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Bjorn Knutsen -- Norwegian Sharpshooter would love to have 10-15 questions

**ready to be graded -- first article**

Bjorn Knutsen, from Norway, is an intelligent sniper who has a quick and precise shot that allows him to hit the corners of the net even when he is skating fast. He is also a fluid skater that when combined with his quickness and agility allows him to be in control of the game. Even though he doesn’t have a big body, Bjorn is strong even that opposing teams have a hard time knocking him off of the puck and he uses this strength to get himself into ideal scoring positions . Shows impressive hockey sense and an ability to think the game. Let’s take a deeper dive into his attributes:

Checking: This is one area of Bjorn’s game that will need to improve as he makes the move to North American hockey from Norway. He will need to develop a game that isn’t afraid to go into the corners and retrieve the puck and fight those battles along the boards. Becoming a little more physical in his game, will allow Bjorn to become a more aggressive forechecker and impose his will on unsuspecting defensemen to generate turnovers and more scoring chances.

Skating: Bjorn has a quick first step and once he gets in front of a defender, its hard to catch up to him. He is a very smooth skater and has a surprising quick change of pace leaving defenders flat footed. He is uses his skating to adjust on the move and then find himself in a prime scoring situation by taking advantage of poor positioning from the defense. He also uses his skating ability to start up the ice quickly whether it is on the rush or helping to backcheck. Needs to make sure if he adds muscle to his body that it doesn’t interfere or slow his skating down.

Strength: As Bjorn works on becoming the total package down the road, he uses his strength combined with his skating and puckhandling to make it tough on the other team to contain him. Once he gets in front of the net, he is like a power forward in basketball and uses his strength to “box out” players to get to loose pucks. His strength also allows him to fire off a very fast and hard shot that makes it difficult for goalies to stop. Using his strength and speed to get to loose pucks will generate more scoring chances. Needs to use his strength along to boards to create turnovers.

Endurance: Another area to improve upon for Bjorn is his conditioning and endurance. Bjorn has added several different workouts enabling him to build up stamina so he can play in all situations as he improves upon the other areas of his game. Running, both long distance and sprints, lifting, biking and even yoga will provide Bjorn with a solid conditioning foundation that will allow him to work as hard in the last ten minutes of a game as he did in the first ten. He is becoming somewhat of a workout freak.

Puck Handling: In an effort to use his scoring touch and ability more, Bjorn possesses above average stickhandling and creativity abilities with the puck. Although he can’t “stickhandle in a phone booth” yet, he uses his strength to keep the opposition from taking the puck from him while he works on getting into prime scoring spots. He also uses his strength, reach, vision and hands to protect the puck from other teams. The one thing Bjorn does need to work better on is his instincts to hold onto puck vs either shooting or passing the puck. Tends to hold onto the puck too long instead of using his abilities to make a play happen or just get the puck to the net.

Passing: Being a sniper doesn’t mean that Bjorn can’t be a decent passer either. Often times, his passes are too far ahead or behind his teammates instead of putting the puck right on their sticks. If Bjorn wants to maximize his potential especially on the power play, he will have to learn to make passes to teammates to set up some open space for himself. He will never be that “pass-first” kinda of player, but being able to hit open teammates with passes will not only make the team better but will also make Bjorn a more well-rounded player who will be able to play in all situations.

Scoring: Bjorn has a lighting quick release, but more importantly, his shot is sharp and accurate. He gets a lot of power on both his wrist shot and his slap shot. Not only can he shoot from anywhere on the ice, he isn’t afraid to use his strength to get to the front of the net and bang in rebounds. When he receives a one-time pass from a teammate, it is like no sooner than the puck touches his stick that it is in the back of the net. He will have to get used to having less space in the North American game, but somehow, Bjorn always finds himself in the right spot to take a pass and get a shot on goal.

Defense: Another area the Bjorn needs to work on once he hits North American ice is his defense. He needs to be able to use his skating and hockey sense to get back on the forecheck and create turnover to get his team going the other direction. He needs to use his strength to put relentless pressure on the puck in his defensive zone especially on the boards where he can knock other players off of the puck and get it out of his zone using his skating and speed. Bjorn needs to play hard on defense and learn how to take plays away from the opposition as well as learn how to take passing and skating angles away from other players. If Bjorn truly wants to a player who wants to play and contribute in all situations, improving his defensive game is a must. Plus, would you want to be the goalie facing him on a shorthanded breakaway?

Now that we have had a little intro on the abilities of Bjorn, he would like to take some questions from the crowd, so feel free to ask away…

Q: "What are your goals for the next few seasons?"
A: From a team standpoint, whichever team I get drafted to in either the SMJHL this season or in the SHL in the future, I want to be a key component of helping my teams win a championship as well as making the players around me better. Team goals take preference over my personal goals so I want to do whatever it takes to help my teams win. From a personal standpoint, I have to continue to work on my skating, puck handling and shooting while developing better passing and defense so I can become an all around better player. I want to be on the ice in all situations and be looked upon as a leader. From an international standpoint, I would love to crack Norway's roster and show the world that our country is a force to be reckoned with and be part of a team that brings home an international championship.

Q: "Is your goal to crack the roster of Norway's IIHF team this season?"
A: I would love to represent my country this season in the IIHF championships. One of the main reasons why I picked Norway was the ability to make the squad in my first couple of seasons in the SMJHL/SHL. If that means I am on the 3rd or 4th line this season, I would be more happy just to gain the valuable experience and contribute in any way that I can. If I don't make it, I would definitely be disappointed but will take the feedback I receive from the team and work on those skills so that I can make the team the following the year. I will be cheering my country on no matter what so we can show the world that great players come from Norway.

Q: "Do you think you can be a first round pick in the upcoming draft?"
A: Honestly I think I am around a 3rd/4th round pick right now and even if I can continue to work and develop on some of my skills before the draft, I would probably have a ceiling of the bottom of the 2nd round. Coming from Norway, teams maybe skeptical of the competition I have been playing against compared to other players from countries of Canada, USA and Sweden, but if I show teams that I am active and hard working, I will hopefully surprise a lot of people with my talents.

Q: "Do you have any preference for a particular SMJHL team?"
A: Actually I don't really have a preference. I will be happy with whichever team decides to take a chance on me and I will go out on the ice and work as hard as I can to help make the team successful while still having the team develop my skills for me to hopefully get drafted into the SHL. I do think St. Louis has the coolest logo though.

Q: "What is the coolest SHL team, in your opinion?"
A: Wow, that is a tough question. I haven't really done much research at the SHL level yet since my focus is making myself as attractive as possible to the SMJHL teams as well as continuing to work on my skills. However, I think Texas and Manhattan have the coolest logos so I think they are the coolest teams then...LOL.

Q: "Would you sacrifice salary so your team could afford another superstar (assuming you become one)? "
A: So assuming I would become a superstar, I would still put the team goals over my own and I have been brought up to do whatever I could to make the team better, so I definitely take less salary to ensure the team could sign a couple of better players. I could care less if I lead the league in scoring or goals, but would rather see my team win a championship and compete year after year. The team cant compete night in and night out if we only have a couple of good players. I would rather have 3 or 4 lines that the team can put out there to make the game difficult for the opposition and we cant do that if we are too top heavy in salary.

Q: "How do you plan to develop your player through your first SMJHL season?"
A: By doing activity checks, writing articles, and various PT's/camps, I will look to focus on improving skating, puck handling, strength and defense. Shooting will continue to be a focus as well, but developing an all around game is important to I can be on the ice in as many situations as possible to help my team win.

Q: "Which stat is most important for you to lead the league in?"
A: Game winning goals. It will not only show that I am giving my team a chance to win by scoring a big goal in a big situation, but also the coaches have trust in my game to let me fire the puck on goal. The most important stat is team wins and if I can contribute to as many of those as possible by scoring, then I am doing my job.

Q: "Do you have any connection to recently declared Norwegian national Asbjørn Alexandersen? How do you plan to gain a roster spot over him?"
A: No connection to him other than he is going to play for Norway once the time calls for it. Alexandersen is definitely a great player already and I will have to work my butt off for the coaches just to make the team let along getting on a better line the Alexandersen. I have to focus on myself and not worry about what everyone else is doing.

Q: "What NHL player you think better reflects what you are now and what kind of player you want to become (make an NHL comparison)?"
A: I would have to say I am a cross between kessel and kane. kessel can flat out scoring and I need to use my strength like he does to get into prime scoring spots. kane can do it all for his team. Not only can he score but he also makes his teammates better by being creative with the puck and not being afraid to take the puck into high traffic areas. I would love to be like Jagr in his prime. So strong and dominate on the puck and had one heck of shot to go along with his vision and creativity on the ice.

Q: "Would you rather have success at the club level or at the international circuit? "
A: Wow, that is a tough one to answer, but I would have to say the international circuit. I would love to help lay the foundation for future Norwegian players to keep the tradition alive of winning international competitions. Being able to go back to Norway with a international championship trophy in hand has been a dream of mine ever since I started skating out on the lakes. It would be a dream come true if I am able to do something like that.

Q: "Would you rather be the star on a not so sucessful team or a player who works hard, but doesn't get enough credit on a good team"
A: I would rather be the player that works hard on a good team that doesn't get enough credit. I am all about doing whatever it takes to make myself better and work hard in various situations to help the team win. Winning a championship takes higher priority and I am not about having the spotlight shine on me.

Q: "How has your experience been in the SHL so far?"
A: I have quite enjoyed it so far. Everyone that I have contacted with questions has gotten back to me quickly and been very helpful in directing me where to go or what to do. I like doing the point tasks and writing since I am not good at all with the graphics part. There is a lot to take in once you first sign up for the draft, but having a rookie guide to show you the ropes has been helpful. Outlining the steps on how to withdraw from the bank or what types of camps and equipment are available was really helpful too and an important step to showing people that I will take this seriously and work on improving my skills.

Q: "Is there one particular prospect you would like to play with and who would be your ideal line mates?"
A: All of the prospects in this draft are looking great so far and I cant wait to see how the draft shakes out and which one of them will be my teammates. As for my ideal line mates -- I would need a pass first center to get me the puck so I can use my skating and shooting to score goals. Wouldn't mind if that center had a little grit to his game so he doesn't get knocked off of the puck easily. As for the other winger, I would like to have a strong two-way grinder. Someone who will fish the puck out of the corners and hit me with a pass for a one timer. Also having a defensive forward on the line will allow me to take more chances in the offensive zone knowing that someone is back covering for me.

Q: "What type of person are you off the ice and more importantly, what will you bring to the locker room?"
A: I am a quiet, easy going type of person but that doesn't necessarily mean I am that way on the ice. I want to be a leader not through example but also through my words. Whether that is giving a pep talk to a teammate or honing up for a mistake I made, I want to be looked at as that leader on and off the ice.

Q: "Will you be an active player?"
A: I am on the site daily checking to see not only what is going on in the SHL world but also are there any tasks that I can do to improve my skills. The only way I can show teams how serious I am about improving my game is by being an active member of the site. One of my main goals is to help my team win championships but I cant do that unless I continue to get better in all phases of my game. I may not post a lot, but I do like writing articles.

Q: "The team that drafts you says you will start the season on the 3rd line and probably play in the minors for 2 years. What is your response?"
A: I will be happy with whoever drafts me and whatever role they give me. I have always been a team first type of player and will do whatever it takes for the team to win. If that means the third line, while I continue to improve my skills, then that is what I will do. I will also be willing to take honest feedback on my game to improve it as well. I don't mind staying in the minors a couple of seasons to work on all the aspects of my game and hopefully I will get drafted into the SHL after my first season and listen to the coaches as they tell me what I have to work on in the minors to make it to the big club the following year.

Q: "Do you feel that you will have a tough time adjusting to the smaller rinks in North America?"
A: There will be an adjustment period no doubt, but once I get use to the smaller rinks and having less space out on the ice, I will be working that much harder to use my skating, puck handling and scoring skills to help the team.

What are your goals for next few seasons?

Is your goal to crack the roster of Norway's IIHF team this season?

Do you think you can be a first round pick in the upcoming draft?

[Image: dZqcwmW.jpg?format=webp&width=710&height=473]

Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway


1) Do you have any preference for a particular SMJHL team?

2) What is the coolest SHL team, in your opinion?

3) Would you sacrifice salary so your team could afford another superstar (assuming you become one)?

great questions so far! keep them coming as I am enjoying answering them

How do you plan to develop your player through your first SMJHL season?

Which stat is most important for you to lead the league in?

Do you have any connection to recently declared Norwegian national Asbjørn Alexandersen? How do you plan to gain a roster spot over him?

4) What NHL player you think better reflects what you are now and what kind of player you want to become (make an NHL comparison)?

5) Would you rather have success at the club level or at the international circuit?

Would you rather be the star on a not so sucessful team or a player who works hard, but doesn't get enough credit on a good team

thanks for the questions, I am ready to be graded on my first article

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