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S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger Due: Sunday, June 23rd @ 11:59 PM PST

Julian Flörsch is a well-rounded player. A former defenseman, turned forward when the team needed some help up front more than they needed him to play as a defense. Being versatile, and having a broad skill set also means that there will always be someone who is better at one particular area of the game. Whether it's skating skills, shooting, passing, the physical aspect, hockey intelligence or even dirty plays; if you're a generalist there will always be a specialist who can beat you if you focus on one aspect of the game.

And that's exactly why Julian tries to have a holistic approach to his games and playing style. He doesn't focus on one aspect of hockey and try to exploit that, but firmly believes that the sum of all his qualities is more than their individual values combined. So even tho someone may be outskating, -shooting, -passing or -hitting Julian, he knows that he is well equipped to handle them by using the combination of all of his skills rather than being a one trick pony.

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
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Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

(Prompt 1)

         So there's a ton of random IA players that aren't on teams and are just free agents tinkering away into dust in the corner. I think we can change that. I propose that we start merging IA players with active ones, with the active players gaining all TPE and abilities from the players they have absorbed. It can be like a kind of like the trading card system where you spend money on a pack, but instead of trading cards, you get a husk of an IA body for you to absorb into your player. This honestly has a ton of benefits if you think about it. For starters, it's extra incentive to not go inactive because your player might be absorbed into an active player's hive mind and that's not good for then. It also gives people more ways to spend money, so rich people have more of an advantage over poor people which I think is really important. Plus I think it could really help people catch up if they fall behind on PTs and such. For instance, if you lose like a third of your players TPE for a plagiarism punishment you can just buy some IA players, integrate them into your body, and get right back out there! You should always be one step ahead of the SHL government, don't ever let them keep you down.

Fileworker PT Pass

[Image: RichSHL.gif]
Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
Adam Prpich Portal Link

Check out past episodes of Rich and Luke!

Jarrod Lakemore is a player blessed with both size and skill, known for both his physical play and skilled stickhandling, passing, and skating. Of course there are still bigger, stronger players than him, and smaller, quicker, more skilled players as well. Against bigger and stronger players, Lakemore generally tries to utilize his advantage in speed, agility, and stickhandling to outwit the opposing giants. Against faster and more skilled players, he has enough skating ability to try to stay with his opponents and then can utilize his physical play to throw his opponent off their game. Of course the league is full of professionals at the highest level, and Lakemore will also find himself matched up against players who can match him in both physicality and skill. In these cases where he can't rely on either pushing his opponent around or finessing his way past them, his only route to success is his will and determination. Lakemore is known for his high intensity, endless energy playstyle and when faced up against opponents who match or even exceed his abilities, he knows his only option is to simply outwork his opponents. (190 words)

Citadelles  S68 - Jarrod Lakemore - C Stampede

Written Prompt, Option 1
In order to create the Superior Hockey Athlete, Rodrigo Banes will undergo a complete and total bodily renovation. This will involve surgery and intense genetic manipulation, as well as an intensive and extensive rehabilitation and physical therapy program to adjust to the new body.

Firstly, the body is drained of blood for ease of access during the highly involved surgery. To keep the brain alive, it is suspended in an oxygenated electrolyte solution (Arctic Chill Powerade) until the body is ready. To enhance speed and durability, the player's bones are replaced with highly efficient, titanium core, carbon fiber replacements. Each major long bone in the legs and arms contains a mechanical blood pump to encourage and promote more effective blood circulation.

Secondly, the skin and bones are injected and saturated in a proprietary blend of stem cells, cocaine, and bespoke designer PEDs (The Mike Smith cocktail)

The brain si returned to the body after a rinse and polish to remove those pesky folds and wrinkles. The wrists and shoulders are reinforced with high tensile cables and miniature electric motors to increase torque through the joints.

The newly-reborn Hockey Cyborg will take some time to grow accustomed to their new existence, and a long program of rehab is needed to acclimate to the new body.

[Image: banes.png]

Written option 1:

Looking to give the poor unfortunate Toronto North stars the opportunity of a lifetime. Brooklyn fist, has undergone the player enhancement program in secret to become the next Goddess of the SHL.

In doing so she is showing a variety of place styles from legendary players, both real, and from that mystical NHL thing whatever it is, she under a reprisal of her role from junior when she had the skill and TPE knowledge and just fill out build to be the unholy Rover ala Bobby Orr that she used to be which led her to leading all defenceman in points her final year.

But what would that look like well you’d max out her speed stats first her acceleration for agility her base speed you can bring that control up to even normal levels. Would be nice. Passing offensive IQ near max don’t worry she still serviceable back in her own end defensive IQ, checking stick checking maybe even a bit of shot blocking with her already high positioning this would certainly set her up to be somebody who is good at taking the puck away for endurance max with the build like that what kind of TP would it break out to be just high stats and everything , I’m thinking it’d be something like 2800. Or maybe even 3000 would be needed boring too and just straight up max not even max out fighting for fun but that wouldn’t be in the box way too often.

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[Image: CptSquall.gif]

Quote:Written Option 1: Your player has been chosen to undergo a player enhancement program à la Captain America in order to create the next super SHL player to make the league more entertaining for fans. How does your player gain their newfound abilities? What sort of superhuman abilities does this program give your player? What would be their peak TPE?

The head scientist that initiated the process was a big fan of the pokemon introduced in Generation IV, particularly Rhyperior, Magmortar, and Electivire.

As a result, Jae-ik was put under and then had several modifications made to his skeletal structure. A third arm was grown from his back, which featured, at its end, a giant bazooka cannon. A tail was surgically attached to his tailbone, a metallic, coiling contraption that ended in a poisonous stinger at its tip.

In order to make skating as comfortable as possible, his feet were removed and replaced by mechanical skates that had rockets placed in the heels, in order to reach dangerously high speeds on the ice. His eyes were replaced with cybernetic ocular implants to better read the play as it happens. His memory, too, was upgraded. A program was downloaded into his brain, a la the Matrix, that would allow him to learn every possible skill move there is in hockey.

By the end of the process, his TPE was 7428. He was informed by the league that every single modification he’d undergone was illegal, so he had all of them reversed.

[Image: 9ZNnX19.png]

Canada | Player Page | Grizzlies | Player Updates | Inferno

1) lets just get this out of the way immediately, my peak tpe is 69420. i max out all my stats by submerging myself in a boiling vat of orange goop. the goop seeps into every pore and orifice i have infusing me with hockey talent and also probably a host of long term complications but we don't worry about that right now. all we're concerned with is my hockey ability and the goop has maximized it. i emerge from the goop looking the same as i went in, and the researchers are scared that it didn't work, but then i start skating around the room without even wearing skates! and without ice! every object i touch i can pass and shoot perfectly as if it were a puck, regardless of size or weight. i'm also able to sense the movements of anyone that's on a surface of ice in a 10 mile radius. it's like those pro chess players that can store board states perfectly in their mind-- anyone on any sheet of ice within 10 miles their location and movements are perfectly broadcast into my head.

[Image: pin1_1.gif?ex=66ef0174&is=66edaff4&hm=69...e3ef77306&]

Cormier is a dynamic player who has quite a few tricks up his sleeves to help him match up to players regardless of their individual strengths. Obviously Cormier is highly skilled and has incredible puck handling ability, so if an oponent is trying to be physical, Cormier is going to opt to try and keep his distance. He will use his speed and puck handling to create and maintain distance so the other player doesnt get a chance to introduce their physicality in that play. Players that are equally skilled or more than Cormier is where he struggles a bit more, but he does have a few tools he can use. He has great hockey IQ and knows when he is out of his depth. If a highly skilled player is pressuring Cormier too much, he isnt afraid to make a play with a teammate, passing the puck off and repositioning to receive it again in a spot where he may have less pressure.

Written 1:
Not sure how the program would work in practice but in general I feel that super player would be someone who has physical abilities beyond what the regular players should be able to. While I think some superheroes also get super senses and maybe super intelligence I wouldn't be interested for those whwn it comes to improving my player. So for sim purposes I think that something that would greatly increase players physical attributes, and some other skills like shot accuracy and range would go to levels that are not currently achievable. For things like positioning and getting open we could go for good but not inhumanly good.

Also considering what I remember about FHM it think some expectionl players have had attributes reach scores over 20 so for my players super version I think baseline for all physical attributes should be at 30, for shot accuracy and range (and few others) I could imagine settling for 25 or so, as long as it is both.

[Image: puolivalmiste2.gif]
Sigs by @Carpy48, @Nokazoa and me

Option 2:

At this point in Vaseline Podcalzone's career, he is, quite literally, more likely to be outmatched than not. I mean, he's currently in the midst of his 19th season in the SHL. That's a crazy amount of time in a league. The reality is, Podz just isn't the same player as he was at his prime. It's like All Might in My Hero Academia. Bro just can't keep.

However, Podz hasn't entirely washed out of the league, and for good reason. He still has a brilliant mind for hockey in spite of the decline in his physical play. It's hard to get by off of just physicality and talent in the SHL. With 19 seasons of SHL play (on top of four seasons in the SMJHL), Podcalzone has developed a high level of knowledge of the game that has allowed him to see the ice better than many of the younger and more inexperienced players. That, my friends, is how Podz is still in the game.

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[Image: beegbeegyoshi.gif]

2: In a season like this where Jefferson is struggling at, well, basically every aspect of the game, there's not much he can do when entirely overmatched by an opponent than accept his current skill level and look for ways to learn from the talent he's surrounded by. Sure he might talk a little shit on the ice and try to get in their heads, maybe even push them around more than normal (not looking to start a fight, just shake 'em up a lil) but really he just has to tip his hat to the work the opposition has put in and hope that his team can have his back. If Jeff can't get open, can't make the shots he wants, he's not too selfish to move the puck along to someone on the squad who's really feeling it that game. It's all about long term growth so as long as he doesn't let the struggles keep him down, it makes him a better player in the long run.

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PBE Affiliation

[Image: frankenstero.png]
Thanks Ragnarr!

There are few individuals who can outmatch Valerija Serapin on the ice. That is why she made a name for herself iin the SHL in the first place. On the rare occasions where she is out matched, she is a little more careful to not start a fight. A habit she picked up on the streets. If she is forced to fight an bigger, tougher foe, she calls upon another habit from her early days, fight dirty. Never in an attempt to injury someone, just to obtain any advantage she can get. The key is to get your opponent off-balance. Some grappling or some slew foot usually does the trick. Then furious and relentlessly throw punches until the zebra pulls you off. Sometimes you can even use the boards to trap their hands leaving a open target. Disoriented, disable, destroy. After the overwhelming lost, most foes don't bother Valerija again.

Okay, hear me out - my player undergoes a radical transformation into a 20 aggression, 20 strength, 20 fighting behemoth, and this change literally warps the league's rules to become basically MMA on ice (with lavish protections for players down on the ice to limit risk of injury via skates, obviously). Indeed, my player becomes so overpowering strictly based on physical prowess that the league has no option but to bend to my build, which remains 500 (or whatever amount) of TPE is required to maximize those three attributes. There is no penalty for fighting, and my player beats up other players juuuuuust enough to have them be out for the rest of the game, but not enough to affect their long-term health or the remainder of their season. I become the single most powerful weapon in the playoffs because I can take out players for exactly long enough each game to avoid repercussions from the league (given the new rule changes).

What, did you expect me to give myself superhuman reflexes and perfect manual dexterity? Please. We know that's not how a super-soldier serum would work.

[Image: qgldMOE.png]
Thanks @Amidships!

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