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Talk is Buster (featuring JayWhy) #1 Featuring Jaytee and Teztify

Quote:Originally posted by ByrdeMan@Nov 2 2014, 09:11 PM

Not tampering if its on Public Board  :lol:
It's not tampering if a player does it on the public boards, GMs still can't say anything like that to my knowledge. That's why Leafs4Ever in his Ask a GM Thread always says he won't tamper and refuses to answer anything about a specific player.

EDIT: But he wouldn't get in trouble for it, because you'd baited him into it. Nothing of fault for him.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
[Image: DOF5tXM.png]
[Image: tjyuut.jpg] 
Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!


Quit trying to get me in trouble Byrde.

S2, S5, S18, S22 Challenge Cup Champion
Hall Of Famers: (S7) Alex Reay | (S28) Daniel Merica

[Image: mckeiltbb.png]
[Image: Merica5.gif]
Thanks to Ragnar, Wasty and myself for the sigs.

2 hours? This better be worth it.

Quote:Originally posted by 701@Nov 3 2014, 03:55 PM
2 hours? This better be worth it.

Honestly it's better than most of the podcasts around here. It's actually formatted more like a real show. I mean, they do waste some time on wrestling and shit, but overall its good.

S2, S5, S18, S22 Challenge Cup Champion
Hall Of Famers: (S7) Alex Reay | (S28) Daniel Merica

[Image: mckeiltbb.png]
[Image: Merica5.gif]
Thanks to Ragnar, Wasty and myself for the sigs.

Quote:Originally posted by Merica@Nov 3 2014, 06:03 PM

Honestly it's better than most of the podcasts around here. It's actually formatted more like a real show.  I mean, [b]they do waste some time on wrestlin
g and shit, but overall its good.[/b]

I need to be a part of dis tbh.

[Image: 336.jpg]

You can't have the 4 of us together without wrestling talk. It's just not possible Tongue. Thanks for the great words!

[Image: theziegs.gif]
[Image: buster.gif]


Quote:Originally posted by Merica@Nov 3 2014, 03:33 PM

Honestly it's better than most of the podcasts around here. It's actually formatted more like a real show.  I mean,[b] they do waste some time on wrestling and shit
, but overall its good.[/b]

Sounds like blizz chatzy EVERY FUCKING DAY

LOOOOL at the fact I don't listen to podcasts....I decide to listen to this, get to the part where someone says "I think ricebowl'll listen to this"


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[Image: 34987_s.gif]
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tf I am a wrestling fan too.

quintuple pay for the last ~13 minutes.

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