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S74 PT#1: Poindexter Painpoints

As a big fan of advanced analytics, Justin Time was thrilled to get the offer from a local fan site to wear monitoring equipment this upcoming season. Tracking goaltender statistics to properly evaluate goalie performance has been a challenge that's stumped many an analyst over the years, and after a long tenure in Edmonton without much recognition, Time was just as interested in the results as the fans were. Not only will it improve the quality of stats available to the public and encourage more people to get involved with the sport of hockey, but if successful, it will be a great way to showcase the incredible talent on display across the SHL! The fan site also offered to pay Time for the service, but quickly reached a deal with the goaltender to put the money toward scholarships for youth goalie camps across Alberta and Quebec in the spirit of advancing the sport.

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sig credit: Ragnar, Sulovilen, Enigmatic, Bayley
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prompt 1

it's safe to say that so far, sebastien regazzoni has kind of failed to live up to his status as a #4 overall pick. sure, he's been a fairly consistent scorer in that he's scored no less than 42 points in a season (not bad). but when you look at other players in his class, you can see that he's kind of failed to live up to the hype. and this season, he's decided to prove them all wrong. regazzoni currently has 23 points (7 of them goals) on a hamilton team that has 8 players above a point per game right now. you'd expect most of these players (the koivus, aleksandr iskandrov, tommy westbrook) to be at this status, but for regazzoni, who's on pace to score 69 points, this is a massive step forward that he's needed to take for a couple seasons at this point. as such, he's hamilton's most underrated player.


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ty to @High Stick King @EvilAllBran and @Ragnar for the sigs


I probably wouldn't accept the offer. If money isn't that good, I don't see a point of changing my game day routine. It's very important for Aumy Junior II to have a similar routine for each game. Usually people say that winning team doesn't change roster, lines and strategies. It's similar with players and their routine. Don't need to change system or routine if everything works well. I think that different equipment would impact my performance. Each player has their own favourite brand for equipment, because they feel the best in it. It would impact the game in the wrong way. Would be harder to skate, score or assist. Plus, I would always have a thought in my head that there are some equipment that is always checking everything I do. It would be an extra pressure. Hockey should be about the sport we all love, not analytics. I think that only way to agree to such a thing is if you are getting paid enought to risk with your performance and maybe even a career.

176 words

Stars Stars Stars

Quote:[...] make sure YOUR submission is 150+ words excluding the prompt.

Written Task: A well-known analytics site has asked your player to wear monitoring equipment for the season to help them improve their product and create more stats for public consumption. They're offering to pay you (not a lot, they're just a fan site!) and the equpiment will not interfere with your play. Do you accept? Why or why not?

Yes, because to me that presents an opportunity to grow the game, as well as work on my own habits and tendencies, and make some money on the side.

First, it increases the general knowledge of hockey in general, and raises the standard of data collection when you have first hand numbers from a professional that can help fill out the database. This is worthwhile by itself, in my opinion.

Second, when you have such a microscopic view of the things you do on the ice, including effective and not-so-effective plays, you are given the chance to get a great read on what you're doing right and wrong. It's hard to fix a problem when you don't know you have it, and it's hard to fix a problem when you don't know why its happening. Tracking in depth would help with these two conundrums.

Finally, money never hurts. Why not make some cash on the side for spending money purposes? You might feel guilty splurging with the money you make from your contract and endorsements, but if it's incidental income then you can go all out and buy some really stupid (but fun) stuff.

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It would be an honor for Nash to wear some monitoring equipment for testing. It is so important for us to collect and gather as much data as we can about non human hockey players. Nash is also able to move so quickly and effortlessly and it would be really great to be able to study that. This would also help get more dogs and other animals into the game when they realize that we are able to play just as well or better according to the data that we collect. Speed, Strength, agility can now be measured. In addition, it would be nice to have Nash mic'd up on the ice as well. As a defenseman and self appointed leader (he doesn't wear a C or an A or anything) it can really show how much of an impact the animals have on the ice and what a great benefit they are to any hockey team as a whole. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

[Image: topalo2.png] [Image: sig-nash.png]
[Image: Rangerjasegmailcom.gif]

Bruno Tooyo, what can we say about him. The career that Bruno wanted probably did not start off the way he wanted. He got himself drafted by the Barracuda that were in a serious rebuild and that were planning to develop a core of a team that did not line up for the age of Bruno. He was going to be the veteran presence and one of the older guys there if he would have stuck around.
He ended up getting traded to the Wolfpack and converted right away to center and that is where he became underrated. He has since been stuck behind the stacked 1st line of the Wolfpack.
Players like Outdoor Tuck and Ivan Lacksamus, no matter what you do, you will always be overshadowed by them. They are always in the hunt to lead the league in points. Not just the team, but the LEAGUE. Always in the top of the goals or the assists categories with the other heavy hitters.
The Wolfpack know how good Bruno Tooyo can be. And when the older guys end up fading away, he will be the first one to step into the spotlight and be there to dominate the league.

[Image: Bruins10.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature

Option 2:

I'm really not sure if I would wear the hockey analytics gear or not. You know, Mac Turner of the Regina Elks is a supersitutus guy like other hockey players.  I mean he has is game routine, do this first, than that, and so on. A routine for workouts and warmups and stuff like that. Mac Turner would be on the fence about this cause he wouldnt want to mess up his grrove. I think Mac Turner will be open to trying it out for a couple games. If he does abslutley terrible, makes mistakes, a lot of giveaways and penalty mins then its a no. But if he has a couple of really good games with the gear (Getting goals, points, making good passes winning faceoffs stuff like that) than he will keep it forever. So to conclude, Mac Turner would test it out and then make a choice if he would wear it or not.

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Ty to Eni's Sig Shop
[Image: 2UUYSbn.png]
ty to ragnar

Option 1 -

Ace Lightning plays defense for the Toronto North Stars. He was drafted in the top 10 of the S70 SHL Draft and currently has the most TPE applied on his entire team. This is his second SHL season. So to think that he is the most underrated player on his team when he doesn’t even have the best stats among his defense pairing is insane but I guess I have to try. Mr. Lightning has been the ice the most among North Stars defenders but currently has the least shots against on the entire team, at 43.9 per 60 minutes. That seems crazy because that’s a lot of shots against, but it’s the lowest on his team. He is also second on the team in Fenwick For Percentage, which nobody knows what it is but it seems good. The underlying numbers point to Ace Lightning being not only the most underrated player on his team but maybe the entire league.

Dusty Rhodes is definitely the most underrated Spectre. Although he leads the team in tpe, it seems he rarely gets the p!um roles. that is probably because of his choice of play style. He has high stats in hitting, fighting strength and aggression. Everyone thinks he is nothing but a goon and that's why he's underrated. But this man has some offensive skills to him as well. He's not just a one trick pony. He is a great screener and can really help his defenders score by blocking the goalie. It also allows him to deflect and slam home rebounds. He sea sang fine shooter in his own right and creates offensive space for his teammates. Maybe one day he'll get the recognition he deserves but until that day comes he just keeps grinding away and waiting for any opportunities to help his team win. But make no mistake Dusty Rhodes is a force to be reckoned with.

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All my friends call me a simp for this opinion but I swear I'm not. They're like, "Jean-Marc, bro, Elena Maximova is not underrated. She was picked third overall in the draft. Everyone already knows she's good." And then they go "stop saying she's the best defenseman to ever play the game, you damn simp" and I'm like, "wow, I really need new not dumb friends". She had the best season of any rookie defenseman ever in her first year in Quebec City and has just continued being amazing and totally deserved awards last season. She plays for a bottom team, it's not her fault. Put her on the Blizzard or something and she leads the league in points. Yes, the whole league. Not just the league's defensemen. The Monarchs have been less crap this season and she nearly has a PPG. She's not top 10 in points but again if you look at the top 10, they're all from good teams. And that's the point where my friends are like "since when is the Pride good, Jean-Marc, SINCE WHEN?" idk, I just think they're haters.

[Image: Oqsvuu4.png]

Fileworker PT Pass

[Image: RichSHL.gif]
Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
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when stun gun was asked by this analytics site to wear their monitoring equipment, he was excited to be able to help this website assist the public in learning more about hockey. stun gun was chosen because of his unique physique, at 5 foot 1 and 250 pounds he is truly built different to everyone else in the hockey world, and the website wanted to use a man like stun to demonstrate that being shaped like a honey bun isnt a deterrent to good hockey performance. besides that, stun is a big stats nerd and he loves looking at experimental stats to determine who is the best at certain aspects of the game. this website has been a long time favorite of his and he loves it so much that when he was offered money to help them out he declined in order to help for free, since that is how passionate about the cause he is

Quote:Written Task: A well-known analytics site has asked your player to wear monitoring equipment for the season to help them improve their product and create more stats for public consumption. They're offering to pay you (not a lot, they're just a fan site!) and the equpiment will not interfere with your play. Do you accept? Why or why not?

Why not? Being paid is a nice extra but Teal'c would do it without being paid. Helping improve a product that could be helpful for the future of the game is payment in itself. If it doesn't impede the play of a player and gives analytics and allows for development of better play in the league it's obvious that Teal'c would be all in. Especially because it works with public consumption of statistics. One of the reason many people truly love the game of Baseball is because the amount of statistics one can follow along with and compare players. It helps players that play a more nuanced game become recognized as stars in thier own right. I think the only people that wouldn't take part in this would be extremely selfish or hard headed. More than anything I think incorporating statistics more heavily into hockey is only a positive for the game and being part of someone moving that forward would be a great honor to Teal'c. Just so much out there untapped to help unheralded players become more heralded. 

Quote:180 Words

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Decisions to wear the monitoring equipment for the season would depend on quite a few factors for me personally. Let's start with the privacy concern; how much data is being collected? Do I need to wear this on AND off the ice, or just during play? Where is my data going exactly? Will this equipment also record video/audio? All of these questions I'd need answers to before even considering this. Another concern would be the compensation I'm being provided to assist with their product. Sure, I do understand they are a fan site and not a huge corporation, but my time and my privacy are both very important to me. For all I know, they'd like to monitor me while I use the locker room toilet to see how my heart rate fluctuates compared to how my heart rate is on the ice. I can tell you right now, they couldn't afford that, just based on simple math.

Words: 150+

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Option 2:

I'll wear whatever anyone wants me to. If anything it will encourage me not to take any shifts off. And maybe drink less on nights before games. See, the way it is right now, I can coast as often as every three games without the coaches really noticing and letting me hear about how it is effecting the team and my own personal well being. Now with new tracking data, I'm for sure wanting to get that on so I can have a little extra incentive to skate hard every shift so that the fans don't see how slow I actually am out there. More offensive zone time would be ideal too, so I'm really gonna have to give it my all so that these microstats look real good and reflect well on my game. Maybe I won't wear the equipment on days where I'm not feeling it and tell them that I just forgot it at home or something.

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Sig by @Evil_AllBran

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