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S53 PT #2 - April Fools

Tibuk Soonika's April fools joke was to mate a pig and a bat together and see what developed but in light of all the fun people are already having with just such a concoction he has decided to take the fabled French tradition of attaching a fish to ones back a step further. That's right Tibuk has elected to put live trout into unexpected places and see what hilarity ensues. Possible locations to may find a live trout include:

-Your chair.
-Your shower.
-Both inside and outside your car.
-In the toilet at work.
-In bed where your spouse should be.
-In place of your laptop.

Of course Tibuk will be streaming all these events live to his Just for Laughs live stream. I would ask now that all people please be proactive and sign this waiver promising not to sue in the unfortunate case that the Fish revolt and we as humans are forced into servitude at the hands of our new fish overlords.

Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page

Can I have some TPE please?

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This one time I told Cain that his goalie pads were too big according to league rules. He played that game with super small pads. That was also a game 7 of the Challenge Cup, April Fool's jokes hurt if you forget to tell the person you are fooling that it was just a joke. This season, I plan on doing the same thing, except to DeMaricus Smyth. I will be telling him that his stick is technically too long and hand him a much, much shorter one. I will also be telling him the league now requires all forwards who switched to defense to play with pink stick tape to better tell who used to be a goal scorer. I will even bring a fresh roll of pink stick tape to him free of charge. I cannot wait to see him out there on the ice tonight with a mini stick with pink tape. It is going to be comical.


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Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ
(This post was last modified: 04-01-2020, 02:58 PM by StamkosFan.)

Ola Wagstrom is evil. This is his day, he lives for pulling off crazy schemes. And one March day, the Swedish fed head had a wonderful, awful idea. What if he convinced a bunch of teams that IIHF was allowing trades? He enlisted the help of USA, Canada, Switzerland, Finland, and IIHF HO to pull it off, and this was the result.

First, he carefully doctored this screenshot to look legit. As if IIHF HO had really announced it weeks ago in the IIHF Fed Head discord.
[Image: image2.jpg?width=1798&height=1199]

Then he dropped subtle hints. The build-up let people lower their guard, and he was able to stall claiming he had work to do first before he made the big announcement a little after midnight on April 1st. So far, so good:

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Things escalated after the announcement dropped in the USA discord. SlashACM was infuriated by the news:

[Image: usa_management_cainer.JPG]

Canada had a more tempered reaction. Gabe Johnson sold it by, surprisingly, siding with HO:

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The set up was complete. It was all going according to plan. Now, it was time for USA and Sweden to announce the first trade. Sweden, of course, was trading all of the most popular LR guys on the team and its best prospects too.

TO USA: Sven Yxskaft, Sven Svenson, and Karl Krashwagen
TO SWE: Julio Tokolosh and Nicholas Williams

The reaction on both sides was swift and accusatory.

[Image: usa_management.JPG]
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A slew of trades followed, starting an uproar in the community. SlashACM thunderdomed IIHF HO here and was promptly traded to Switzerland minutes later. In the afternoon, unfortunately a few folks figured out it was an April Fools joke and the gig was up, but overall it was pretty successful. But Canada closed things off with one final deal with Great Britain:

[Image: Screenshot_20200401-135854_Discord.jpg]


03-31-2020, 05:29 PMGeekusoid Wrote:
03-31-2020, 05:24 PMnotoriousTRON Wrote: My roommate Strom Chamberlain has a habit of leaving his phone unattended around our apartment. Taking note of this, when I saw his phone unattended on 1 April last year, I knew I had to act. I quickly went to all of his social media accounts and starting liking really old photos of his friends and contacts. Especially beach/bikini photos from the ladies. Turned out I had enough time to just pick randos that he didn't even know. We're talking 3-4 year old photos of complete strangers. I focused on one girl in particular and basically liked everything she's ever put on Instagram unless there was a man in the photo, then I just commented with a sad face or a thumbs down emoji. I'm not sure if anything happened because of it, but I like to think at least that one girl is out there just thinking Strom is a creep. When he eventually becomes a star goalie in the SHL and becomes a household name is when I'm really hoping this thing pays off. Or who knows, maybe she's into it and it'll be a love connection. Wholesome April Fools prank.

Dude that was you!?

No wonder Jimmy (@sve7en) kept accusing me of creeping his sister!

Since figuring out Strom was digging his sister, Jimmy was on the prank plan. After she committed to USC, he had Sara send him a DM on Twitter saying she was committing to USC and was "looking to get to know people in the area Wink". She soon had Chamberlain hook line and sinker. She had him believing they were meeting up for dinner and drinks the day before Anaheim hosted Carolina this preseason, and not a particularly cheap dinner either, a nice little steakhouse in Norwalk between LA and Anaheim.

Strom would be having catfish though, as when the waiter brought him to his table he was only greeted with Jimmy's laughter. Sara was off at some campus event, but never planned to make it. They quickly cleared the air though, and found Rhys to be the original culprit, to be pranked at another time. The two shared a nice meal that night, and Jimmy offered the goalie a chance to go Dutch, since his initial date was never real to begin with.

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Two April's ago I took @Z0REM phineas golds liquid lsd and replaced it with water this man proceeded to get so fucking drunk without the drugs keeping him up he got a dui and a gun charge lmao should of seen him couldent control himself it's crazy when someone has more control on lsd than they do with booze. After being so inebriated he could barely stand we took him to a whore house while in vegas but little did he know he was actually going to be seduced by a man tremendous I tell you when he came stumbling g out of the room after realizing what was going on and that the brothel wasnt the kind of brothel hes used too great entertainment for all involved. The next day I had to level with him and return the lsd god knows he cant perform on the ice without it praise be to phineas .

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2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

Markus isn't really the kind of player to pull a prank on his teammates. He's usually on the receiving end of such jokes - that involved shaving cream, and most of the inside of his goalie equipment. Took him several days just to make sure that some shaving cream hadn't caked on the lining of his mitt... thanks, Captain Fudge. Or maybe the time where they "spiked" the content of his water bottle with Tabasco sauce... the pain! The eyes! THEY BURN! Yea, thanks, Gibbles. That was so hilarious - couldn't see a single puck in the next 2 practices. Still saved more than 85% of them.

But this year, he would have his revenge. You see, Markus is a night owl. He's grown accustomed to the diurnal life, as is prescribed for his job as a hockey player - but deep down lives a raccoon that loves the dark alleys at night. So he snuck inside the locker room at around 11:30 PM (had a long conversation with the head of security at the arena, that ended in showering him with food from all across downtown... gluttons, the lot of them, I swear.)

In his smile, vindication and dementia. And in his hands... glitter. Two buckets, full of glitter. He had conveniently packed up his gear (as well as Kasperi's - solidarity among goalies), so he started spreading it. E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E.

The only downside to this prank, is when his coach and captaincy team asked him to clean it all up, because he forgot the most crucial part in his prank... Making sure the GMs don't have access to the video footage of the previous night.

(289 words)

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Chiefs Monarchs Lions Berserkers Switzerland Blizzard pride Panthers Grizzlies

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Special thanks to @Carpy48, @Chevy, @Turd Ferguson, @fever95 and @enigmatic for the signatures!

For April Fool's Day every year Michael Scarn likes to challenge himself to top last year's prank. Scarn has become renowned around the league and his office in Scranton as the prank master. A master pranker. Scarn loves to surprise others and make them laugh at his pranks. For example, one time Michael Scarn pranked the entire office by pretending to be a woman. Michael Scarn wore a woman's suit to the office that day and all around the training complex, even wearing the woman's suit during the skating drills and walkthrough of the gameplan for that day. Michael Scarn is truly a wonderful prankster. This year, Michael Scarn pranked the entire Buffalo team by pretending that he was dead. Scarn had his friends contact the general managers of the Buffalo Stampede to inform them that Michael had gotten into a terrible car accident on the way to the arena. It was hilarious.

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We decided to pick one player on the team and convince them they were traded for a fictional prospect. This was an elaborate prank because we had to get management, the players, the training staff and everyone else in on it. We made traveling arrangements for the guy so he could look at his ticket stub and think it was legitimate. To make it better, we waited until after the player bought a new house. With that big new mortgage, we thought it would be the right time to scare them with a trade. The reaction was priceless, the player was sitting there crying and weeping and then everyone from the team started laughing. The range emotions was something else. It was like a rollercoaster of the guy being sad and then instantly mad. He was crushed at first and did not know what was re4al anymore. It was a little mean, but luckily the guy bought a house right before April Fools' Day.

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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Karl is somewhat of a master prankster. Ethan Ross @JR95 always carries such a stern demeanor, and could really use a laugh to loosen up. Karl wanted to do a theme this year, so he kept the pranks all hockey related.
#1 - Tigerbalm in the jockstrap. This one is a classic and old as time. Ideally it's not super noticeable at the start, but once you start to sweat oh boy. He will be running for the showers as fast as he can. No one likes the burning sensation down there.
#2 - When he's in the locker room dealing with his burning issue, sneak in and put shaving cream in his gloves. He'll get the balm rinsed off, only to stick his hand into that.
#3 - Coat his visor with olive oil. As long as it's cold enough it shouldn't really be noticeable. Once he starts to breath on it though it'll loosen up and everything will look blurry. Bonus is he will probably need soap and a lot of scrubbing to get it off.
#4 - The classic frozen towel trick. When he is in the shower, Karl will replace his towel with a replica that he had stored in the ice box. When Ethan grabs the towel to dry off it will be hard as a rock!
#5 - That's probably enough for one day. Karl will take out Ross for a beer to laugh it off. Ross better not go to the bathroom though, otherwise he's getting stuck with the bill!

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Last year on the day before April Fool’s day, Jmac got the great idea after I long and tiring practice, @notorioustig was cracking the whip that day. A literal whip... but Jmac being tired was kind of just starring into space looking at his gloves when he decided it would be a great prank to replace everyone's gloves with knitted mittens his grandmother had given him. Loves to knot gloves and send them to him because Jmac is from Florida and now playing in Detroit and soon Minnesota, so she believes he needs them for the cold. Since last year was a bunch of rookies in the LR it would perfect prank on them, and of course @Mutedfaith since he absolutely loves to be pranked. It worked all according to plan and everyone had to come out to practice without gloves or Gma mittens!! Looks like Cal got Jmac back this year and Tiggie Wiggie decided to tell people they have been traded to St. Louis...saddest of scarecrow noises...but we ain't SKREEEEEE!!! Falcons

Falcons (172 words) Falcons

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Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
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Well, I do not really think Jon Forty-One is someone who likes to prank anyone. Like I cannot see him pulling one of those stupid just a prank bro youtube videos. But if he was to do an april fool it would be one of the minor classical ones that are very fast and painless.

I can imagine him saying "Hey, your laces are undone." just before training only for the said victim to look down and discover that the laces were in fact perfectly fine and tied. Before owning his ass by stating "April Fools." Just a quick, painless moment that will probably have the victim feel foolish for falling for 1 of the oldest tricks in the book. Nothing flashy or major. What he would expect the vast majority of players to do in this league though is scream "I HAVE THE CORONA VIRUS!" or "I RETIRE!" or something just as stupid as on this level. You just know some people did think about doing it in SHL.

[171 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk
Finland S79 Goalie of the Season Award winner in WJC Finland

Now I am free <3

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PBE/NSFL Affiliation

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Piotr’s plans for April Fools were a bit ruined due to being stuck at home, by himself. He also isn’t one for being to much of a clown in the locker room. That was going to change. He had gone out, purchased a bunch of Saran Wrap, tooth paste and Oreos. Since Piotr isn’t much of a joker, he didn’t have many original ideas, so he was going to stick with some of the old, tried and true, pranks. Saran Wrap over all of the locker room toilets to start. He was also going to pull all of the cream filling out of the Oreos and replace it with toothpaste. Now, he just has four packages of double stuff to eat while in isolation. It was a lot of work and planning for nothing. Piotr has made the promise that he will find Mr. Corona and punch him in the face for making such a stupid virus.

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