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S64 mPT #2: Dress Code

It's gotta be a sharp, well fitting suit. Nothing beats a clean black solid color suit with a nice tie. This is and should stay the dress code for all SHL teams - at least in Texas it is.

Word Count: 39

 [Image: takethehorizon.gif]
[Image: IdMkYiH.png]

[Image: NIYtQkE.png] [Image: NjFSX1z.png]

Buffalo will just show up wearing bills jerseys, bc why not? Had this question been asked a few seasons ago, with hippo and monkey on the team, we coulda showed up as zoo keepers

[Image: fishyshl.gif]
Thanks to everybody for the sigs :peepoheart:

[Image: czechpp.png][Image: czechup.png]

Starting from today, each member of the San Francisco Pride will be required to wear pajamas to games. This will trick the opposing teams into thinking we're not ready for the game, when in fact, it's all a big mind game.

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Algonquin College Student Support Services - 613-727-4723
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Edmonton will be showing up fully naked to every game. What better way to show the world you have nothing to fear and nothing to hide. No team is more confident than Edmonton.

[Image: OX6Yrrn.png][Image: glpYKY8.png]

Thank you @xjoverax for the sig!

While most teams come in wearing suits and looking all daper, I suggest we should go full Halloween costume. Who wouldn't love to see your favorite player come in dressed as Spongebob?

[Image: thiefofcheese.gif]

[Image: Yztckjo.png] 

Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King


I am going to bring in the classic dad look for turning up to games in, cargo shorts with a belt and large novelty buckle. Polo shirt. New Balance trainers.

[Image: Hockeymans.gif]
[Image: E8Qr7c5.gif]
Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac

As the Dragons play in Calgary, I feel it would be inappropriate for the players to show up in anything other than a Canadian Tuxedo. Anything less and you are underdressed and it is a great throwback to the earlier days of hockey. A 70s hairstyle is a plus.

[Image: %3E%5Balign=center%5D]
Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora

I think I'll lake a page out of the Arizona Coyotes play book and let the fellas decide what they want to wear. Effectively the dress code is... there is no dress code haha. Let them dress how they want to dress, we're all adults here. I wanna see someone show up to games like Lewis Hamilton in F1.

[Image: IAP8v68.png]

pride Armada  Player Page || Update Page  Germany pride
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2022, 11:31 AM by Vulfzilla.)

The Hamilton Steelhawks team dress code is that each member of the team has to show up to the arena covered in aluminum foil from head to toe.  The purpose is three-fold. 1) Intimidate the opponent 2) Look like steel (which is a shiny metal) 3) ward of alien abduction and electromagnetic poisonings. It is no secret this league wants Hamilton stopped at all costs. We must be vigilant.

post #69- nice

[Image: BEnevolent.png]

If I were in charge of the teams dress code it would be the Canadian Classic. The Canadian Tuxedo for everyone. The Denim Jacket and matching Blue jeans. It is traditional formal wear from my home town. 

[Image: CaleSalad.gif]
[Image: kalesaladshl.gif]
some high fibre sigs are Powered by AllBran, 

Suits are cool. Exhibit A. But still, no suits would be a nice policy. Or suits only in the playoffs. My dress code would be jeans and a print t-shirt. Every t-shirt has to have some kind of a message or statement, that tells something about your personality, values or something else that's close to your heart. Allows to show our personalities while being comfortable. A win-win.

[Image: sulov.gif]

I would require all Atlanta Inferno players to show up wearing something that has been in the same room as Russell Westbrook, Cam Newton, or Kanye West. Essentially wear whatever the fuck you want as long as you look insane whilst wearing it.

[Image: Jepox.gif]

Honestly I get the need and desire for your team to look professional but you can pull off the same look in a polo, jeans and a sports coat. Seriously, it was the billionaire look of the 90s. Bring it back.

[Image: YQkXo45.png]

we are all wearing t shirts that used to live at the way back of our dressers from when we were fifteen years old, they may take a few rounds of laundry to.... de-crust, let's say... but it'll be a nice dose of nostalgia for all to cum see!

[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno Norway

The Colorado Raptors  Raptors new Dress Code is Raptor esk.  Each player, coach and anyone to do with the team will now be wearing Raptor suits to the Area's and it will be the best when we all come running in for the Fans to see.

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