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S63 PT #3: Hell's Kitchen

I like to eat tons of pasta. Full of carbs. Nice clean energy. That won’t bite me in the ass after I retire I’m certain. I also like to eat a few hard boiled eggs during the afternoon meeting so I’m nice and gassy my game time.

Once someone hits you, and it squeezes out a real corker, they will think twice the next time. On the other hand you can use it as a punctuation after hitting someone, you don’t even need to talk shit. You just shit. So eggs are good.

I also drink a crap load of water. So I always feel like I have to pee, keeps me on my toes. The infections from holding it aren’t great, but the numbers don’t lie.

Definitely stay away from dairy during the season, not even on off days. I don’t want to actually poop spaghetti on the ice.

What else…. What else….

A big rail of cocaine off a prostitutes butt hole is always a strong pre game move…

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(158 words)
WE’RE HAVING BRUNCH!!! Honestly, breakfast has to be the easiest meal to make for a large group of people. We’re having eggs, however you like them. Waffle makers will be available for people to make their own waffles. Toppings of all kinds will be provided; strawberries, blueberries, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, white chocolate chips, raspberries, peanut butter, bananas, and of course cinnamon sugar. All the syrup flavors you could imagine. Jams and Jellys. Going for something more savory, chicken is available too. Not a waffle lover? We have pancakes!

Do you love bacon? Sausage; patties or links? Hot ham? Biscuits and Gravy? We will have all of it. Croissants and other breads will be available. Pastries are available too. Muffins, scones, danishes, we’ll even take special requests. Orange juice, cranberry juice, grape, apple, strawberry kiwi apple juice. Coffee and cream of all different flavors and varieties. This is a buffet and we will eat until we are satisfied.

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Food - it's my favorite topic. As an athlete, I have a very good appetite and sometimes I seem to have always walked over. As a Latvian, I like to eat well and taste well, but athletic lifestyles sometimes force it to do things differently than they would. My menu at this point consists of a healthy diet developed by my dietologist and fitness trainer. But during seasonal breaks, when I go home in Latvia, my menu tends to change, and not to the best. For that reason, my seasonal starts are often relatively bad on an individual basis, because I have to pick up my best form and it takes quite a while. In general, I'm not a junk, but sometimes I want to be mad with some kind of food. Personally, I even have pretty good cook skills, and I used to cook a lot for myself. So I'm not surprised that after the end of my career I could spend my life on cooking art. But it's not excluded that it's going to be just a hobby and focus on coaching a team.
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2022, 03:09 PM by spooked.)

Prompt 2:

Pre game meals are a ritual for all athletes and for Arsene Leclerc, it is just the same as for the rest. Carbs are something that is avoided on off days, trying to stay lean with a healthy diet to keep regression away as much as possible, but on game day the rules are OFF! Playing over 20 minutes a night in the SHL is a tall ask for someone just entering their prime, and getting as much physical game time as we do in MIN, man needs his food. I am a big fan of the pasta and the pizza, although I am a French superstar, Italian food never did me wrong. Especially with all the shots I block every night, having a little bit more cushion on game night may be the thing that keeps me going in the end of the third. On days off unfortunately, no pizza and pasta for me, unless it is a small side for some protein, wish I could have some more honestly. 173

Scoochie is not really the chef type other than whipping up some fresh saves in the crease so it would probably be a pretty tough situation for him to feed up some 20 or so athletes instead of a professional chef. One of Scoochie’s specialties when he is around the house is making crockpot meals so that would probably be his first attempt to be able to feed so many people. Especially if he is also playing the same day, being able to just setup the crockpot in the morning and then having it ready without having to do anymore prep later will allow him to focus on the game a bit more as well. For what would actually be in the crock pot, probably some fajitas or chicken meals for sure. If the team ends up hating Scoochie’s cooking though there is always the chance he can just order some pizza and I’m sure no one would complain.

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The thing with being "promoted" to the head chef position for the Calgary dragons franchise is that we have a very eclectic and multiethnic team. We have a lot of Europeans, both myself from Finland and some players from Latvia, and probably some other places in Europe too but I'm not sure. Norway, probably? Anyway, along with all the Euros, a lot of desire for basic white carbs. Potatoes, bread, sometimes even breaded potatoes, or bread pudding. It's all very starchy.

So with that in mind, as the new head chef, I am introducing a full vegetarian diet plan. Yes, you can still have your potatoes, but we are going to cut some of the fat out of your mashed potatoes by removing the sausage gravy or whatever other gross things these mongrels have been eating. All meals will be served with at least two vegetables and one fruit, and you're all going to like it goddammit.

Prompt 2:

Yannick Svoboda is a very simple man with a simple diet. It's focused around getting the right amount of proteins he needs to keep his play at a high level.

He eats his breakfast first thing in the morning as he wakes up with a massive craving for the food he loves: beans. One giant can of beans for breakfast is all he needs to go about starting his day. Then for lunch, to keep up his energy levels he likes to eat more beans, this time straight out of the can since he's usually pretty busy around noon and doesn't have time to cook up a whole meal. Then we he has more time in the evening, he'll cook up a nice meal of, you guessed it, beans. He always looks forward to dinner time when he can have his beans hot. Sometimes right before bed, if he's still hungry, he'll eat a few more beans. He keep extra cans of beans next to his bed just in case he wakes up in the middle of the night with a craving for more.

184 words




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Prompt #1

Jack Klompus has never been much for cooking. Having to be on the road most of the time, him and the rest of the Pride usually go out for a team dinner for their meals so when he found out he had to prepare a meal for the team after one of the practices, he was devastated. Having almost no cooking skills meant there was no way that we was going to be able to make a nice dinner for the guys, but he could impress them all with the presentation of the meal and the set up of the team meeting room. Jack spent probably six hours setting up the room with purple tables and drapery along the walls. Once the rest of the team was there, Klompus was happy to wheel out a cart of the meal he prepared. There were two hot dogs for everyone! Each one was garnished with that weird purple Kraft ketchup to really celebrate the team.


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Prompt 1.

Youre speaking my language now @SlashACM. I'm going to take this opportunity to list off some of the meals I'm incredibly good at making for an shl PT and pretending it has anything to do with the team.

I'd make my world famous Maddens meat for the team 2 nights before the game. Start packing them carbs and protein early.
Maddens meat consists of slow cooked mozzarella stuffed meatballs in a garlicy, spicy tomato sauce, served over a bed of perfectly cooked spaghetti with a dash of parmesan on top. Delightful.

After wins I would could the team a medley of my finest curry's. The first of those is my fiery Garlic Chili chicken. Its a thin sauce over marinated chicken and whooo boy is it tasty.
I'd pair this with a slow cooked lamb massaman which again has a kick but is fantastic.
And the piece de la resistance would be my butter paneer. Creamy, spicy rich gorgeous cheese curry.

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Sigs by: Rum Ham, Orbiting Death x2, Enigmatic & Kyamprac

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Fileworker PT pass

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Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
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Check out past episodes of Rich and Luke!

I have no recollection of last week, so I'm too scared to ask what Pilk is. But man I tell you what, I would be a fantastic chef for my team. Everyday these people would only eat pasta. Get those carbs boys. Pasta. I love pasta. We could maybe mix it up and use different types of pasta, like linguine or ravioli. It would be hot I tell ya. The only orders I would take from my teammates would be, “Can I have more pasta?”. My answer will always be “sure my pasta baby”. My team needs the carbs, the energy, my love. Slurp that pasta. Slurp it up and win those games. I actually slurp pasta while I play. That's why I have under a .910 save percentage. Please don't clap for me, other team, I am actually really addicted to pasta. I need help. Pasta la vista pasta. Maybe we need our chef back to get us Pilk.

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