unending access to the Pacific Ocean, Orlov spends a majority of his time down at the docks near Pike's Place market, the original home of Starbucks Coffee and home to plenty of other fish, flower, meat, and other markets.

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Of course, everyone has to take at least one trip up the Space Needle, and that was one of the first things crossed off Orlov's Seattle bucket list. The rest of the list is as follows:

- Visit the University of Washington campus
- Attend a baseball game at Safeco Field
- Attend a football game at CenturyLink Field and Husky Stadium
- Attend a soccer game at CenturyLink Field
- Attend a basketball game at Alaska Airlines Arena
- Ride the Seattle Great Wheel
- Eat a whole Mt. Fuji burger
- Complete the Ballard Beer Crawl
- Try every pho restaurant, trailer, and establishment to find the best one and ask them to make a caribou pho

Nicholas Pedersen has been one of the more recognizable players around the City of Calgary since joining the team at the trade deadline in S25. The fans love him and he has a hard time blending in due to his 6'4" frame and his Joe Thortnon civil war type beard. So he quickly decided to embrace the fame and frequents Calgary establishments on a nightly basis. He loves the resturaunts in the city and goes out to eat every night so he can give his fans a thrill and also avoid having to make his own meals. He's a millionaire so he can afford it. This is what he loves most about the city of Calgary, going out amongst the fans and spending time with them, taking pictures, having a chat and sometimes even banging a few of them if they're over 18 and have nice cans. Pedersen likes big cans. Calgary seems to have a plethora of women in their 20's with big cans, so it's safe to say that's also one of his favorite things about the city. That, the fans, the food and being a man of the people. This is one of the reasons Pedersen's #9 jersey is one of the best seller's in the league, especially among women between the age of 18-34.

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What does the Nature Boy love about Dallas? All the wrestling history wooo! The famous Sportatorium in Dallas is where the great World Class Championship wrestling organization was from. When I think of all the greats that wrestled there, Lidstrom is just proud to be a part of this great tradition even if it's only ice wrestling lol. Thinking of all the greats like the Von Erich family, the Fabulous Freebirds, The Missing Link, Iceman King Parsons, Kamala, Bruiser Brody, Geno Hernandez, Gentleman Chris Adams and all the others that were a part of the Dallas scene makes me proud to be playing in this great city.

A little confused you think? Well even though it's hockey, everyone knows the Nature Boy's love of wrestling. The Dallas fans are the same way and that's why they've grown so fond of the limousine ridin, jet flyin, wheelin dealin kiss stealin defenseman for the Texas Renegades. His old school style remind them of the glory days of the past Dallas sports scene when WCCW wrestling was kicking ass and the Dallas Cowboys were still America's team. And now Lidstrom is hoping that his and his teammate's talents will bring a cup to this great sports town and make the Texas Renegades the new America's team.

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Jagr loves playing in Calgary, and the main reason is the passionate fan base. From the day he was drafted, he was swarmed by adoring fans looking for his autograph. The fans aren't crazed lunatics though, as Jagr puts it "I love being approached on the street by fans wearing our jersey. I love that we can talk about the game, the weather, anything really. They are nice too, even when I screw up they say tough luck rather than call me out or blame me for the loss."

Playing in front of these guys is extra special. It's always a packed house, and the place is rocking. "It definitely gives me a boost, and I'm sure it's the same for my teammates. It is the definition of home ice advantage. I think I play harder for them knowing a bit about them from random encounters, and that personal connection pushes me over the top."

"I think the biggest difference between our fans and those of other teams is the knowledge and passion for the game. You are very hard pressed to find somebody that doesn't know about the Dragons and their current situation. It is a cultural phenomenon, engraved at a small age. It is a way of life. When the Championship game is on, nobody is working, and everyone comes together to us on. It really is special."

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Recent Toronto North Star first round draftee Colin Banning is smiling, covered in sweat, but happy to talk about his recent experiences in Toronto.

“It’s really a great city to be in. I have a lot of opportunity to improve all aspects of my game, whether it’s watching tape during my four hour commute every morning, or working on my hand eye coordination as I deflect potentially hazardous weapons being brandished at me whenever I go for a jog, it’s really the kind of place that’s giving me the tools to be my best.

In what other city are you constantly running for your life? I imagine Detroit, which is probably why they’re doing so good in the SMJHL right now. Their stamina must be top notch.

It really is a treat to play in the Center of the Universe, in front of the real fans. You just know, you come out to play and they’ll be out there, every night, on their cell phones, screaming about the merger. That’s the kind of intensity you love seeing from a fan.’

The media beams with pride as their city is praised. Banning asks for more questions, but everyone is just way too busy jerking each other off about how great the city of Toronto is.

I have been living in Los Angeles for years now. The biggest thing that is different when you compare LA to Finland and to Montreal is the weather. I cant even tell you how great it is to see the sun so often. You can go outside and just enjoy the day without having to put too much clothes on. I honestly cant see myself living anywhere else, the weather alone is enough to keep me here.

Another big thing is that nobody knows who I am. I can be like everybody else without having to worry too much about how I look or what I say. It´s not like hockey is not big in LA, but there is a lot more people who get more attention than hockey players.

Even to this day that makes me feel bit weird, I mean, our arena is pretty much full almost every home game, but still I have been recognized on the streets only few times during all this time I have lived here. Or perhaps the people in LA are just so cool and relaxed that they let everybody enjoy the day without annoying them by asking to take picture with them or sign something for them.

We got a hockey team here in LA as you all know, but there is also a lot of other things you can do in LA, from swimming to painting of a live model, whatever you like basically, so if you feel like doing so, you can spend each day doing something different. That is a quite important for me, I like to try new things and if I can do that without having to travel too far, I´m happy.


It was difficult at first for Jasper Clayton to adjust to having to live in Bawston. For one thing, the language these people were using - they claimed it was English but. . .it just wasn't. It sounded nothing like the clean and beautiful language he had been used to hearing for so long. This was. . .something else. He'd heard Americans had taken some liberties when it came to speaking the Queen's English, but the way these people butchered what he saw as the most beautiful language in all the world. . .it was just too much.

But that didn't mean there was nothing here for him to enjoy. No, in fact, Clayton's favourite part of getting to live in the city of Boston was easy - it was the easy access to the greatest music of all time - British Classic Rock. Bands he had listened to on his father's LPs while growing up in Birmingham all flocked to Boston to take the stage and perform in front of audiences of thousands of Americans who seemed to share his love for his nation's most beautiful music. Whether by himself or with a group of teammates, he would consistently be able to see England's greatest performers grace the stage, even as he found himself in this new and unusual land. Of course, that is to say nothing of all these weird "cover" bands who claimed to be playing these classic hits, but were really singing music that sounded nothing like what he had been used to hearing for so long.

Wolfpack LW - Rainbow Dash - Updates Wolfpack
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[Image: zmHxxsq.png] Rainbow Dash Fan S24-Present [Image: zmHxxsq.png]
Shl SHL Commissioner S34-S52 Shl
Wolfpack New England Wolfpack GM S30-S40 Wolfpack
Militia Montreal Milita Co-GM S26-S29 Militia

Some would say 13 year Dragons veteran Esa Anrikkanen is the face of the franchise, some would say he is the fattest of the franchise, some could even say he is the fartiest of the franchise. They'd all be correct, but let's focus on him being the face of the franchise for now because we're not sure fartiest is a word...

Ever since being drafted 4th overall in S18, the community of Calgary has embraced Esa and made him feel very special like he truly belongs and is part of the family. Coming over from Finland at just 18yrs of age and playing in the SHL as a true rookie, Esa really values the sense of family that the community gave him. He needed that as a young man and the bond he has with Calgary today cannot be broken. It's the reason he works so hard everyday and why winning 2 cups for this city has been so amazing. Esa loves to pay the fans back for their support and what better way than to keep delivering Challenge Cups. Despite the fact that he's personally caused the decimation of the chicken population in Calgary due to his excessive point scoring and parm consumption, they still love him and he loves them. It's a perfect situation and the bond with the fans is Esa's favorite thing about the city.


---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
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#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

"West Kendall? Where the hell is that?"

That's something that I've heard people say many times over. And to be fair, I can't blame them. Before I researched the SHL when I was looking where to start my career, I had no idea either.

Then I found out it was in Florida, which immediately piqued my interest!

"I would LOVE to play hockey in the great state of Florida!" I thought to myself when I heard about this team. It is hot, there are awesome beaches where I can sail, swim and surf, and the NHL Florida Panthers and Tampa Bay Lightning are a lot of fun to watch and learn from.

When I got drafted to the West Kendall Platoon, I knew it would immediately become my home!

Coming from Montreal was a learning experience, but I am really glad to call this city and this state the one I live in. They have embraced Matt Lewis-Flood with open arms and brought him into the spot light.

When it was announced that I would be the starter for the upcoming season, the city commissioned a team billboard reading "the Floodgates are Closed" in downtown Miami and in West Kendall itself.

I sure look forward to bringing the Challenge Cup to West Kendall!

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As you may or may not know West Kendall is really just a section of Miami. Miami is a fairly large but spread out city populated by a diverse array of peoples of various nationalities, colors, languages and income levels. Heavily influenced by a large Cuban population the food is spectacular and the women are amazing.

South Beach, Slappy McDoodle's favorite stomping ground, is an area of Miami that feels more like a European resort community. People from all over the world pass through on vacation or come to live for a few months or even years. You can spend the day on the beach sunbathing and watching the topless wanna be models from Sweden and Denmark working on their tans. You can eat Cuban sandwiches or fish tacos, or both from street vendors or small out of the way bodegas. You can go out in the evening to a huge number of bars, clubs and dives of all types. Whether you want to dance with large bootied Latinas, watch a baseball game over a couple of beers or even get ugly drunk with some hardcore lushes, South Beach will fill the bill.

Miami can be a wonderland if you have the patience to explore it. There are a thousand small neighborhoods with so much to offer. Slappy McDoodle is happy to call it home and to play for the West Kendall Platoon.

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Dieter Dominique has spent four seasons in Kelowna, so by now, he's gotten used to the differences between Kelowna and New Orleans--the city that his family has been living in since Dominique was seven. In his time playing for the Kelowna Knights, Dominique has become one of the main faces of the franchise, especially now as captain of the team. We decided to reach out to Dominique to see what he loves most about Kelowna now that it's become his first home.

"My parents would not be pleased with me saying this," Dominique laughed, "but Kelowna really has been good to me, I love the people here and my teammates, so it's hard to not view this city as my new home."

When asked what, besides the people, he likes most about the city, he responded, "the mountains. One-hundred percent. I love being able to go out with some guys or girls from the team and just hike for hours, sometimes. New Orleans has a culture unlike anything else I've experienced, but what we're missing there is the quiet scenery."

"Kelowna is also a great hockey town, so it feels great to bump into Knights fans on the street or just hockey fans in general, have a conversation about the SHL, even. That's basically it for me. I like the quiet, and I like friendly people, and Kelowna gives me both in spades."

When asked if he would consider moving here in twenty years after his hockey career ends, he said, "Who knows? I definitely wouldn't mind it or take the idea off the table."

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sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

When I was making my visits and taking my meetings during my free agency back before the Season 29 season started I really didn't think much about the city I might be playing in. I was more concerned with the quality of hockey, management, teammates, and pretty much anything else having to do with the game of hockey and the organization. I never really realized how much living in one city compared to another could change the way you live your life. Back in Tampa Bay where I lived most of my years with my father playing for Lightning I was used to heat, humidity, and a vibrant somewhat outrageous group of people in the community. It was a fast paced life style, one that I wasn't always the most comfortable with, and I really though the whole world lived much in the same way.

Now that I have been living in Denver, Colorado for the past two years I have realized that not everything is the same. In Denver it feels a lot more like a family and community than it did in Tampa. The people here are extremely friendly and they really helped me learn about Denver and what it is all about. If I ever were to settle down and have a family a place like Denver would be an ideal area to grow up and settle down in. Not too mention the sport fans here are passionate and will always stand by my side through the good and the bad. I have lived on two polar opposites of the spectrum and I have to say I certainly enjoy the side I am in now more than the one I was in before.

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