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Etienne Modano's last interview Saying goodby to SMJHL

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Hey everyone! Welcome to our weekly meeting here at ''The Punch''! Well....I know, it's been far more than 1 week...more than a month...about a complete season since we met happens that way and that's how it is!

Let's get to it already! Today we meet again with Canadian native superstar Etienne Modano. As you saw in the title, we'll call it ''last SMJHL interview with Modano....Leaving for the big league!''.

I stepped in my car and drove around Kelowna for the last time to find Modano. After driving for more than three hours, I decided to take a look at the Knights arena. There he was....should have looked there in first place, but I love to drive my car so....I took my time!

I found him in the Knight's locker room, as he came back from Los Angeles to pack his last things remaining in his locker room...As always, he sat down with me and took some time to answer my questions.

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Q-First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on winning SMJHL 4-Star cup on your very last SMJHL season!
M-Thanks a lot! We're pretty happy about that! I'm still not believing what happened. Smile

[Image: ModanoCup250.jpg]

Q-Time to start the interview! Hi Etienne! It's been a while since our last fact, it was at the end of last season...well not the one where you won the 4-Star cup but when you lost in the finals! Many things happened for you in the last months. We've got plenty of things to talk about!
M-For sure! I'm happy to meet you again in what will be my last SMJHL interview! After that, I'm heading right back in Los Angeles to continue my ''new life''.

Q-Exactly! That's why I wanted to talk to you before you leave Kelowna for good! Let's start by talking about your awesome playoff run out there! You and your Knights went to the end of it and lifted the trophy!
M-You got lucky...since pre-season has already started in L-A, I came back today only to get the remaining things in my old locker room...make space for the new Knights. So, like you said in your question...after a great season, we were pretty pumped up for the playoffs. We finished first in the league, so we got a bye for the first round. It gave us the chance to rest a bit, after giving all we had during regular season.

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Q-Talking about that, how did you and your team prepared for round 2 of the playoffs? Did you have any preferences about who you were about to meet?
M-Our preparation....I can say that I had never seen all players on a team so focused. We were ready to jump on the ice. Leo, Dolph and Myself had talks really often with the team about that fact. We had to stay focused all the way, even tough we weren't playing in the first round. The atmosphere in the locker room was awesome. The group, and we can say it for the regular season too, was really well bonded and it stayed that way. For your question about if we had any preference about who to face in round two....the answer is As you surely know, playoffs can be considered as a new season. Every team out there want the cup as hard as any other. We knew we were going to face a team ready to play against us. The only thing that mattered for us, as I said earlier, was to be ready for any team we would have to face!

Q-When you compare how your team played in regular season and in the playoffs...would you say you played differently?
M-I don't think so. We played really well during regular season, I think the the winning recipe was to keep playing that way. It's funny you asked that question....while we were watching first round, we (Leo, Dolph and Me) had a discussion about that. For sure, the intensity is much higher as the playoffs goes forward, but we had to keep playing the same way anyway. There were many rookies in our team and we asked ourselves how we could bring that point in the locker room.

Q-And what got out of this meeting?
M-Well, we had such devoted players out there, it was pretty easy to send any messages. Leo made a solid speech in front of everyone and I think the message passed really that night! After it, everyone was ready to step on the ice!

Q-When we look at the playoffs globally, who do you think would be your MVP?
M-I think we played really well as a whole. If it was possible to do so, I would give it to all our team, no exceptions. You see, I've always tought that the best team out there is the team that plays together. For sure, there are players who will get more points, and others who will be better defensively....but in the end, it's putting all that together who gives a good team! I think that every guy gave his 110% each game and we saw it in the end. If you need absolutely a name, for his offensive presence on the ice and his impressive presence off the ice, I'd say that our captain has an edge. Leo really helped us get ''the little thing'' that pushed us that far!

Q-I was in Montreal, from where you are, during all the playoffs. Are you aware that you are almost considered as a hero out there? There were posters of you wearing the Knights uniform everywhere. On game night where Kelowna played, all sports bars and restaurant were full. It was impossible to grab a seat for hours! How do you feel when you take time to think about it?
M-It's nice knowing that! I love all my fans here in Kelowna, around Canada but those in Montreal have a special place in my heart. They have supported me since I was a kid...and now they get to see the little guy from Montreal lift the cup!

Q-Talking about it...I'm sure you've had to answer this question pretty often since you won, but how did you feel when Leo passed the Cup to you?
M-To be honest, the first thing I thought was 'I hope I won't drop it on the ice' really....It's a bit blurred in my head....we came off a big game, I was out of breath, shaking with excitement....I saw Leo lift it and got my eyes full of tears. He gave it to me. I'm not sure if I screamed or with I did right away, know....I felt like we did something great! Adding to this feeling was the crowd! We won the cup on our ice, the crowd was ecstatic....I was hearing them cheering 'GO KELOWNA GO' again and again. It was a magic moment that I will remember all my life for sure!

Q-After everyone got to touch the cup, your team retreated to it's locker room. What happened out there? Did you get to drink any champagne in the cup?
M-THE Question! We'll, it wouldn't be really professionnal to tell everything that happened in there after we closed the door. You know, there's a reason why we close it and that nobody else gets invited! What I can say is that everybody was so excited...there was an ambiance...well....impossible to describe. We were all so tired but happy at the same time!

Q-Come on....I'm sure you can give us some scoop about your festivities?!?
M-Nah....not really....I can tell you that our best ''drinker'' on that night was Dolph. He can say that he got to taste champagne, beer, vodka and almost any hard alcool you can name in the cup! I can add that he's got a really solid tolerance to it...if it were me, I would have been laying on the floor after less than 1/4 of what he drank! I can also say that our rookie who came out of nowhere last season with a point per game, Kwik, got his share of all our alcool. Everyone in the team will remember that night, but not for the same thing Wink

Q-Ok ok....enough about your playoffs...let's go back a bit. After your first season, you were named SMJHL's most underrated player. You were drafted on 4th round and, let's say the real things, you were considered a ''decent'' player. You started the season really slowly (about 5 points in your first 25 games) but after that you registered almost a point per game. Coming in your second season, people were not sure what to think about your future performances.
M-Let me stop you there for now....I know that I'm the kind of guy who likes showing off everywhere. I'm more a calm and reserved guy. I don't like having all the attention, I prefer staying behind a bit but delivering when it counts. Being that kind of guy doesn't help getting rid of that reputation. Every time I come off with a big night, it seems like I get out of nowhere for many people out there. Last year, I got drafted late and played almost all season on a 3rd line. Perfect fit for a rookie who isn't known...and I did my best to put on the most points I could. I will not hide that it took me a share of games to adapt to the fast, really well played kind of hockey that is played in SMJHL. Once I got the thing, it went better! As you said, you can see it with my end of season and last year playoffs.

Q-So, to end what I was saying, what was different for you this year that made you score 50 points in 40 games with a wooping +22 rating?
M-There are many factors, I think, that made the difference. I'd say the most important one is maturity. After playing a season with many good veterans, I learned many things....I brought it on the ice and it gave me wings out there. For sure, playing on 1st and 2nd line and on PP really helped too. I think that this year squad was more of a complete one than last year's. When your surrounded by that much good players, it shows on your stats. I also think that the return of our veteran for a 3rd year gave us an edge too!

Q-And how do you explain your plus / minus totals going from -11 to +22. That's a radical change on the defensive side of your game!
M-Like I said, this year we had guys playing well in all faces of our game. I've also worked pretty hard on my defensive game during the last off season. I was on the ice 7 days a week and I hired a special defensive trainer to give me hints on how to play better in my defensive zone. Once I jumped on the ice, I put all I've learned to use and it really showed. I knew that my offensive game was going better, but I needed to improve on the other side if I wanted to be a top player this year!

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Q-We've said enough about the past season / off-season. Let's look a bit at what is happening right now for you. You're now leaving SMJHL for good and jumping in the big leagues. It started off well when you and your bosses announced during the off season that you signed a new contract. In fact, you signed for 6 more years in Los Angeles. Can you talk a bit about that? What was the key factor in your decision there? Was the money your main condition?
M-Yeah! I was pretty happy to sign this new contract. You may say that I repeat myself when I say that, but I'm a team player. To answer your question, money was not a factor at all. I've always said that I wanted to play for a team who needs me and shows great interest. I'm the kind of player, like the Modano's, Bourque, Sakic, who wants to play for a team long the best world for all his career. Everything is going so well with the Panthers...and since the beginning...I mean...When they drafted me, it was clear for Morley and Wastlund that I was an important player for the team, especially in years to come. They never hide anything to see, I want to play hockey...the first question I asked when I got drafted was what were the plans for me for next season and seasons to come. I told them that if I was to play 4th line in SHL, I'd rather be sent down to the Knights. They understood right away and told me that they would aknowledge my demande for the first season. I really liked how they handled my demands. During this off season, I asked them the same question. What was in store for me? I liked the answer they gave me. I met Morley and Wastlund in a restaurant and we discussed it. They told me that it wasn't announced yet, but they traded Hauke somewhere there was a spot on 2nd line open for anyone to grab it. They told me that I would play pre-season there and if everything was okay, I would stay there for good. I liked it.

[Image: dWcpIXF.png] [Image: pJ50yje.png]
Q-And how did it come to the contract offer?
M-Well, right after that, they told me that I was one of their good players for the future and they wanted to extend my contract. They showed me the offer for 6 more years. They also told me that it was clear that I had a top-6 spot in the lineup for years to come. It was a great offer, with great guys offering it. It was pretty hard to say no to this. I took a few minutes to think about it. They made me notice that almost all of our top-6 players are sealed for many years to come so I would get to play for a while with the same guys and have time to build good chemistry with them. I had already met my new teammates and practiced with my future linemates and I can tell you that it really bonded fast. I mean, it was like we had played together for years. I accepted the contract as offered and I'm really happy about it!

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Q-Talking about that...I went to Los Angeles and it seems like you're already appreciated by your bosses and teammates. But talking to people in the streets, we can see that you're becoming a fan favorite out there! For sure the veterans are already favorites, but you're the new guy in town! Your #9 jerseys are selling pretty well and we saw the promotional posters for made the front page! You're this year's player to see! How do you feel about that?
M-It's exciting coming in a new hockey market and knowing that people already love you. I really appreciate the fans here and many people already talk to me when I walk on the streets. It's cool knowing all this, but what I want to do most is play my best hockey here to help the Panthers win the cup! I think anybody on the team could have made front page of the poster. We've got many good players with a lot of talent and playing with them gives me wings. For sure I'm on this promotion since I'm the new guy with a bright future, but I try to stay cold headed and show that they have reasons to believe in my by transforming this faith in goals and wins!

Q-You've started playing pre-season games and you're looking great out there. For now, you're the rookie with most points, with more than 1 point per game (16 points in 14 games) and have scored one in every single game? You're tied for first place in your team for points and, like last year in SMJHL, you're solid in the +/- column.
M-Like I've said, all of our team is playing pretty well right now. If you look closely, you will see that our goalie Weekes is really hot, what helps our +/- ratio. Many guys are on (or near) the point per game mark right now. Everything seems to roll for us. My point ratio is easy to I said earlier, I'm playing with really talented guys. It seems like we've been playing together for years. We almost always find ourselves with passes on the ice. It's easy to get points when you're so well surrounded. I know my stats are good, but I keep working really hard to keep improving my play and give even more to this team....I've learned in the past that it's really important to keep working hard, even tough it's going well or when you are in a cold streak.

Q-You spoke about your team performance. Like you told us, you're on a roll right now! Your team stands first with only 2 losses in 14 games. Do you like your team chances for the big honours?
M-I really like how we play right now and think that we have the squad to go really far this year. But we have to stay aware of one thing here....we're playing in pre-season, which means that many teams are trying things and dressing rookies to give them some ice-time before seasons starts. The good thing is that it's true for us too, we're not playing our ''regular'' line-up either. But we all know, and like to say it in the locker room, that once regular season will start, it will be different and much harder. What we have to do is build confidence with those results and fly on it once regular season starts. It's sure nice to play like we do and collect wins!

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Q-We saw the ''Jackson Hauke'' trade during off season bringing the very 1st pick of this year's draft to L-A. It was already written in the sky that this pick would be Mariusz Kwik. He had a hell of a rookie SMJHL season last year, getting a point per game as a D. You know that guy pretty well since he played with the 4-star winners Knights edition with you. Do you think it was a good deal?
M-It's a bit hard to answer....I didn't have the time to know (or see) Jackson Hauke with the Panthers....I heard he was really well liked in our locker room and a good player on the ice for us. What I can say tough is that I saw Kwik play last year and it was very impressive. I skates really well and has a pure talent on offensive AND defensive side of his game. For sure this addition is a really good one for us right now and for years to come. He will bring speed and talent on our D lines! He's a really nice guy and a friend of mine already. It feels really good to have him on the team and increases my confidence that we'll have a good year in S22!

Q-I know you and Sean Leonidas were close in Kelowna. You went separate ways this year as he went in Seattle to play for the Riot. What is your feeling about this?
M-Yeah you're right. It was really fun to play with Leo. He has such a great talent. He has showed everyone what he was capable of in his first 2 years in SMJHL. He was a great captain this year for us. Such a great leader. We have to move on for our first SHL season....I know that he's going to kill it in Seattle and he'll always be a threat out there. It is always pretty special to play against him during our pre-season games...but you know, we can't change it for now....maybe we'll meet again in the same team in a few years from now!

Q-People are talking about the possibility for you to reach the rookie of the year award. Any comments?
M-Any rookie will tell you that this award is a real accomplishment. It would be a lie to tell you that I don't want this trophy as much as any rookie out there. But I will tell you this....I'm not thinking about it at main goal and main focus is to play really good hockey for the Panthers and bring them to the Challenge Cup. I will give my heart and soul on the ice, trying to score points every night. If, at the end of the season, I've been good enough to win this award then fine, I'll be happy with my real reward would be winning the championship as a team! The objective there is to be the best player I can, no matter if I win the trophy or not.

Q-So, that's about it for all my questions. Like I've said, this article will be published in SMJHL newspaper, especially in Kelowna and Montreal, as a goodbye to all your fans out there. You are playing on a new start this year and we all know that you have a bright future in Los Angeles. We can also say that you brought many things in SMJHL for Kelowna and that you will be missed. Anything to say to close this interview?
M-There are so many people I'd like to thank. I've came in this league as a newbie, not knowing anything about it. First, I want to thank the guy who really helped me since the beginning, my rookie mentor, Jed Lloren...he showed me everything to become the player I am. Then, I wan't to thank the Knights and the GM's who drafted me and gave me my first chance to shine out there, Rico Muerto and Toki Wartooth. A special thanx to Jacks Rogers-Tanaka who then took the lead in Kelowna. To all those SMJHL fans who believed in the Knights all those years and all my guys who followed me from my hometown Montreal and then to all my teammates who helped me become the player I am and win this god damn championship!! THANK YOU! It's now time to move on and leave SMJHL for Bye guys and follow me in SHL now! GKG!!!! GO PANTHERS!!!

Q-Thanx for your time and see you on the other side Wink
M-Thanx! And don't forget, I may be a Panther now, but I'll always be a Knight in my heart.This team, city and those fans have always be really good to me, I'll never forget will always be the city where everything started and I'm really thankful for that!

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3808 words

Bringing a tear to my eye man!

Great Article!

Modano is the real deal, Can't wait to see how your rookie season gos!


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Boom! Awesome job Modano!!! what a steal, you're gonna have such an awesome career in LA Cheers

[Image: NiclasWastlund26.gif]
#40 Niclas Wastlund - W - VANCOUVER WHALERS Whalers / MINNESOTA MONARCHS Monarchs
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You will be missed man!


Great Read! Hopefully I can help you get the ROY this year!

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