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KARL-33 and his chances in draft.

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Everybody knows that we can earn some TPE in S22 Mock Draft topic. So far this topic already have 5 pages with different predictions from SHL and SMJHL league players. But I am interesed in only one thing - about my chances in next SHL draft,

Let's see people's thoughts about my chances in next SHL draft.

What we have at this moment: January 18, 19:00 PM on EET time.

Frank, mryourface2468, Elyk112233, M-Dawg Narconis, BruinsFanatic100 and mpc are thinking that I will join to Seattle:

22. Riot Seattle Riot - Valdemorts Kerlensons

*by the way, I am Karlensons, not Kerlensons*

JackCross, Jamers87 and 70win are thinking about the same team, but with other draft pick number:

24. Riot Seattle Riot - Valdemorts Karlenssons

Three more for Seattle:

Dmoushey_31, RomanesEuntDomus andBanjo Kazooie:

13. Riot Seattle Riot - Valdemorts Karlensons

But Riot is not the only team in people mind. There is some other teams too:

mstuk41, Steelhead77, The_Mazais, Corco, JohnnyDrama, soulja, Sirmore, etipou and Jackson:

16. Wolfpack - Valdemorts Karlensons

Mhm, that's gotta be interesting. I like green, so I like this team logo too.

STZ, UZI®, KarmaR, Bowhuntr11, ThatDamnWalrus, SnS, pbp a.k.a. Hallsy, Jakob T, BANACKOCK, Buster, AlwaysGettingHaxed, bdp 16Seasonsandcountingfor1cup :

20. Wolfpack New England Wolfpack - Valdemorts Karlensons

Well, I have already 2 teams that I have to look more closely. Maybe there is some more teams? Yes!

BluesBoy71, Deener, bbp, Whikadoodle:

21. Panthers Los Angeles Panthers - Valdemorts Karlenssons

Little bit unexcepted to me, but ok...

Mark H

8. Edmonton Blizzard - Karlsensons

BTW ALERT: Harter thought that I have a chance to be a Blizzard. But when he understood that Edmonton has given up all his picks, he took me off from mock draft list.

B.Nuck, vbottas77, birks, Jedi and Ohtaay:

15. Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs - Valdemorts Karlensons

The last season outsiders? Nevermind, I am not looking at teams performance, I just want to play more!

raymond3000, Maxy and Count Chocula:

21.Chiefs - Valdemorts Karlensons


23. Platoon West Kendall Platoon - Valdemorts Kerlensons

Very interesting choice. Colin Schmidt is tired to be a goalie?

rdwingsrdabest and Andybj:

11. Platoon - Valdemorts Karlensons

willson7913 and AP:

12. Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks – Valdemort Karlensons

A shocker! I will explain why in analysis.

Schmidt and V5Vlater:

14. Jets - Winnipeg Jets - Valdemorts Karlensons

Well, this team is more interestin option for me

Alex Mack, Schultzy, Bae-a, Seene, deedz, prettyburn and Kit:

16. Valdemorts Karlensons


21. Valdemorts Karlensons

This is just awesome that players have put me in the TOP24 list. which team I will join?

In summary:

In which team I will join after S22 draft:

Wolfpack - 23 people
Riot - 13 people
Chiefs - 7 people
Panthers - 4 people
Platoon - 3 people
Jets - 2 people
Steelhawks - 2 people
Blizzard - 1 people

My draft pick number:

16th pick - 16 people
20th pick - 13 people
21st pick - 7 people
22nd pick - 6 people
15th pick - 5 people
24th pick - 3 people
11th pick - 2 people
13th pick - 3 people
12th pick - 2 people
23th pick - 1 people
8th pick - 1 people

My destination in the draft:

First rounder - 1 people
Second rounder - 53 people
24th pick - 3 people
I am not a TOP 24 player - too many people

And now: an analysis!

Riot Seattle Riot team. Unfortunately they could not beat the Renegades team in conference final, but still it was a heck of a fight. At this moment they have 3 picks in 2 rounds + 24th pick (1st pick in third round). So I believe that they are thinking about the rookie-goalie. They have a 2 goalies: Arton Laxk who is semi-active and active Dustin Rose who have 5 career seasons behind his back. I'd say - only 5 seasons. Will he retire soon to give a shot to rookie-goalie? I don't know. But still - this team is the most real option for me so far.

Wolfpack New England Wolfpack team. Almost the same situation: they lost in conference finals. 2 differences from Seattle: They lost to Hamilton and they lost in 6 games. However, they are still a strong team, so it's gotta be interesting if I will join to this team after SHL draft. They have a 2 goalies: Noah Robinson who is worst than me, I guess and Jermaine Tennyson. I guess that I have a chance to be automaticly a Wolfpack's backup if they will draft me. But there is one thiing that deters me from this team: they have only 2 picks in draft - 20th and 44th (!Wink picks. I am sure that they will not pick a goalie. In summary - I have no chaces to be a Wolfpack's goalie.

Panthers Los Angeles Panthers team. They had a good regular season. Unfortunately, this is only thing that has put smile on Panthers team players an GM's. In conference semi-finals they lost to Renegades 0:4 in series. Ouch. What they have: 2 goalie - Jamie Shelter (nice stats for backup goalie) and Jackson Weekes who have 862 TPE. Well, he is not the best goalie by TPE, but he is playing only 2 seasons! 2 seasons and TPE 862...just WOW. What about the draft: they have 4 picks in 2 rounds (including 1st pick overall) and 3 picks in third round. They really want to have a good rookies...and maybe a goalie? Answer is: NO!, I guess. Weekes has played only 2 seasons and he has no reasons to retire. Maybe he will reach a 1500 TPE mark. In summary: they will not pick a goalie, that's for sure.

Blizzard Edmonton Blizzard team. They had a good season too and they were close to conference finals, but they lost the game 7 versus Seattle. But they still an interesting team for me. What they have: Anttero Pelkonen, one another goalie that is worst than me and Jakub Aittokallio, one of the best goalies in SHL so far. But the question is: I have a chance to be a Blizzard? Answer is simple: at this moment they have no picks in next SHL draft. So you all already know the answer.

Chiefs Minnesota Chiefs team. In this season they were last in Eastern confrerence so they did not qualified for SHL playoffs. At the first glance, this team is not good enough. But they have lot of young players, including my teammate, Jorma Ruutu. So it's only a matter of time before this team is strong. What they have: 2 mediocre goalies - Mika Aalto who is missing in action for a long time and Aboud Chamas who is really active. Well. maybe I have a chances to be a Cheifs starting goalie in the mid-future. In draft: they have 3 picks in 2 rounds - 7th, 15th and 21st picks. So there is some chance that they are thinking about a goalie. I guess that I have no chance to be a this team's goalie in next 2-3 seasons, but still, I don't mind to be a Chiefs player. In my TOP, Minnesota Chiefs is in second place after Seattle Riot team.

Platoon West Kendall Platoon team. They had a nice season - conference semifinals. They have lost series to New England Wolfpack team 1:4, but they still done this better than Chiefs. And despite of their dark past, I still don't mind to wearing this team's jersey. What they have: Fabian Fuhrberg and Colin Schmidt, who have 862 TPE so far...and he is playing only 2 seasons! Well, Jackson Weekes is not the only one... Draft: they have 11th and 23rd picks. And now I have a question: are they thinking about the goalie? I guess no, at least in this season: Schmidt will be a star and Platoons don't need the other goalie at least 3-4 seasons. So I am thinking that I have no chances here.

Steelhawks Hamilton Steelhawks team. They have even a better season that all previous teams: they played in finals a third consecutive time ...and again they lost. One more bad news for them: a punishment for tampering (in result - ''-$10mil fine towards the team's S22 budget''. But I don't care about it because I will stay in Montreal at least 1 season. Maybe 2. So they won't pay me contract money. What they have: Edwin Ask and Jakob Tanner and they both are good goalies. Okay, maybe Tanner is not better than Ask, but I have no doubt that Jakob will be a star in next 1-2 seasons. So it don't make sense to analyse their draft posibilities: - they just don't need a goalie. That's it!

Jets Winnipeg Jets team. Despite of this fact that their netminder Lauris Prikulis was one of the best goalies in this season, they were not able to qualify into conference semifinals. But I am interested in Jets. Why? Because of Prikulis. Imagine this situation - 2 Latvian National team's goalies playing on same SHL team. That would be interesting. What they have: Prikulis and Rob Pressen - the Detroit Falcon's starting goalie. Too bad that Rob isn't active for a long time so there is some chances for me. The draft: they have 3rd and 14th picks. I am pretty sure that they will not pick a goalie in their first (3rd OV) pick. As for their 2nd pick...I don't know, they just don't have so many picks, so there is 10% chance that they will pick a goalie in this draft.

TOP 5 teams so far:

1. Riot
2. Chiefs
3. Jets
4. Platoon
5. Panthers

We already know that Wolfpack team don't needs a goalie.

Wolfpack - 22 people

For these people who just did that:

<div align="center">[Image: 2vjwsps.png]</div>

You just lost 0,5 TPE! Thank you very much! HAHAHA!

The rumors!

Some people are saying that Dustin Rose from Riot team will retire soon. And one more rumor: Rose has contacted Valdemorts Karlensons about the next draft. So there is some chances that he will be a Riot goalie in the future. Dustin Rose nor approved nor disapproved these rumors. Karlensons is quiet too.

The second rumor: a week ago, the Chiefs team GM has contacted Valdemorts about the next draft too. We don't know what exactly he wrote to KARL-33, but we are almost sure that he is or was interesed in Latvian rookie. And again - nor approve or dissaprove from Karlensons and Chefs GM.


11. Platoon - Valdemorts Karlensons

This prediction came from West Kendall Platoon team's player. So we have a logical question - they have a plan on KARL-33? We don't know the answer, but I guess that he knows something. Valdemorts Karlensons - a future West Kendall Platoon goalie? We will find out during the draft.

Good News!

Last night in S21 Rookie Top 10 award I was voted 5th by my fellow rookies. Maybe this is a resaon why I became a little bit more popular person. The most interesting fact is that I did not know about the voting just because I still have no permission into Rookie locker room. L.O.L. But still I am ok with that because the result is more important than problems with locker room permission.

I think that this result just gave me a more chances to be more valuable player in SHL teams GM's. Although I don't mind if I still will be a

Quote:Originally posted by Leonidas@Jan 18 2015, 04:45 PM
Sleeper pick.

Well, that's it folks! Thanks for reading this and good luck in draft!

You pretty much hit the interested teams on the head man. Minnesota and Seattle are the teams that are really looking for a long term goalie with Toronto flip flopping I hear on whether or not they want a goalie. So going by the rumors which ever of Minnesota/Seattle take Harter first, the other team will pick you up afterwards. The only thing that would throw a wrench into the draft is if another team like Toronto decide to take a goalie early with one of their 1st rounders.

Blizzard traded out of the first round FYI.

Nice read

Sleeper pick.

Quote:Originally posted by Polish_Canadian@Jan 18 2015, 03:59 PM
You pretty much hit the interested teams on the head man. Minnesota and Seattle are the teams that are really looking for a long term goalie with Toronto flip flopping I hear on whether or not they want a goalie. So going by the rumors which ever of Minnesota/Seattle take Harter first, the other team will pick you up afterwards. The only thing that would throw a wrench into the draft is if another team like Toronto decide to take a goalie early with one of their 1st rounders.

Blizzard traded out of the first round FYI.

At this moment, Toronto is the only team that can help me to be a first-rounder by choosing Harter. If they will not pick him - than I will be a second or third round player.

Updated my first post.

Good job =D>
Vēlu veiksmi Tev draftā!

Quote:Originally posted by sʞɹᴉq@Jan 19 2015, 12:52 AM
Good job&nbsp; =D>
Vēlu veiksmi Tev draftā!

Thank you un paldies! Rolleyes


Edited last time! Good luck in draft!

Only bad thing about goalies is that you can really only have one happy one. :(


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