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S45: Interested Prospects

Player Name: Jøln DuBølk
What type of player are you looking to create? (NHL Comparison) Ryan Sutter-like Defensive Defenseman
Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player? Pass first
Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs? Yes
Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.): None
Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows? Interesting logo, and currently just looking for a team to call home.
How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10? about an 8.5 or a 9
Are you in School, Work or other? school, but I'm about to go on break
Favorite NHL Team? Stars
Whats your favorite show currently? Not really a TV guy, but Superstore is pretty good.
Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication?Discord, MCP#1914

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Player Name:Hans Zucker
Position:Right Wing (RW)
What type of player are you looking to create?I do not watch NHL so it will be hard to answer to this question.
Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player?Shoot first
Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs? To some extent I am.
Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.):LSHL, SHL, SBA, NSFL, PBE, E-sim
Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows?To be honest I am just showing that I would be happy to play for any team, but will add that with my first player that I just retired, I did want to play for Scarecrow but unfortunately got to play for PGF.
How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10? I would say around 7
Are you in School, Work or other?Working at cinema.
Favorite NHL Team?Do not have one but if I have to chose then Sharks
Whats your favorite show currently?Reality show - Survivor and Big Brother US, TV show - Outlander, The Good Doctor, Manifest and others.
Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication? Discord

Knights - Player Page - Update Page - Knights

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Player Name: Zach Laliberté

Position: Right Winger

What type of player are you looking to create? (NHL Comparison)

A Patrice Bergeron kind of player. All-around good player!

Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player?

Shoot first player.

Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs?

Yeah sure!

Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.):

None, 0, nada.

Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows?

Why wouldn't I be interested of one of the most succesful team?

How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10?

I plan to be around 8-9, depending of my school and work schedule.

Are you in School, Work or other?

College and part time work.

Favorite NHL Team?

Les Canadiens de Montréal!

Whats your favorite show currently?

Currently watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine, omg this is hilarious

Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication?

Discord, as I can have phone notification and answer right away most of the time.

[Image: Deouvwc.png]

Player Name:
lunga gumba
What type of player are you looking to create? (NHL Comparison)
Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player?
shoot first
Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs?
not really
Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.):
Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows?
im open to any team honestly
How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10?
Are you in School, Work or other?
im in school
Favorite NHL Team?
Whats your favorite show currently?
i dunno umm GOT
Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication?

[Image: unknown.png]

"Bring back Pingy Pingu Lunga Gumba esq. And I mean bring him all the way back. I want every thread on this forum that involves even a modicum of salt to get razed to the ground by our most notorious shitposting penguin. I want every thunderdome to drown in ABAGABA spam and a signature that doesn't end. I want the userbase of this fine league to cower in terror, slinking about the forums and making as little noise as possible for fear of attracting the Shitpost Slenderman. When some poor immigrant from the NFL sim blunders into the forum and makes an angry post about how his player slipped to the early second round despite having done ALL the rookie tasks(!), let the veteran survivalists stare in horror and pity while the newbie rages. They will know it is only a matter of time before @Pingy Pingu descends upon his post like a ravening wolf and obliterates his tread, reducing it to a radioactive waste-dump of unintelligible spam. They will not interfere, for Pingy is our immune system. Because he can take it. Our Dark Knight of Shitposting"

Sig credit to @WannabeFinn @JSS @Mordaciious @Mayuu @TommySalami
                                              Falcons banner credit to @karey

Player Name: Anastasia O’Koivu
Position: D

What type of player are you looking to create? Hard-hitting and grindy defensive defensewoman

Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player? Pass, I guess

Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs? Not really, honestly lol

Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.): Two and a half years on SHL, somewhat recent return to activity on GOMHL

Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows? New player, new opportunities

How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10? Anywhere from 7-10 depending on how I feel about returning. Definitely won’t leave again, it’s more a matter of how involved I’ll get again. I’ll be updating weekly, though

Are you in School, Work or other? Full-time college, work over summer and winter breaks

Favorite NHL Team? Washington

Whats your favorite show currently? Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Game of Thrones

Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication? Currently? Discord since I’m without a laptop. Once it’s repaired? A balance of both

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sig credits
[Image: FJ4Sjuj.png] |[Image: apAE8qn.png] | [Image: uEsOaLl.png]
[Image: 2dtdoyf.png]
Former affiliates: raiders Jets Stars


Player Name: Barry Batsbak

Position: Center 

What type of player are you looking to create? (NHL Comparison): Kuznetsov

Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player? Pass first.

Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs? Yes

Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.): Neither of those, but football (soccer) manager type SIM

Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows? Cool name :-)

How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10? 7

Are you in School, Work or other? I have a full-time job

Favorite NHL Team? Washington Capitals

Whats your favorite show currently? I guess I'll go with Suits.

Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication? Both are fine with me. Discord would be easier to follow.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
[Image: gNFVjT6.png]

Player Name:petr mikulak
Position:right wing
What type of player are you looking to create? (NHL Comparison) sniper/ all around guy, the midpoint of Taylor Hall and Blake Coleman
Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player? shoot first
Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs? yes
Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.): none
Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows? they seem like an alright team and i don't hate them
How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10? 10
Are you in School, Work or other? school
Favorite NHL Team? Devils
Whats your favorite show currently? jojos
Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication? discord

Player Name:Sami Kärppä
What type of player are you looking to create? (NHL Comparison) Mobile two way D. Good skater and good with passing and with the puck.
Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player? Responsible pass first
Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs? Possibly. Not really sure what that would mean.
Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.): None
Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows? Don't know much about the teams yet. Logo is really cool!
How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10? 6-7.. ish..
Are you in School, Work or other? Work
Favorite NHL Team? Wild.. Jets.. Don't really have one favorite.
Whats your favorite show currently? Game of Thrones
Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication? Forum based, but I do also use Discord.

Player Name: Collin Gibbles

Position: RW

What type of player are you looking to create? (NHL Comparison) Joe Thornton

Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player? Pass

Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs? Potentially

Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.): None

Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows? Looking to succeed

How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10? 3-5

Are you in School, Work or other? Work 

Favorite NHL Team? Detroit

Whats your favorite show currently? ASOUE

Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication? Forum

[Image: spartangibbles.gif]
[Image: qGhUIfY.png]  Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  [Image: PlcJv9V.png]

Player Name: Peter Larson

Position: goalie

What type of player are you looking to create? (NHL Comparison) SHL startable goal tender

Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player? Ummm..

Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs? Nope. See above

Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.): none

Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows? I am hoping to be drafted by another team although happy for other opti9ns

How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10? 6

Are you in School, Work or other? Work

Favorite NHL Team? None

Whats your favorite show currently? Brooklyn 99

Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication? Either, both for different reasons. 

Player Name: Rudy Mentz

Position: C/LW

What type of player are you looking to create? A defensively responsible two-way centreman who can make plays... maybe like a Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, but I can grow a beard?

Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player? Pass first, but occasional secondary scoring.

Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs? Prefer Centre, but can play LW and maybe less well, RW

Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.): none

Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows? I'm applying to all the teams who contacted me first, seems the fair thing to do!

How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10? 6-8 depending on life's demands

Are you in School, Work or other? Working

Favorite NHL Team? Fan of the Oilers

Whats your favorite show currently? No time for TV between work and now SHL!

Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication? I don't mind both. Discord I guess is a little easier to get the answer you need.

Player Name: Jerry "The Snake" Mander
Position: RW
What type of player are you looking to create? (NHL Comparison) Ovie lmao
Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player? Check first, shoot second, ask questions later
Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs? Sure
Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.):SHL, GOMHL, PHL
Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows? Cuz I won a cup here with Bananas Foster in S29 and you need another one.
How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10?7-8
Are you in School, Work or other?both work and school
Favorite NHL Team?Bruins
Whats your favorite show currently?Sopranos
Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication?I can do either now that everyone does Discord lol

Player Name: Thornton Opperman
Position: RW
What type of player are you looking to create? (NHL Comparison) Josh Bailey
Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player? Pass
Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs? Yes
Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.): none, this is my first time
Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows? Yes - I'm from St. Louis, and love the sweaters
How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10? 10
Are you in School, Work or other? Work as a Geotechnical Engineer
Favorite NHL Team? Blues
Whats your favorite show currently? Better Call Sau
Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication? Discord


Player Name:Big Fudge
Position: Doggy
What type of player are you looking to create? (NHL Comparison) Shea Weber except not traded for Subban
Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player? SHOOT but pass.
Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs?sure
Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.):yes
Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows?your formatting sucks almost as bad as mine
How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10?3
Are you in School, Work or other?yes
Favorite NHL Team?Flint Tropics
Whats your favorite show currently?Game of Bones
Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication?carrier pigeon, exclusively.

seriously, your formatting B L O W S

Player Name:
Tibuk Soonika


What type of player are you looking to create? (NHL Comparison)
Martin Brodeur

Do you want to be a pass first or shoot first player?
Neither I am a goalie.

Are you open to positional changes as the teams needs?
My pads might be awkward at centre but I can give it a whirl

Sim League Experience (WFL,VHL,SBA ect.):

Why are You Interested in the Scarecrows?
I am looking for a team that I can help. Hopefully the Scarecrows might feel the same.

How active do you plan to be on a scale of 1-10?

Are you in School, Work or other?
Work (but I try to avoid doing it)

Favorite NHL Team?
Lets go CANUCKS!

Whats your favorite show currently?
Big Mouth

Do you prefer Discord or Forum based communication?
I am fine with either but feel free to drop me a line on Discord if you have any follow up questions (Tib#5687)

Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page

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