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S57 SHL Training Camp


[Image: minadsslatt.png]

3 days for 9 TPE tyvm

[Image: mazatt.gif]

[Image: KhdDH3Q.png] [Image: q4PM2XX.png]

3 tpe end my suffering

[Image: arTbD7O.png]

Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
[Image: PuANRuu.png]

5 days for +15 TPE!

[Image: m59RPb7.png]   [Image: FcWmVTl.png]
[Image: krazkoSEA.gif]
credit to amazing @Carpy48, @Ragnar @sköldpaddor, @the_paytonium & @sulovilen !


[Image: jE4ioeC.png][Image: meOh9pz.png]

5 days for 15 tpe

+9 TP

[Image: 32882_s.gif]

Oliver Pettyfer / Isaac Cormier Hale / Eva Lykke Aparjode

im old 3 TPE

[Image: livius.gif]

1 day

[Image: ezgif-6-09c631572c.gif]



1 day +3

Sophomores (S56 Draftees) get 5 days

15 TPE

Stars | Player | Update Thread | Gordie#6746 | Manual Lineup Sheet | HockeyNation | Grizzlies


[Image: TqPg1ou.gif]


7 days for +21!


s57 rook, +21

Rage Falcons Latvia Latvia Falcons Rage
[Image: HOlloway.png]

S56 +15 TPE

[Image: CcmpTg8.png][Image: sakro_-_withecheck_-_Inferno.png]

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