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PT #2: How Well Do You Know Your Teammates?

From Flembae

TV Show - Pretty into Game of Thrones recently.
Closest Friend on Team - My best bud from PGF, Scott Robertson.
Dream Teammate - Jed Lloren. I think we'd mesh well on a line together.
Fav breakfast food - Steak and eggs, baby!

From Bae4Ever

TV Show - The Simpsons
Closest Friend on Team - Jack/Elyk/Bonk
Dream Teammate - Not sure really
Fav breakfast food - Grilled cheese

From ElykBae

Fav Color - Blue
Fav Show - The Walking Dead
Animal - Dog
Fav Breakfast Food - Bacon and Eggs

From AtBae

How I met your mother
Hitting up the snack bar between periods
Luke Fleming <3
Chocolate chip pancakes

For Tweeds
Favorite breakfast food? Waffles
Closest friend on the team? Bent from KEL
Favorite thing about game day? Pregame nap
Favorite color? Today I'd say orange

For jason97
Favorite TV show? Narcos
Closest friend on the team? Cuffy probably
Favorite thing about game day? Hot girls in the stands
Favorite color? Blue

For Wahlgren
Favorite color? Green
Favorite thing about game day? the anticipation of the sim going live
Closest friend on the team? Tweedle
Favourite breakfast food? pancakes lol

My answers
Favorite color? [b]Green, baby.

Favorite TV show? Tim and Eric, Awesome Show, Great Job!
If I were an animal, what animal would I be? Anteater
Favorite thing about game day? Beer.
How many sticks do you go through in a year? Like Pocky sticks? None.
Closest friend on the team? I have no one in my life. But I guess Wahlgren?
Dream teammate? You, bud.
Favorite breakfast food? Golden Grams with chocolate chips. Diabetes.

Platoon Rob Wright Battleborn

My Questions:
Favorite Color?
Favorite TV Show?
Spirit Animal?
Favorite Part of Game Day?


1. Chalkboard green
2. Ghost Adventures, cuz you love seeing shadowz
3. Black panther...wait, is that a superhero?
4. Tons of eligible ladies screaming your name


1. Prussian Blue.
2. Archer or the NHL All-Star Game - because Renny don't believe in playing defense.
3. A social butterfly
4. Jamming to Bon Jovi pre-game. Unfortunately, it'sjust “Turn Back Time” on repeat.


1. Blue
2. Game of Thrones
3. Mammoth
4. Being a leader on and off the ice.

My Answers:

1. Tickle Me Green
2. Parks and Recreation
3. Yes, the cow of the sea, the manatee
4. Surprisingly Eichelele got it right,
Quote:"Jamming to Bon Jovi pre-game. Unfortunately, it'sjust “Turn Back Time” on repeat."

[Image: bclD7fn.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Shadowz1797@Oct 12 2016, 02:19 PM
My Questions:
4. Jamming to Bon Jovi pre-game. Unfortunately, it'sjust “Turn Back Time” on repeat.
4. Surprisingly Eichelele got it right,
And you wonder why I wear headphones in the LR.


Favorite colour? Jon has a thing for yellow and who doesn't love yellow?

Favourite TV show? He will never admit it but I always catch him changing the channel from
Dr. Phil whenever I go to his place

If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Jonny is a work horse if I ever saw one

Closest friend on the team? I know him and Owen are pretty tight but I'll go a bit out in left field and say Seppo Repo

Dream teammate? Ace Redding


Favourite TV show?

Game of Thrones, something with lots of naked people and yelling.  laugh.gif

If they were an animal, what animal would they be?

Maned Wolf. Quick and majestic.

Closest friend on the team?

Conklin Owen. You two have been playing together for seasons and shared lines.

Dream teammate?

Someone with high scoring. So I am again going with Owen. You guys have the chemistry to have games where you put up massive points.

Favourite TV show?
Dallas. I bet you're still wondering who shot JR.

If they were an animal, what animal would they be?
Well you're Austrian so clearly a kangaroo... What do you mean 'Australia'?

Closest friend on the team?
Conklin Owen.

Dream teammate?
Your father, Jim.

Actual Answers

Favourite TV show?

I have to go with Band of Brothers. Game of thrones is very high up there but nothing has been able to beat Band of Brothers for me.

If they were an animal, what animal would they be?

You know, I'm gonna agree with trollins on this one and say I'd be that super rare Austrian Kangaroo!

Closest friend on the team?

That one was pretty easy to guess. I've been playing with Conklin Owen for multiple seasons in multiple leagues.

Dream Teammate?

Any John Tavares style Power forward/sniper

We asked three Whalers a few questions each to see how well they know sophomore d man Adam Kaiser here are the results!

Maximilian Wehner

Favorite colour?

Well it's definitely blue and green. Gotta rep the Whalers!

Closest friend on the team?

I'd probably say Schröder. You two have shared quite a bit of ice time together and had success on the Power Play. I think it's led to some bonding.

Dream teammate?

I think a passing defensive partner is what you'd dream about. I think your dream teammate is already on the team. You need to just have some playing time with Tusk, so he can feed you goals.

Favorite breakfast food?

Full breakfast. Eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes. The works.

Ludwig Koch Schröder

Favorite colour?

Back in.....Black

Closest friend on the team?

Corey Bearss

Dream teammate?

Serious: Corey Bearss - You two are just so cute together
Jokingly: Ludwig Koch Schröder so you can have him always pad your stats

Favorite breakfast food?

The Tears of of Kelowna/ Prince George

Jon Ross

Favorite colour?


Closest friend on the team?


Dream teammate?

Jon Ross obviously

Favorite breakfast food?

I hope its Bacon

Adam Kaiser

How well do my teammates know me? Well here are my answers...

Favorite colour?

Orange! 0/3 guessed this one...kind of a tricky colour to guess though.

Closest friend on the team?

Definitely Corey Bearss 2/3 got this one right as it is fairly well known that we grew up playing hockey together

Dream teammate?

1/3 Mr. Corey Bearss again. he always has my back when I pinch and has saved my +- on more occasions than I can count.

Favorite breakfast food?

1/3...kinda. Maxi guess the whole shebang which included my favorite and I know I am leaving myself wide open here but...My favorite breakfast food is those little breakfast pork sausage. Bacon is good too but nothing compares.

<div align="center"> Getting to Knooooow Youuuuu: Danny Foster Scarecrows </div>

The questions:

1. Favourite TV show?
2. If they were an animal, what animal would they be?
3. Dream teammate?
4. Favourite breakfast food?

First up: The boss man, Ryan King Scarecrows
1. Sonic Highways
2. Scarecrow!
3. Jack Burton
4. Bacon

Next: Fellow 3rd-year defenseman Kelly Rivet Scarecrows
1. Breaking Bad
2. Elephant
3. Kate Upton :lol:
4. Pancakes

Finally: Defensive Partner for the third straight year, Rhaegar Targaryen Scarecrows
1. Breaking Bad
2. Bear
3. VLAD McZehrl
4. Bacon

And now, my answers ...
1. Mad Men - nobody got this right, but Breaking Bad was a solid guess from Snuffy and Rae!
2. Bear - way to go, Mr. Targaryen!!
3. Brian Morley - easily who I looked up to, as I watched him in S23 and S24 just rip it up with his physical game. Unfortunately, 0/3 as well.
4. Pancakes - Kelly Rivet with the tying point in the clutch!!

[Image: OaSEcaw]

Fave TV show: GoT? Idk.
How many sticks: 13
Closest friend on the team: Russell
Fave breakfast food: Waffles

Fave TV show: 90210
How many sticks: as few as possible
Closest friend on the team: Russell
Fave breakfast food: Eggs

Fave TV show: You're never even home to watch cable. Critical Role if it was a TV show I guess.
How many sticks: 0. Never even takes a shot.
Closest friend on the team: PB
Fave breakfast food: Eggs

The Real Answers
Fave TV show: The Voice
How many sticks: As few as possible
Closest friend on the team: Russell
Fave breakfast food: Viili

If they were an animal, what animal would they be?

Favourite thing about game day?
Signing autographs for the fans

Closest friend on the team?
Jasper Clayton because he brought you back from the dead

How many sticks do you go through in a year?

If they were an animal, what animal would they be?
some kind of big cat. lazes around in the day, fierce at night.

Favourite thing about game day?
chillin in the penalty box with me.

Closest friend on the team?
Clayto, of course.

How many sticks do you go through in a year?

If they were an animal, what animal would they be?
A dog

Favourite thing about game day?
Seeing Jasper Clayton

Closest friend on the team?
Jasper Clayton

How many sticks do you go through in a year?
117, shot blocking takes a toll

The Real Answers
If they were an animal, what animal would they be?

Favourite thing about game day?
Nap time

Closet friend on the team?
My D partner for life, Clayton

How many sticks do you go through in a year?

[Image: WtrC9qy.png]



[Image: Questions.png][IMG=[/IMG]

[Image: cDMBWce.png]
[Image: 0tCQttQ.png]
LA Panthers Goaltender


Favourite TV show?

Dancing with the Stars

Favourite thing about game day?

Probably the ice girls.

Dream teammate?

Can one have a life dream fulfilled again? Im already here

Favourite breakfast food?

You're from Quebec, if it isn't pancakes and maple syrup, trade me.


Favourite TV show?
Favourite thing about game day?
Dream teammate?
Favourite breakfast food?

Wow. Um....

1 - Soccer [if that counts as a show], otherwise Lamb Chop's Sing-a-long
2 - Team meal after morning skate, before the game
3 - Christoph Klose <3
4 - Fried egg with rye toast, sausage


Favourite TV show? Anything you can gamble on.
Favourite thing about game day? Good defense, so you have an easy day.
Dream teammate? The best defender, who allows no one to the net.
Favourite breakfast food? Pancakes

Correct answers:

Favourite TV show?

Sons of Anarchy, unless Soccer is considered a TV show.

Favourite thing about game day?

The hype leading up to the game, being in a great mood knowing I'm gonna play tnight.

Dream teammate?

Kain Webb

Favourite breakfast food?

Pancakes with cheese and maple syrup. Ppl pretty much got this Smile

Favourite Colour:
Bonk: Red
Nereus: Blue
Elyk: Blue

Favourite TV Show:
Bonk: Game of Thrones
Nereus: Game of Thrones
Elyk: Breaking Bad

If they were an animal, what animal would they be?
Bonk: Three Toed Sloth
Nereus: Lion
Elyk: Bird

Favourite Breakfast Food:
Bonk: Bacon, egg, and cheese on a hard roll
Nereus: Steak and eggs
Elyk: Bacon and eggs

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 76
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 1] [Pts 1] [+/- +3] [PIM 4] [Hits 7] [SB 33]

[Image: ERs3IrD.png]



1. Favourite TV show? Supernatural??
2. If they were an animal, what animal would they be? I think Sebastian Strange is a tiger.
3. Favourite thing about game day? Getting another opportunity to show why he is one of the best young premier forwards in the SHL
4. Dream teammate? Chris Crutchfield [Image: eyelashes.gif] In all seriousness, Jack Burton


1. Favourite TV show? Um. I'll say Game of Thrones just because it's really popular, so it gives me the best odds lol.
2. If they were an animal, what animal would they be? A Panther. You're avatar has a Panther and you're an LA Panther. Makes sense to me.
3. Favourite thing about game day? Big two points up for grabs and in the playoffs, a big win to fight for.
4. Dream teammate? Jed Lloren because who wouldn't want to be teammates with rice. [Image: wink.png]


1. Favourite TV show? Game of thrones
2. If they were an animal, what animal would they be? A horse, majestic ad beautiful
3. Favourite thing about game day? Winning
4. Dream teammate? Harry Hans


1. Favourite TV show? Hmm, I´m going to guess it´s The Sopranos or The Wire.
2. If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Bear. Likes to spend time outdoors and is bigger and stronger than most out there
3. Favourite thing about game day? Seeing all the fans who came to watch the team play
4. Dream teammate? Someone who is always looking for ways to improve. Professionalism, but still good sense of humor is required.

The Correct Answers:

1. Favourite TV show? Anything Fantasy or Sci-Fi
2. If they were an animal, what animal would they be? A Monkey...i like to fling my poo...
3. Favourite thing about game day? Helping the team get a win.
4. Dream teammate? Harry Hans is up there since we played in the SMJHL together, but there are others as well that I would like to play with too.

Zach Evans:
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Breakfast food: Bacon
Dream Teammate: I have no clue what Corey will say to this! Umm ..Chadathy Brodangleschlong. Sure.
Favourite TV Show: Game of Thrones

Vasily Horvat:
Favourite Colour: Brown
Favourite Breakfast food: Steak
Dream Teammate: Big Manious
Favourite TV Show: Care Bears

Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Breakfast food: Waffles and Eggs
Dream Teammate: DJ Flemmy Flem of course
Favourite TV Show: Naked and Afraid

Real Answers:
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Breakfast food: Smoothies
Dream Teammate: Luke Fleming
Favourite TV Show: Suits


Favourite TV show? Walking Dead
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Wolf
Dream teammate? McZ Smile)
Favourite breakfast food? Bacon


Favourite TV show? GoT?
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? A Buffalo. A team(herd) player and so strong that it can runover people very easillyWink
Dream teammate? I mean you already have me :wink: wild guess would maybe be PB/McZ?
Favourite breakfast food? Probably some sort of cereal flakes or just coffee with bread some jam on it


Favourite TV show? Miami Vice
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? Platypus
Dream teammate? Joe McKeil
Favourite breakfast food? Beer

Are they correct?

Favourite TV show? Points for Tomen, who got the right answer with GoT! Loved Walking Dead in the beginning, then grew to hated it over the years and have stopped watching at this point. Miami Vice more the lifestyle I live and less a show that I watch.
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? I have no idea what animal I would be but I like all the answers.
Dream teammate? McZ and McK I already played with so I'm not sure if they even count... PB is a good one as she is definitely very high up the list!
Favourite breakfast food? I don't usually eat much breakfast so that was a bit of a trick question... But with that being said: Bacon - Yes, but only in moderation. Cereals, coffee and bread with jam - Typical German breakfast and probably my favorite. Beer - Obviously.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

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