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PT 4 - Highs and Lows

I guess we'll go good news first to numb the pain, highs and lows explains Montreal's season to a T, we're on the low side now BUT there is a specific match up where we killed it, in fact this game started our six game win streak! Up against the Scarecrows we absolutely took it to them, sure maybe it wasn't the BEST defensive performance but, hey we put SIX goals on them. Us Defenseman really put our bodies out there, blocking seven shots and, really helping our goalie out in the long run. This is a game we need to learn from, if we can implement even just bits and pieces of what we had out their that night, we would be fairing much better at this point. Our worse game had to be against Colorado, who at this point in the season were a bottom tier team, with a fire under them. Boy did we feel the heat, they beat us 4-1 and we barely managed to land 20 shots on net. It was possibly my worst performance in as long as I can remember, I felt lost at there at times, and due to that I didn't help in the slightest. I'd have to say our goalie let us down in some ways as well, he seems to have mentally checked out and, it showed more than ever here. I mean they only landed four more shots than us, but had three more goals? I can admit my mistakes, but the fact of the matter is i'm getting better. I don't think he is.

(267 words)

Panthers  Militia   Militia   Panthers

One of the low points of the season came early for the St. Louis Scarecrows in a 4-3 shootout loss to the Anchorage Armada (Game 11). It might seem unremarkable from the score, but things looked bleak after the first period, as shots were 5 to 4 in the Scarecrows’ favor, but they were down by one. They proceeded to outshoot the Armada 10 to 8, making the shot totals 15 to 12, and yet the Armada scored two more goals to bring their lead to a near-insurmountable 3 goals. The Scarecrows were down, but not out, going into the third period, and they rallied to score 3 goals to send the game to OT. The final two Scarecrow goals were scored within 20 seconds of each other, and the momentum they were able to produce was really remarkable. They showed flashes of being a top tier team, but unfortunately after a stalemate in OT, the game went to a shootout. Anchorage squeaked out a win after 4 rounds of the shootout and Benjamin Blue standing on his head, and the Scarecrows’ dreams of a heroic 3rd period comeback were crushed. While some might see the silver lining in this loss, I still believe it is indicative of a Scarecrows season where they can’t quite get it done.

Many of my fellow Scarecrows are choosing a landmark game we had this season, and I see no reason to do otherwise. A 7-1 spanking of the Armada in Game 80 (probably revenge for the game above ^) is a perfect showcase of the talent the GM has assembled on our squad. The real star of the game was Tony Snow, who potted a hat trick and topped it off with an apple. We controlled the fate of the game from the start, scoring 4 in the first period, 2 in the second before the Armada ruined the shutout with a meaningless late goal. In the first period, the Scarecrows recorded 10 shots, and were lucky (skilled?) enough to score on four of them. The powerplay was clicking too, as we scored on 33% and making Anchorage pay for their penalties. Schmidt didn’t have much work that night, stopping 11 of only 12 shots he faced. Overall, a terrific team effort and something we need a little more of this season.

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UsaScarecrowsBlizzardSpecters | [Image: specterspp.png][Image: spectersupdate.png] | TimberArmadaSpectersFinland

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(This post was last modified: 08-03-2018, 03:49 PM by Fantobens.)

What do you want first? The good news or the bad news?

Bad news, just what I thought.

Game 55. We were coming into the game after a 4-11 start to the season. Something had to give. Too bad it was us. We went into the locker room after the first tied at 2. Things then got worse. It was one of the very few games odf the season where the goaltenders were not up for the game. Robinson only stopped 9 of 13 shots before he was pulled. Lewis let in 2 more goals after that. The offence was little to no help going 1 for 6 on the power play amd only amassing 14 shots for the entire game.

Things had to change, and quick.

The next game brought us back to detroit to take on st. Louis. We showed what we were capable of with a 4-0 victory. We more than doubled our shots with 30, we went 4 for 5 on the powerplay, and Robinson had a 19 save shut out. The room after the game was much different. We were amped up. 

Half of the team was doing tigs crocodile rock. We went out to the club, did some serious underage drinking, and thats when some girl lagerfield was hooking up with broke out the cocaine. Shit got bad. Real bad. 

Pingy was making out with a mannequin and started screaming at "her" when "she" wouldnt give him "her" number. Richters hands were bleeding Real bad. I asked him what happened, he said some guy was staring at him in the bathroom. So he beat him up. Really he was just looking at himself in the mirror.

What I remember most from that night was marc crying. He thought we were going to die. Poor bastard cant handle his shit. We went on to lose our next 3 in a row. 

Lesson learned. Dont do cocaine...

During the season...

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The Bad:
The first bad game that really comes to mind for Johannes Leitner has to be Game #81 or Day 41 against the Kelowna Knights. During the period of time where Santos was called up, Leitner was given a chance to shine and for the most part, had a lot of success and guided the team to wins letting the team play well around him and stopping enough shots to win games. However, against Kelowna, this day, it was not good. Leitner gave up 4 goals in 16 shots and was pulled in the second period. After he was pulled, the backup bot goalie gave up another 4 goals and the Whalers were destroyed 8-4. As a goaltender, if your team scores 4 goals, your team should win. It was ugly and one that really stung as I was experiencing my first playing time in that stretch.

The Good:
The first shutout. The first shutout for Leitner was against the Anchorage Armada for game 72 on day 36 and the Whalers won the game a crushing 7-0. While I almost went with Leitner's first win, he was just 12-14 in saves and was not too involved in a dominant win. This game, however, Leitner stopped all 21 shots from Anchorage and Leitner picked up his third win to move to 3-1-1 on the season and he established himself as a capable goalie in the league. This will definitely be one to remember as shutting an opponent out is one of the top things that a defense and a goalie loves. Stopping 21 shots without conceding a goal is terrific and Leitner did it.

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When looking for the highs and lows of the season for the St. Louis Scarecrows it is a lot easier to find the highs. As the selection of high is much smaller than the lows considering, they are in last place of the SMJHL. When it comes to the lows there are so many to choose from it could be hard to choose.

So let us start the high. The game the stands out to me, is Game 80, St. Louis’s seven to one victory over the Anchorage Armada. The game started out all St. Louis and stayed that way. During the first, the Crows went up four to nothing, the second period did see the Anchorage Armada notch their only goal of the game, in addition to the Crows scoring two more goals. The third period was fairly quiet but it see St. Louis extend their lead by one. The Crows had two players with four point nights, those players being Daniel Karlsson who had four assists and Tony Snow had hat trick plus one assist. The game also saw three-point night from Goku Muerto consisting of one goal and two assists.

Now on the tougher choice as there have been many lows for the Crow this season. Although I would have to go with game 117, Detroit Falcons vs St. Louis Scarecrows a game, which saw the Falcons, score six goals while shutting out the Scarecrows. The Falcon’s started feasting on the Scarecrows in less than two and half minutes into the game and things did not improve from for the Crows. The first period saw the Detroit Falcons score four goals. The second period was not too painful for the Crows, as Detroit did not score. The third period saw Detroit put up two more goals just too put some additional salt in the wounds of St. Louis. The scoring was well distributed among the Falcon’s players with five players having a goal and an assist each. Those players being Flacko Lagerfield, Kyle Keenan Jr., Lightning Jones, Marcel Puhringer and Wolfhard Richter but the multipoint night did not stop there, as Tig Murphy was able notch two assists in the game as well. This game pained me to revisit so thanks for making me do that.

Words ~379

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Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius


Looking back at this season, every team went threw ups and downs and its no different for the young Halifax Raiders. Every team has nights where no matter what happens, everything goes their way. Whether its a crisp tape to tape pass threw traffic across the ice to set up a solid one-timer that's bar down for a goal. Or nights where the goalie goes all God mode and stops everything that comes his way. Or the nights where the coaches make every adjustment possible and the opposing team cant figure anything out. The games that go your way, theirs nothing better than the feeling of knowing that everything that you do the opposing team cant find the answer. But with every cross ice tape to tape pass, or screaming slapper glove high, or even unstoppable goalie, there are games where nothing goes your way. The easy pass up ice turns costly as the puck just slides of your stick and just happens to appear on the stick of an opposite teams forward and easy shot. Nothing you can do. Well the young Halifax team has been on both side of the hockey Gods.

When Anchorage played the Raiders in game 45 everything went right. The final horn sounded as the Raiders beat the Armada 7-2. 13 different Raiders found their names on the final stat line including 4 who had multiple points. It seemed as if every puck that left Halifax's stick found the back of the net. Including 4 of the 8 shots they had in the first period. The game was so out of hand that Anchorage pulled the starter before the 1st period was done.

But for every time the hockey gods favor you there is games where they do not. Take for instance game 115 where the Kelowna Knights traveled to Halifax and won 6-1. Halifax was out shot by 21 with KEL shooting a whopping 40 shots while the Raiders only shot 19 times. Not good odds by any means. When you only commit 2 penalties your doing good but when the opposing team scores on both attempts, that's a recipe for disaster.

365 words

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Rage Usa raiders
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2018, 10:52 PM by I Am a Coupon.)

The Good - Game 49 Colorado Raptors vs Halifax Raiders

1. 45 Faceoff Wins vs their 32

A lot of games are dictated by possession and it starts at the faceoff dot. Normally the Raiders break even on the dot against the other team however the dominating it this game was a big factor that helped us keep our lead. 

2. Geezus Kryyst (0.963)

Kryyst was stellar he was able to keep us in the game. He has been great this season and is one of the few vets on our team. With the shots being very even, he was the difference maker and allowed us to be productive on the other end.

3. 2/2 on the PK

The penalty kill is probably one of the most important special teams in the game. It was great that we could be 100% here. Penalties are inevitable in every game however, and being great on the PK can help you win / steal a game from your opponent.

The Bad - Game 115 Halifax Raiders vs Kelowna Knights

0/2 for the PK

We did not make many mistakes in terms of penalties but the 2 that we took they converted 100% on. They were all over us able to make us look silly with both goals barely need 1 minute and a half in combined PP time by Kelowna to be scored.

40 shots against to our 19

We are not slouch when it comes to producing even strength offensive production however the Whalers had our number this game and were able to slightly more than double our shot production. We just could not keep up with their fast and aggressive style out on the ice. We simply had no answer for Cash Savage.

Geezus Kryyst  (0.789)

Tough break for Kryst, he is not a bad goalie but they are bound to have a few bad games. I wouldn’t attribute this one entirely on him , the whole team stunk it up and folded under pressure unfortunately.

word count: 352

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There have been a few highs but a lot more lows for the sad-sack St. Louis Scarecrows this season. For the lows, could have chosen the 4 game L streak to start the season, or a 5 game winless skid which left us scrambling to try and find a way back into the playoff race, but I have chosen one specific game which really epitomizes the struggles of the Crows this season.

GAME 50 was a game versus Montreal, who was also struggling at the time. It was St. Louis' 11th game of the season, and were just coming off a 2 game win streak and it looked like maybe the team had figured out their woes. Instead, they went into Montreal and laid an absolute stink bomb, losing 6-3. The starting goalie, Friedrich Schmidt, only managed to save 6 shots out of 10. His weak performance nullified an early lead which STL had managed in the 1st, only to see it vanish in the last 3 minutes of the frame. The backup goalie Willis Vincent, didn;t fare much better, he also let in 2 goals in relief, basically allowing MOntreal to out the game out of reach. This game started the infamous 5 game slide and really seemed to rattle the team and make them lose confidence, which they have struggled to find their game since then. So that was the biggest low.

But it hasn't been all dismal for St. Louis, as they have had a couple of games where the entire team showed up. One example of this is GAME 80 which was a 7-1 thrashing over the Anchorage Armada. In this game, STL turned the tables on the previous worst game, by chasing ANC's goalie after 1 period, then beating up the backup with another 3 goals. Quite a few players had multiple point games as well, including a hat trick by Tony Snow, 4 assists from Daniel Karlsson, 2 goals from Nicky Pedersen Jr., and 3 points from Goku Muerto. Schmidt had a solid game in net as well, stopping 11 of 12 shots. The dominance of this game was especially evident in the third period, as they limited ANC to only 1 shot on net. If the team can replicate this performance a few more times, maybe playoffs is not a complete dream!

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Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway

(This post was last modified: 08-04-2018, 10:22 AM by spooked.)

The High
Game 2: Anchorage 3 – Detroit 2
Our highest point this season was really the very start of the season. We figured with a strong top line and growing core we would be able to be steady this season and not struggle too bad. Winning the first game of the season is always nice and really got us going. We really took it to them too, with 34 shots on net. I ended up at a -1, but 3 shots, good minutes, and the W really helped me not worry too much. With some connections with Detroits front office, those games always mean a little bit more to us, just cause we get to make fun of Waters after, but unfortunately that kind of result has become hard to find since.

The Low
Game 72: Anchorage 0 – Vancouver 7
This is one of the biggest defeats I have ever had to go through in this league, and might be one of the biggest ever seen by anyone. But this seven to nothing slaughter came right after we had just lost to Kelowna 7-1. I can’t really say why it happened, we just ended up with 14 goals against in two games. We got out shot 32 to 21, but there really was no reason for it to happen, we had been competing pretty closely up to that point, and continued competing closely again after, but nothing really hits you in the gut like getting blown out and then getting blown out again right after. I ended up going -2 in the game against Vancouver, but with them getting 4 of their goals in the first period it was hard for some to get through the game. Only 5 guys managed to avoid going negative that game. I only got 2 shots too... Hopefully it is something our team remembers and carries with them going forward as motivation, but it sure felt pretty bad after I happened. I am not sure if I have ever been so low before.

I have been absolutely ecstatic with my season as I'm in the leaderboards for multiple reasons and usually on the positive side for a plus - minus rating. For the good game... or upside per say... would be Game 39 against the Anchorage Armada. Battling early in the season it was a stellar 3-1 victory, but what stood out the most was Crush's tenacity while playing on the second line. Chipping in an assist to open the scoring in the first on a power play as Eggs buried one short side just over the blocker. Roughly ten minutes later Cile buried a clapper five hole after finding some room at the top of the circle. Then it was late in the second when Cile would find Roly on a redirect that went just north of the shoulder and into the back of the net to make it 3-0. Finishing with a hit and the 1st Star it was definitely a sign of many things to come.

Unfortunately, a couple weeks later we would step on the ice against the Militia in game 65 and while we were rolling along pretty well the tank started on empty. Cile would inevitably give be on the ice for 3 goals against, amass 0 shots and 0 hits. Not ideal for a 1st liner now and a leader of the young squad. Time will continue to get better though as the season continues to develop. Now entering the final stretch Halifax needs more play like in game 39 if they want to make a push into the playoffs.

We've been bouncing around this year. We started strong, but things have recently turned sour on the ice. I'll compare an earlier season game against a recent one to show how things have changed.

Game 103 vs Anchorage Armada

I think that this is the best game that we've have played as a team. We were dominant offensively, and we also showed that we could hold a team down and play some good team defensive hockey. We were firing on all cylinders, getting 35 shots off and only allowing 24. This shooting edge along with our players having pinpoint precision allowed us to put up 7 goals, the most we have ever score. Our penalty kill was crazy good, being successful on all 6 penalty kills. Vrana had a killer game with a .958 save percentage and really did a lot to keep the Armada from keeping up with us.

Game 153 vs Vancouver Whalers

This game went about as poorly as you can imagine. While we were able to score 2 goals, it really doesn't make up for letting Vancouver pop 6 on us. We again gave up 6 powerplays, but couldn't stop them from scoring this time around. they capitalized on 3 changes, and that went a long way in burying us. We were outshot by over 10, and that's never a good way to end up with the result that you want in a game. Both our goalies were sub .800, but altogether the team just stank up the ice.

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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Detroit has been on a real tear in recent memory, starting with a walloping 6-0 victory against the St. Louis Scarecrows in game 117.  This game saw the Falcons running on all cylinders.  Each goal was scored by a different player, giving the team a lot to celebrate in the locker room.  Even the defense got in on the action, with rookie defenseman Tig Murphy scoring two assists in the third period.

The story of the game and the first star was rookie goaltender Cedric Robinson, posting a 23 save shutout.  This game proved to be pivotal in the team's momentum; the Falcons would go on to win 7 of 10 games starting with their blanking of the Scarecrows.

All cannot be perfect, and every team in the SMJHL gets a chance to strike back.  Game 158 against the Scarecrows was a different story with a divergent ending.  Despite Detroit's best attempts and a second-period energy goal by Lightning Jones, St. Louis escaped with a 3-1 victory.

Special teams shaped the second game.  Both teams combined for 13 power plays, with Detroit facing the lion's share of 7.  Although each team only struck once on the power play, it's hard to generate offense when your team loses 14 minutes of even strength.  Robinson did his best in net, putting up 26 saves on 29 shots, but the Scarecrows won through an impressive performance by Adam Taylor, recording a goal and an assist.

While the Falcons still have 6 wins in their last 10, time will tell if their most recent loss was a fluke or the start of a slide.

(This post was last modified: 08-04-2018, 08:33 PM by Leoben.)

I may as well start with my best game of the season, which was game 59 against Colorado. It was my only shutout so far in my career but I hope it won't be my last. I saved 21 shots and picked up a 3 star award. Hats off to penalty kill unit who didn't allow a single power play goal. The power play unit couldn't get anything going and went 0 on 4 attempts but we still prevailed.

As for the bad, Game 159. That came more recently as we were thrashed 7-2 by Vancouver. I have been dealing with some health issues for the majority of the season and it really showed in that game. After allowing four goals in the first thirty minutes, saving only 13 of 17 shots, good enough for a whopping .765 save percentage, I was pulled from the game. My relief didn't fare much better. Vancouver capitalized on 3 of six power play attempts, two of those were on me. Our power play unit went 0 on 4 attempts. We really fell apart.

We were supposed to have a lights out season but we have really fallen apart and will be lucky to limp into the playoffs. A lot of that definitely falls on me. I think my issues have been resolved and if we don't make it to the playoffs, we should still have a strong unit next season. We showed a lot of promise as the season started. Maybe the expectations were just too much for us to handle. Time will tell if we make the playoffs and we are only four points behind. Anything can happen.

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