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Texas Renegades: Best Team Ever?

<div align="center">Texas Renegades: Best Team Ever?

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A special broadcast from SportsCenter about the Texas Renegades. We had the chance to catch up with a few of the players and we asked them a bunch of questions regarding basically everything you need to know about them.

What was the team like 2 years ago? Were you just brought in the roster or were you already on the team?

Gustafsson: I've been on the team for a while and what you see on our roster right now is exactly the same as 2 years ago. Before that, the team was a whole lot different, kind of a tweener team, just on the cusp of making it and not making it.

Daigle I was on the Renegades earlier got to the conference finals. I left to do a reunion with old teammates. In those two years Texas missed playoffs. I was still talking with the team a lot, loved FourFour, Byrde, Alex, Cuff, Nate exc.. plus Boon was traded to Texas from Minnesota for me and he is an awesome LR guy too. I had to come back Then we won two cups

Kinsler 2 years ago was my rookie season, fresh off two Four Star Cups, about to experience 2 Challenge Cups

Partlow We were coming off of 2 very disappointing season, one in which we missed the playoffs on the last day or the season and the other in which we were not even in the playoff hunt towards the end of the season. We set out to acquire a center that could put us over the top and enable us to move Gauthier from 2nd line center to defense. Hallsy came to the rescue

Gibbon The team was coming together and started to find an identity as a team and not just a bunch of guys in the same sweater. I think you can really see the product of that now, I think everybody enjoys their time here and the guys are having fun. I was already on the team, been here for a while.

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Byrde I was drafted to the Team in S15. The teams two seasons ago was great, we went on to win the 2nd Challenge Cup in Franchise History and 1st in my history.

Lahey 2 seasons ago we were really a great team. We are still a great team. I was on the squad for 4 seasons now i think maybe 5 i cant remember

What was the goal with this group of guys 2 years ago?

Gustafsson: Honestly, we know we were good, but I don't think any of us thought we'd be a championship team so soon, let alone back to back. Coming off two straight seasons with no playoffs, it was kind of surprising that we turned around so fast.

Daigle We just got Me back and signed Hall/Jackie lee. Our goal was to break Hall’s and Lee’s cup curses.

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Kinsler Cup or bust

Partlow At that time a couple of our core players were debating whether or not they wanted to stay on the team or get a change of scenery. So our goal was to compete for the Cup and hopefully win it.

Gibbon Winning. May seem obvious, but I don't think the guys in the room have ever had anything else on their mind, atleast that I can remember in my time here.

Byrde To win. That is about it.

Lahey Same as it is now, WIN THE CUP

What’s so special about your teammates and how you guys succeeded so far?

Gustafsson: Every player is so loyal and bought into the team. Everyone on the team is so amazing and just believed in management and the roster as a whole.

Daigle Easily best LR ever. We all get a long great, have awesome hockey conversation and I’m 200% sure I could sit and have a beer with anyone on the team and talk for hours IRL. Because we really enjoy the atmosphere it pushes us to update so we win as a group.

Kinsler We are a true band of brothers and its contributed to our success on and off the ice, i truly value the locker room experience with this team

Partlow I think anybody that has been a part of our LR understands what makes this team great. Every gets along and we have a lot of fun in the LR and the chatzy. Doesn't hurt that were also the best team in the sim.

Gibbon I think this team just gets it. They understand there's a time for everything. You can come to the rink everyday and have fun but there comes a point where you have to put in the work and you have to get better. You get out what you put in, and the guys on this team have such a desire to win and are willing to do whatever is required to make winning a habit. That and everyone just seems to be on the same page, pulling in one direction, for one common goal. Are there disagreements? Of course. I think they're impossible to avoid, but we're all mature enough to let it go and not take things too seriously and just have fun with our time together.

Byrde We stick together, we aren't afraid to try new things and honestly when we receive a couple of L's we don't freak out and ask for a shake up.

Lahey They are all faggos and that is how.

When do you think this era of Texas hockey will end?

Gustafsson: Hopefully never. Probably whenever Partlow or Hall retires, that will be the first huge blow. I think we have enough depth to last a while.

Daigle When we want it to. People are going to get tired of their builds and remake that’s the only reason. I’m sure everyone would just stay otherwise.

Kinsler When hallsy retire's we will go through a transition period, but i believe we will maintain our competitive nature with already Salmon and myself providing a formidable 1-2 punch without hallsy, Texas will only have to retool, not rebuild.

Partlow That all depends on how long everybody wants to stay in Texas. I'm not sure how long the era will last, but i would say we have at the very least 2 more Cup contending seasons ahead of us.

Gibbon I hope never, haha. I don't know, I haven't really thought about that to be honest. I'm just going out there and taking it one game at a time and enjoying my time here.

Byrde Whenever both Alex and Nate step down. As of right now I see the this Texas era moving on for a long time.

Lahey When Jim |Lahey tests the market

You guys have such a strong group of players, how does everything work out?

Gustafsson: Everyone is fine in their current role. Our 3rd line guys don't bitch about playing time, our 4th line guys don't even bitch. We all just want to win regardless of what it takes

Daigle Well stability in the lineup is key. Everyone is a returning player and knows their role. Top two lines play the same minutes and the third line played less because they had less TPE. The third line got more minutes this season because Kinsler really improved and we wanted to reward that. Defensively we only have 4 so everyone gets minutes. Really we all enjoy winning and the LR so the minutes don’t matter since we are winning.

Kinsler We are team players, we all have our roles, play them and because of this it contributes to our team success

Partlow Everyone is more concerned with winning games rather than their personal success. Makes Nate and I's job pretty easy.

Gibbon Everything we do, we as a Renegade. It isn't about any one individual and I think everyone understands that. It's a light atmosphere where the accomplishments of any one player are celebrated by the team, but still play second fiddle to the team's play.

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Byrde Like stated earlier we all enjoy being on the same team and when we aren't performing we don't freak out and wonder why not, we just let things go as they are and in the end it works out.

Lahey Works out great

Where will your player be in 3 years?

Gustafsson: Probably on the 3rd line still Smile)

Daigle Texas. Other people likely will be retired by then but as long as Alex is in Texas I will be. Great guy.

Kinsler 1st or 2nd line C of Texas

Partlow Texas

Gibbon Not too sure. I think it's obvious my days as an SHL'er are numbered, I'd be lying if I said they weren't. That said, if I can keep working hard and improving in the right areas, hopefully I can stick around the SHL as a player to some capacity. I'm definitely at the point where I just take it year by year, so it's tough to say, I can't tell you how my body will feeling in 3 years and I'm not too concerned about it at this point.

Byrde Thats a hard question. Last season I would have said with the Renegades but next off-season I am a free agent and I am also contemplating retirement, But we will see what happens.

Lahey Probably in an A-A Class.

The management really hasn’t brought any prospects in the past year, how does the future of Texas look like?

Gustafsson: Guys like Kinsler, Gustafsson are only S19. Salmon, 44 and Byrde are still relatively young career wise, and Knight is a fantastic prospect. We have two 1st round picks this upcoming draft which will help restock the cupboard for now

Daigle When you have such a committed group the future will be bright again. We likely will be a bad team for a couple years but I see some of these guys signing back with their new players. We also have 2 first this year so it’ll look a lot better soon. Kinsler is young, Knight is a beast. Its quality over quantity.

Kinsler if it ain't broke....

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Partlow We've been more concerned with winning Cups at the moment, but our core is also relatively young. We have 2 1st round picks next year and all of our picks after that. Sterling Knight was also a steal at the last pick of the 1st round a couple years ago and we see him having a bright future. Kinsler is a future #1 C without a doubt. A lot of our core guys like Salmon, Byrde, Daigle, Gustafsson, Lahey, Horvat, 44 are still relative young and have plenty of great years ahead of them.

Gibbon I think the pieces are in place for this team to have future success, it just become much more important to keep the core group of guys together and motivated

Byrde It isn't too late to start bringing in prospects in my opinion. With Knight coming up next season and next draft I see us trying to get some great players there so we can start home growing talent. With aging vets Like Velv and Hall we need to do something soon.

Lahey WE got Knight.

Do you think you guys can 3 peat? Who can challenge you guys?

Gustafsson:Fuck yes, we have the exact same team as the last two seasons. The sim works weird so really anyone can challenge is. I'd be most scared of Wolfpack, Rage or Riot though.

Daigle We are going to. I honestly look at Seattle as the real competition. Other western teams haven’t proven their core can win in the sim. Seattle pushed us to 7 games. Once we get out of the west the finals is literally a formality because the east is still weaker.

Kinsler absolutely, when you combine our elite talent, goaltending and depth we're in the mix for the cup if not the favourite

Partlow We've been struggling so far this year, but we all still believe we are the team to beat. LA is looking pretty good so far, Edmonton is always a challenge in my opinion. If Seattle can sneak into the playoffs, they're always a threat as well.

Gibbon Absolutely. We started a bit slow out of the gate but I think there's too much talent and winning experience for us not to be considered contenders. Every team in the league poses a different challenge and I think we're a ways away from being able to single out one team. Right now it's about our next game. They're our biggest challenge and we have to beat them

Byrde I see it as a definite possibility. I see plenty of teams who can Challenge us so I wouldn't point up specifics.

Lahey Yes and noone.

How much can Sterling Knight learn from you guys?

Gustafsson: At the very least he could learn how to be a team player, besides that, what can we learn from him is the questionWink

Daigle How to make a beast player. We have two of the best players in history (Partlow/Hall) so they can guide his build if he wants help. Otherwise it’s a great LR so just enjoy the laughs.

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Kinsler Knight can feed off the locker room activity and relish in the recent history here and understand that team success trumps individual success here. already Knight has demonstrated his understanding in the rare 3rd year in junior, he'll be an excellent player right off the bat when he's in the SHL next season, perhaps even late this season

Partlow We have some of the best SHL players/members of all-time. A lot of us have been around since the beginning of the SHL, so if Knight ever has any questions regarding anything involving the sim, he doesnt have to look far for answers.

Gibbon He's a promising young player. I think if he just comes in and works hard everyday and tries to get better everyday he'll find success in this league. I think a lot of young guys come in with high expectations and try to win the cup and make the hall of fame in their first shift. Just relax, work hard, play your game, and let the game come to you. If you do that, the rest will come in time.

Byrde Knight has been growing since we drafted him, honestly he is still growing and he has a bright future as a Renegade. He IS the future in my opinion.

Lahey He can learn how to make a great shitstorm, learn how to win cups..

Who has the best looks on the team? And describe what characteristic about them you like.

Gustafsson: Boon, his handlebar moustache is irresistible

Daigle Kinsler. Haven’t seen him but I’m sure hes gorgeous.

Kinsler Daigod is chiseled like a god

Partlow Nate. Something about the Mexican-looking charm.

Gibbon Definitely not Wingels. He has a face for radio. If I told you anyone other than myself I'd be lying to you, and I'm a man of honesty and integrity. You'd be hard pressed to find a guy on this team who wouldn't kill for these looks.

Byrde Nate, he a doll.

Lahey Deener and his hair is always on point.

When you guys are on the road what do you do to pass time?

Gustafsson: Get drunk as fuck obviously and play NHL 15. Where I always win.

Daigle I’m going to take this as if the group was road tripping IRL. We would be getting shittered on the bus for sure.

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Kinsler bang sluts and smoke butts

Partlow Drink and snort cocaine. We do that at home too tho.

Gibbon Well I know Kinsler probably told you something absolutely ridiculous. What he actually does is sit in his room order room service and watch Netflix, he's a big glee guy, don't let him tell you otherwise. The rest of us just have a good time doing whatever, enjoying each others company.

Byrde I like to stay indoors while the team does whatever else, I am a loner.

Lahey Chatzy

What is your favorite TV show and movie to watch?

Gustafsson: Sons of Anarchy or Game of Thrones for serious shit, Seinfeld for Comedy. For movies it's "I Love You, Man". Any comedy is fine really

Daigle Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and House of Cards. Movies… Fight Club, Snatch and Gladiator.

Kinsler i love me some it's always sunny

Partlow TV Show = The Wire AINEC…Movie is the Godfather I and II and Good Will Hunting

Gibbon My favourite TV show? I don't know, I don't watch a lot of TV. Probably just TSN? I don't know, pretty lame right? I'm a big Wings fan of the NHL, so I try and catch a lot of their games too, when I can. Rudy is a great movie. Love that one.

Byrde I don't watch TV and for movies I like silent movies.

Lahey Trailer Park boys. And Trailer Park Boys the movie

If you were all in a Prison who would be the first person to die and last person to survive?

Gustafsson: 44 would die real quick, he's too soft and nice to survive. Park might die first too. I bet Alex survives the longest. We'd all likely die within a week though.

Daigle Sorry FourFour I don’t think you could cut it. Gibbon would live because hes just fucked.

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Kinsler Gib would die first, but we would later find out he wasn't actually dead and he would survive the longest too

Partlow First person to die would be Deener because he would try to fight off an attempted rape, due to his amazing looks. He would then get stabbed and raped. Gib would survive the longest because he would be the rapist.

Gibbon I don't think I'd last. Well...maybe Fourfour, yea I'd like to think I could outlast Fourfour, haha! Partlow could probably survive a while in prison, seems pretty thug.

Byrde First person to die, probably Gustafsson. Last person to survive, Daigle.

Lahey First to Die would be Kinsler. Poor guy. Last to survive would be me and byrde. Newfie connection.

What’s life after hockey?

Gustafsson: Golf, owning my own business. Maybe get a hockey related job.

Daigle Renegades Hall of Fame. All I want from Daigle’s career is to make the Renes Hall of Fame.

Kinsler probably will host Renegades Lunch Radio

Partlow I'm gonna steal all of Hallsy's money and buy the Renegades.

Gibbon I don't see that happening. I'll probably make hockey a part of my life in some way after my playing days in the SHL.

Byrde Married, 2 kids. No time for nothing, It's all good doe.

Lahey Basketball. Jim Lahey is an SBA star</div>

3,125 words


[Image: cuffana.png]

Good article about the 3rd greatest team ever!

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Renes = GOAT


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Quote:Originally posted by JayTee The Shark@Mar 2 2015, 09:59 PM
Good article about the 3rd greatest team ever!


S2, S5, S18, S22 Challenge Cup Champion
Hall Of Famers: (S7) Alex Reay | (S28) Daniel Merica

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[Image: Merica5.gif]
Thanks to Ragnar, Wasty and myself for the sigs.

Knight is stud

Quote:Originally posted by JayTee The Shark@Mar 2 2015, 09:59 PM
Good article about the 3rd greatest team ever!
Platoon and Comets were rigged

Quote:Originally posted by Midas Whale@Mar 2 2015, 07:24 PM

Platoon and Comets were rigged

No proof.

Also even if that were the case, the S13-16 Blizzard are better.

[Image: aOowRDF.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Midas Whale@Mar 2 2015, 10:24 PM

Platoon and Comets were rigged

Yeah but the Gades aren't better than the S13-S16 Edmonton dynasty

[Image: theziegs.gif]
[Image: buster.gif]


Quote:Originally posted by JayTee The Shark@Mar 2 2015, 09:59 PM
Good article about the 3rd greatest team ever!

thing is, you're saying this about us and we're only in the middle of our legacy.. just wait a season or two

Quote:Originally posted by JayTee The Shark@Mar 2 2015, 10:28 PM

No proof.

Also even if that were the case, the S13-16 Blizzard are better.
ill give you them

boon had proof that the platoon were rigged…krever and them erased it tho so the league wouldn't look bad…early years and all.
no proof on the comets, but its pretty obvious imo

Quote:Originally posted by Buster@Mar 2 2015, 10:28 PM

Yeah but the Gades aren't better than the S13-S16 Edmonton dynasty
agreed…not yet at least

Quote:Originally posted by Kinsler@Mar 2 2015, 09:29 PM

thing is, you're saying this about us and we're only in the middle of our legacy..&nbsp; just wait a season or two

Need to make the playoffs to continue your "legacy"

Quote:Originally posted by Harry@Mar 2 2015, 10:30 PM

Need to make the playoffs to continue your "legacy"

hack comment coming off two cups pal

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