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S70 PT#3: Let Ampersands and At-signs Fly

Creative Prompt - Written

The fact that the coach has gotten involved makes this situation a little more "real" than Flusso would have initially thought. He believed that they were going to be able to move on from what he thought was a minor spat. Obviously the scout has taken a harder stance, or perhaps Flusso's comments, while he thought they were minor, have pushed things to the attention of the front office. He believes he should be careful moving forward, the team is successful and he is a minor part of that as a defenceman in a smaller role. He will do whatever the coach wants. He also has no problem working with this archaic millennial scout with their viewpoint that he should be going top cheddar more often. Agree to disagree is his mentality, and having won the cup last season, he believes they can both work past their differences and see success once again. No emotions running hot from Flusso, he is curious what has drawn this out, having thought that he would be able to move past it by ignoring it and pushing all of his feelings deep down, with the other emotions that shouldn't see the light of day.

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Sig by @Evil_AllBran

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(This post was last modified: 04-13-2023, 04:14 PM by tomtommen. Edit Reason: typo )

Written Task:  Tell me about your player's reaction to a teammate or staff member rubbing them the wrong way at some point in their career. What was done to annoy them? How did they respond? Were they able to work past it? Did it devolve into an irretrievable shitshow? Whose fault was it? Who was the bigger person in the end? (150+ words)

Tom Pedersen always tries to get along with his teammates. It is very important for Tom Pedersen that everybody on the team are on the same page and work together. Hatred and angry feelings should be directed at the opposing teams. But shit does happen and Tom Pedersen likes to be honest and just fix things as soon as they pop up. Going around and getting more and more angry with somebody does not do anybody any good. Just get shit sorted as soon as possible. Not always the easiest thing to do, but it is necessary. As of now Tom Pedersen isn’t unfriendly with anybody at the Calgary Dragons. Everything is sorted and smooth. But Tom Pedersen does not forget easily and therefore still holds some grudges towards players he has played with in the past. Nothing big, but even if Tom Pedersen tries to fix everything asap he is not always successful and can therefore be angry for a long time.

Words: 163

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Creative Prompt
The arguments between Willow and the radio broadcaster have become too much to bear. The team is tired of them fighting on social media, valuable hot dogs are being wasted being used as ammunition in the war against each other, so it came time for the GM Blake to do something. Except Blake was busy so they made their Co-GM The Team’s Mascot have the meeting instead. Gathering everyone in his office, which is a half converted bathroom, Mr. Mascot didn’t really have much to say as he is a mascot. Rather he wildly gesticulated at a power point made that said “How to be good people.” The power point contained valuable information such as “how to solve problems without throwing hot dogs” and other related topics. After two hours of wild gestures and pantomiming emotions, Willow and the radio broadcaster agreed to a temporary ceasefire over their emotions and food opinions, much to Mr. Mascot’s delight.

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PT Pass

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When the coach pulled Nathaniel and Cale aside to discuss the current media distraction that was going on, he straight up bluntly asked what the hell was going on. "Coach between all of the media pressure and fan appearances in the offseason, and the strict schedule during the season we barely have time to think, let alone relax. Sometimes trolling reporters is the closest we get to a genuine human connection for months."

The meeting went on a little while after this initial meeting, and the coach isn't really too sure what he had in these two young rookies, but he knew they definitely were brimming with chemistry. They played off each other in real life like they did on the ice and he knew keeping these two happy was going to be long term beneficial.

"Ok, you let me worry about the media, we're going to take both of you off rotation for a little while. In the mean time for practice I want 1 on 1 drills you two going at each other. I think some time just grinding it out in the corner is really going to help release some of this built up tension."

Salad and Barca thanked the coach and once beyond earshot jumped up and hi fived.

215 Words

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I think the thing I need to work on the most is probably not having these bad games every other games. I think if I fix that part of my game than it will come easy to me to find pucks and other defensive errors that I could have saved. I have a lot of good things coming toward the end of the season like our playoff experience. I think that playoff experience could be everything when it coming to winning in the playoffs. I want to win and the locker room is looking forward to handling teams in this year's playoffs I would hope that we could win and most importantly we can be awesome being an awesome playoff team. I want to win everything I am a part of and keep doing in future endeavors. I love winning and this has been awesome team to be playing for I play for them and they play for me.

162 words

The best part about a brewing rivalry between a goalie and a forward (particularly a goal-scoring forward) is that there's plenty of space separating the two for most of the game. When word of the ever-growing hostility between Time and Snooks reached the Edmonton coaching staff, their first instinct was to sit down with the two and hammer out the issue, but there simply wasn't enough time to address it before the team's next game. What happened next changed the plan significantly. In a scrappy game in Chicago, the Syndicate came out hot, scoring in the opening minute of the game. Conner was the first Blizzard player to reach the net after the goal, and while nobody is sure what he said to Time, the two played with an unmatched intensity from then on. Snooks would record a goal and an assist in the game, and Time would register 30 saves as the Blizzard came back to win 5-3. The team went on a tear afterward, posting a 5-1 record and climbing up the division rankings. Time went 5-0 in his starts, and Snooks would score at least a point per game, including a 5 point showing in a rout against New England. Nobody is sure where the rivalry is going, but for now the coaching staff is content to let them fuel each other toward a strong finish to the season.

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sig credit: Ragnar, Sulovilen, Enigmatic, Bayley
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PT pass

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Thanks to @Ragnar, @High Stick King and @Maxy for the sigs!

Raptors Argonauts 
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Player Prompt:

Hockey teams are always full of a wide variety of personalities. You are around these people for almost 10 months and sometimes you just don't mesh with certain people's personality. The key is all about moderation so it doesn't drive you completely crazy and start something unruly.

It's just natural that you gravitate to people with similar attitudes. When you're on a team, though, you will need to get along with everyone. Personally, when I have to work with players who are quite different than me, I try to keep things focused on work. It gives us a common ground to discuss and helps neutralize our personalities to a certain extent. The key is to maintain a professional and respectful relationship. You don't need to be best friends with every teammate you have, but you need to be cordial with them. Outside of work, you find the people you like and form bonds there. At work, everyone needs to be on the same level if you want it to translate well when you play the game.

(176 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

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The boiling beef between Justine Time (@RAmenAmen) and Conner Snooks had finally been enough for the GM ( @HabsFanFromOntario ) and drastic measures were taken. First he made both players say one nice thing about each other. Then he moved their lockers next to each other so they were forced to talk before and after games. The embarrassment doesn't stop their. They have to sit next to each other on the bus and on the plane. Turns out, Conner and Justin are into a lot of the same things. They both love Digimon for starters which is pretty rare nowadys. Justin got Conner hooked on Old School Runescape as well, they've been grinding away together on that outside practice. The GM is actually afraid he's misjudged the situation as now he has to do hotel room checks on Conner and Justin to make sure they AREN'T playing Runescape together in the middle of the night.

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Elena is usually quiet and thinks before she talks so she doesn't fight much but I guess when you see the same people almost every day of your life and your livelihood depends on if you work well together/them doing their job correctly, conflicts are bound to happen. She's blunt and she'll say what she has to say, listen to what the other person has to say and just go on with her day. She doesn't really take things personally and will often be surprised when her teammates are sad or angry because of something she said. Now just to make sure the case is closed she'll end most more heated conversations with "no hard feelings, yes?" and judges that it's enough to resolve conflicts. Whether or not it works for the other person is another story but her teammates seem to like her in general so apparently she found the secret to problem solving.

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Ty Murphy is no stranger to teammate confrontation.  Just last week there was an apparent water bottle thief in the locker room.  How did this come about?  Well, Murphy had just finished lifting weights when he staggered into the locker room looking to replace what he just lost in the gym.  He went for his locker and looked around for his water bottle that was filled with glycogen infused pickle juice.  He couldn't find it but swore revenge on whoever took it.  Good thing he had an emergency back-up pickle juice bottle that had been baking in his black car.  Two days later, the water bottle appeared back in his locker, missing an approximate sip.  Haha!  Thieving cowards couldn't handle the juice.  He is sure it wont happen again.  And if it does, he will be more alert to who on the team has a salty taste when he is kissing all the homie's goodnight on their bus trips.

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Prompt 1

GK is really not a confrontational person, will not get into discussion or arguments with his teammates and will likely just remove himself from uncomfortable or heated situations.

GK will still work with an individual they do not get along with, and don’t really enjoy being around, and will simply just focus on the game of hockey. GK isn’t really theatrical in that sense. If someone were to do something that was horrible from a social standpoint, GK would voice his concerns but would not get into a full on confrontation over it, I am sure that management would hear about it, in a polite way and it would fall on management to do something about said player.

In short, GK tries to get along with everyone that is on his team, even if he may not be fond of someone as it is for the betterment of the team, and there should be a level of trust provided to the management staff to do what is right, and oversee their team. (172 words)

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Meowski is pretty loveable. I mean if you look at him, he's a cat. For him, one of the most difficult situations was in Maine. Last season he played with Kale Salad and what a disaster that was. If you saw the point differential you would know that Kale was a puck hog. Every time he would go into the zone Kale had to have it. When Meowski was wide open, Kale would shoot it. In their last game Kale was very aware that Meowski was tied for the all time lead for points by a Maine player. In that game, Meowski broke multiple sticks on his knee. He couldn't believe how Kale had dissed him.

After the game GM SouthPaw spoke with both of them. He asked what happened in the game and why Meowski was so flustered. He spoke to him about the game and what Kale had done. Since Kale set the record for most points in the season SouthPaw decided to Pay off Meowski. He also made sure that he was nominated for end of the season awards as well to help his player forget that he is not the all time leading scorer in Maine history. For the most part it work and Meowski forgets about that game

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