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7500 Presser

Hey guys, it's finally here! I know I haven't been around too long (3 seasons or something, S21 draft) but I feel like I have been pretty active here and have made some solid friends and wanted to share about some of the folks here. I'll actually be writing this during the Awards Show, so I might sprinkle in some thoughts about if you won an award or if you were nominated, such and such. This also comes as a predecessor to my Nikast, which I should be able to punch up tomorrow, so let's also get looking forward to that. I've hit my 3rd of 4 ultimate posting goals. I came on the site and saw that there were guys that had 10000 posts and I thought that'd be a good long-term goal to aim for. Here we are 3 short seasons later and I'm close, just 2500 away! And this'll be one of the longer additions to the count!

Either way, let's get things started. I think the way this'll go with the Awards show on is that I'll write a person, refresh the awards show, then write another, so on and such. LEGGO!

Panda - One of the "newest" Scarecrows, I love your scouting drive, man. Of course, Haan's a Firebirds legend and thusly a Scarecrow legend (I think his #8 is retired, correct me if I'm wrong). Collins went 8th overall, which was actually 1 higher than I pegged you. I had the Latvian Ziepins going to Winnipeg and Ziepins dropped down to Seattle because of your pick up in Winnipeg, so I'm happy for both of you, I guess. Pupinsh is the 3rd Montreal Impact Latvian drafted to the Riot and you got picked up by a team with Patrik Šatan, a good buddy of mine, so I call that a win-win. I like how you think about draft picks because you can analyze them differently than I do and that provides more depth of scouting knowledge for the SMJHL Draft. I love your work in the LR keeping the Crows active and keeping the UK alive in the IIHF (RUSSIA WILL CRUSH YOU), so all in all, a very solid member at the least. I'm not sure why your activity dropped between Haan and Collins, but I'm very happy to say that I'm glad you came back Smile Much love , my main man, and I hope someday you and Šatan make it to the Riot so we can all play together. #immortalhashtags #beforeyourtime #onceacrow

r1c3bowl22 - Easily one of my favorite members despite never actually being on a roster with you. I love when you come back to the Scarecrows LR, even though half of the time you bitch JP out about being a 4th line scrub and JP putting Seth on 1st line... I still remember how helpful you were at the beginning of my career, even though it was only your second season in the league, but you made me into who I am, along with a few other key members, and that resonates with me. I kind of took after your hospitality, so I actually owe some of the success of Russia and the development of my player and others to you. You know you can talk to me if shit's going down or if you ever want to just PM or Chatzy or whatever. You better take care of my boy Ohtaay, he's a keeper. I hope WKP can rebound from losing Ratzon, Thomaz, and Pettyfer, because you guys honestly deserve more than you've gotten. Having you, Bojo, Schmidt (even as he's become inactive), and so many other great guys on that roster should bring you some victories and I can't wait to say congrats on you winning a Challenge Cup. I consider you a true friend, and I hope the feeling's mutual. Stay classy there in the BoD and make sure to keep checking in Smile

hedgehog337 - God I'm stoked you're in Seattle. Seriously, I love your LR presence, your player Karlensons is gonna be a big success, and you're just a great guy in terms of work ethic, character, and personality. I can't say enough about you because I consider you one of my guys. I got my Russian recruits, I got the rookies in St. Louis, and I have you guys in Seattle. I love it. Means a lot to me that you can succeed in our team and will be succeeding a HoF worthy goalie like Rose. I also love how you inadvertently sent Seattle EVERY LATVIAN FROM THE IMPACT. It's creepy but super cool too, I think we now have the most diverse team by nationality IRL. Of course I love that Russian is your first language (though I cannot speak a lick of it...) and that you've been nothing but spectacular in goal, especially in that All-Star best of 7 series! You and Demko (but seriously, it was you Wink) stonewalled arguably a great rookie lineup for 4 solid games and came away with an East sweep. I'm proud of what you've become. You can always ask me questions, and try to convince me to join LSHL (though the Google translations for that site are horrendous...) because I rock that PS2 NHL 09 system you guys sim with haha. Keep on keepin' on!

p_9ers - I haven't talked to you nearly as much as I should have your rookie season and that's a mistake on my part. I hope you forgive me for not being your defensive mentor, since you are taking my place on the top line here soon. You got drafted to Toronto, so I'm sure you'll do great. Ask the Russians there for any help or just to chat, they're all great guys and can steer you in the right direction. I think the list is RaiN, Mark H, Zaitsev, and MoFo, so any of those guys are great for you. You'll get your chance in Toronto soon enough, no worries, though I see you're already being implemented in the IIHF, that's cool stuff! Congrats! I hope you enjoy it, it's been a blast being involved in that fun part of the site. I wish I had more to say about you, so we gotta fix this. Shoot me a PM, we'll get a dialogue going.

prettyburn - Yeah, it is a lot of posts, huh? Double your count, almost! Wow! I was super excited to hear you getting control of the bank (which reminds me I have to update the bank here soon, maybe before the Nikast Smile) and you've been a huge hit as New England's GM. I also haven't talked to you as much as I should have (especially with the amount that I post here...) and that needs to change, what with the Stars where they are right now and your perfectly healthy obsession with Jamie Benn (What a dreamboat loverboy :-x), so I'm sure we can reconnect! I need to be more active in the Bank Discussion, I remember when Mook, Rice, and I first joined the bank the discussion thread exploded for a while because, well, post whore parties usually end up that way haha, but we need to bring some of that back! Part of it I know is that I've become more involved in Russia and you've obviously got the Wolfpack to worry about, especially with missing out on the 7th overall pick this draft. I hope you guys continue to do well, even with dealing with McZ in your LR haha. I kid, I love that guy, and I hope you guys love him too! Keep in touch!

BruinsFanatic100 - MY HASHTAG BUDDY! I always love when I get in a LR discussion with you or Šatan because us 3 really kept together after our 4-Star Cup run! I love you guys like brothers here, I can never really be mad at either of you (I tried to be once, but instead ended up donating clothes to Goodwill, so yeah...). I loved, LOVED, being #UnderTheArch with you in S20 and then you getting traded to Seattle? Priceless! Can't believe we'll be reunited! #immortalhashtags #HypeTrain2.3 #RiotTrainToTheTop. We got dis. The one thing I can never get about you, though, is the wrestling obsession. I was never into the WWE, WWF, WCW, or whatever, and I can't get how you got hooked. I used to watch RAW on Thursdays during senior year, but it was my "hipster" thing to do: I never took it seriously. I know we're brothers past that, though, and that makes me happy. I hope to be playing alongside you for a long time because I wanna light up the SHL together like we did rookie year with Cap'n Clutch and Mr. Steal. I can still remember screaming for joy when we won that thing, I was in my Economies of Energy class and we won and I flipped shit haha. Prof looked at me oddly and continued, but still! I think we will be the guys that will remember Brink for his best player in Molmsten haha #OneSeasonWonder #CupsetInMolmtown. I;ll see you in the LR, bud, you know how much you mean to me Smile

Šatan - Speak of the devil, we were just talking about you! You are the golden boy of our Scarecrows class though, to be honest. I might be the loudmouth and Urby might be the steal and Molmsten will always be the best that never was, but you were always the golden boy. Drafted 1st when the Scarecrows had 2 picks in a row kinda set the tone between the two of us I think. I loved being drafted with you, it was the best damn thing and I hated that I had to leave you in the SHL, and worse that we play as rivals! Dammit! But your contract will end someday and you can sign here Smile A man can dream. But back to the point, you were always the goal scorer, you were the dynamic forward for the Cup run and for the season after and apparently the best rookie in terms of points our first year in the SHL together. I love talking to you in Scarecrows LR, but I really wanted to share a SHL LR with you. We might get the chance someday. One can hope. That'd be kickass though, you, me, and Urby all on the same SHL team. #DreamTeam #MiracleAin'tGotShitOnUs Now that I think of it, I'm sorry to both you and Urby about stealing Harter from the Czechs. Harter's a great guy and I love him here, but I know he'd be great playing with you guys as well and that makes me somewhat sad. Also sadly I keep beating up on you in the IIHF tourney, with that sick 8-2 win over the Czechs. I told you guys to play for Russia, but nooooooo, someone had to play for Czechoslovakia, a country that doesn't exist! Meh, you know I love ya, bud. You, me, and Urby are brothers here, no doubts there.

Mook - Mooky Pooky, it's been too long since we've chatted! I loved being pitted against you in the SMJHL because you were the big tough guy on the block in terms of TPE and I always strived to try and keep up with you, Leo, Luna, and ArGar. I never could because I missed out on all the early TPE we could have had. I still regret not figuring out the site within the 1st week and stalling for a whole 2 weeks. Maybe then I could have been ranked higher than 8th. But damn, you have a kid now, you're a Globa Mod, you're important, you got 1st OVA, you're a SMJHL GM, and you have a Challenge Cup in your 2nd season in the big leagues (since you came in a "true freshman"). That's a hell of a resume. No doubts there. I miss chatting it up in the Bank and we need to do that again! let's plan on that and until then, Mooky Pooky, I'll have kik with you! Don't be a stranger!

Cuffy - You can never give enough kudos to your Junior GM. Thanks for what you helped us to, Cuffy. I know you were on the fence about giving up the spot during the middle of our Cinderella story, but man, you and JP made some magic happen and while you humble yourself and make it seem like JP was the whole thing, you're Co for a reason. You're a swell guy, though you talk shit about everything non-Renegade, which is ok, it;s the persona, but you're still human. I don't get the obsession with TPB, mainly because I haven't watched it ever. If you get me more invested into watching the show I might catch on. We'll see. I would love to be on the blue line with Lahey, that'd be a dream come true, but I don't think it'll happen in Texas right now with Alex at the helm (we tend to disagree a lot). Maybe someday you come to Seattle and this works! That'd be awesome, I'll dream on it Smile

Zaitsev - Yeah, maybe I do post a bit much, but hey, I love being active here! It's fun, I make the most of it, and that included bringing you over to the Russians! You know how in love with that name I am (Luka Zaitsev is a badass name, not like Nikitin, but close Wink). I can't wait to see you in Toronto alongside Andrey Barbashev, Harter, PLL, and such. I think it's awesome that you've developed into a force in the league. I know you aren't a post whore like I am, but you still contribute in great ways. I love your PbPs, your media is solid, and you contribute in the Russia LR and in our kik. You were one of the guys that I'm pretty sure made Trill's decision easier about where he wanted to go! Keep the recruits coming, boy. I expect great things from you with your teammates, not only in the SHL, but in the IIHF. I want you to be a 1st line player eventually. That's a big responsibility, but I think you can pull it off. I got tons of faith in you. I like that we can talk about lines and rosters and builds together in the LR and we can just chill, we need more of that around here. Keep it up!

JumpierPegasus - The other half of arguably the greatest GM tandem OAT. JP, I emulate you (or at least try to be as good as you) in Russia. So I owe some of their success to the drive you gave me to be better. I knew I'd be great because you had faith in me from the start. I still remember you sending me that PM about being taken top 5, right after I was drafted. I was thinking, "Holy shit, I'm so new and so behind, there's no way!" If WKP hadn't traded away their pick, I would've met your predictions, and that's something I'll always remember. If you ever need help (like, say this Wednesday, around 8? Maybe?), just ask. You know I'm a lifer in the Crows organization and that I'd help us for whatever reason. I love you bud, keep classy haha.

Abdeezy - Brovy! I loved seeing you win your Cup. It was a great moment for me in Russia seeing our top forward excel at the highest level. It was a great moment for me from Seattle knowing we had you just a few seasons before and remembering you in the LR being friendly and happy (thought you're never as active in Russia's LR, that needs to change, the young guns need you to give wisdom and such). I respect what you do on the site as well, making those Top 100 lists, staying in LRs, not post whoring like yours truly but still getting a solid point across, and being usually the voice of reason. I'm glad to still have you in the captaincy here in Russia, and I want you here for a while to nurse our young guys to take over for Brovy when he ends his now-complete career with the Cup. Keep in Russia's LR, we love you!

Merica - My antithesis in the IIHF, but it's not even that bad. I love your attitude around here, though some find it super annoying. You've got some great stats to back your attitude, including 2 Cups, 2 GM spots, and a kickass H/PIM ratio that's 2nd in the SHL. I respect you a lot, and that's why I love talking to you, something we need to do more. Yeah, I post whore, I get it, but it's fun for me, and I get that. I hope you do to Smile I always wondered what it'd have been like if you stayed in Seattle instead of going for the management position. I think Merica on the top line with Nikitin on the blue line would be a great pair to watch. Not as good as you and Razin looked this year (DAMN), but still solid. I'll wait for you. Hell of a guy, hell of a player. Should have been the cover of the video game, should have been Khan winner this year. *drops mic*

Kit - I model my player after your performance and presence in the league. Müller is, without a doubt, a great defender, though more offensive, but a great defender that I hope to be competitive against someday. You're now in my conference with the stuff that happened with Hamilton (if you ever want to talk, btw, you know you can come to me), so I'll see how we do against each other. I'm excited to see how we play out. You were also one of the guys that molded me into who I am here. You helped me early and that went a long way for me, especially with build help and activity in the Crows LR. Love you brother, hope you know that. Keep in touch, I know you're gonna lurk in St. Louis and I'll try to catch you sometime.

Trill - Until recently, we didn't talk at all. I feel bad about that now that I really feel like I know you because of kik, Russia LR, and all sorts of stuff ever since I approached you about being our transfer this season. Glad you made the right choice too, seeing as how we've got you a 2nd line spot guaranteed. I love your attitude, never would have guessed you're 6'9", but whatevs. You're chill, hilarious in LR and kik AND chatzy, so keep that shit up. And keep the young guns here. I know you're the OG on this site, show some love toward your new teammates and I assure you they'll respond either in kind or by paying it forward. You're a special guy, Trill, never forget that.

BluesBoy71 - We haven't talked nearly as much as I thought we would have, after that Prospect Showcase where we were GMs. I like your player, and you seem chill around the site, so I have no issues with you. Keep building Simons, he's a great guy. I think you got nominated for an award but didn't win, sorry bud! Maybe next time!

701 - David, you drew a dick on my face in Chatzy... I think that says it all haha. But you're fun to jest with, no doubt. Thomaz-Nikitin would be great, but you're with the Renegades now, so I don;t foresee us playing together any time soon. It'd be fun, though. I'm still a bit confused why Seattle dropped on your rankings, you better explain that somehow so we can improve our recruiting haha. Don't draw more dicks... I stopped myself from making a joke about Minot, so be happy.

JackCross - You got nominated for an award too, but lost because Schultzy laid down $300 on the site. I love that we can PM and discuss the sim engine. I really think it's helped me as a player because I can build according to what the sim engine prefers and I can adjust Team Russia's lines to suit my players better. Plus I can tell my players what to work on or work toward, so thank you for your kind help all the time. I love that it's easy to talk to you. There's never been any conflict between us, so I can recall, and I hope it stays that way. I still pray to the Cloud Monster and so far you've been generous to Russia. Now for St. Louis and Seattle haha. Love you JC, keep it up!

Ragnar#sweg( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°Wink - You'll always be my first Head Banker (sorry PB) and the guy who believed that I should have been picked higher in the draft than I was. I'm still shocked I fell past LA with the confidence and belief you had in me. Part of that may be that you're in San Antonio and I'm in Houston, so that I-10 connection, amirite? But I really feel like you thought I could be great and wanted me in Los Angeles. Sorry things didn't work out and that I eventually fell to another Western Conference team in Seattle, but I love my team now and nothing can change that, ever. If LAP has a decent offer for me, they're a team I'd waive my 10 season NTC for, no question. Take care of Boyka and Kwik, they're gems.

Tanner - Another guy I have surprisingly not talked to very much! You've been good to Team USA since you came over, but I think Ireland needs you more in net than USA needs you in the HO. Hamilton made a good choice in making you GM after everything that happened, and I'm sorry things had to go the way they did with Kit and other stuff. But hey, you got Muerto out of the deal and that's no participation ribbon! Well done! We gotta talk more, gotta be more open! I'll keep lurking in the IIHF HO if you wanna talk!

Birks - I don't know much about you because every time I see you active in a thread, it's either a shitstorm or in Latvian, 2 types of conversations I'm not interested in being a part of. That's not to say that I don't like Latvians (See: Vlats, Karlensons, etc..), but that I hate being lost and feeling confused about whatever's going on. Birkavs was an interesting ESS article to write, though you were annoying as fuck to deal with when it came to posting it within a time frame. Bro, I got school and stuff, this can wait. But I hope you're ok, better do well in CGY this year! Watch Ferdy, he's a good kid.

RaiN - Barbashev! I really hope you get Ausy back in here, you two are fun to have together! I love that you were able to step into a 2nd line role immediately and succeed, even playing more heavy minutes with PP and PK. I love having you as an anchor for the 2nd line, but you might get moved to 3rd line once Evgeny Semin (Trill) gets here, and I know you're ok with that. That's why I'm glad I got you: you're a team player, never really focused on yourself but the team and that's the type of guy I want in my LR. Whalers and North Stars have to love you, no doubt about it. - You know you love your Riot post whore! We'll probably be linemates this season with Koski getting close to 1000 TPE and us both sitting around 750 - 800. I loved playing alongside you last year and with both of us being shutdown guys, I expect shot blocks out the wazoo on our line. I like you in the LR, but your posting is so sporadic and choppy that I wish sometimes you'd just stay for extended periods. I love talking to you though (damn, you're 16, I still can't believe you're 5 years younger than me!Wink, it's cool to see how you view the world. Keep it here, Bods.

MacPack - I know you got in trouble for "tampering", but you're still a good guy to me, though some of your posting habits are a bit... off. Sometimes I'm completely invested in what you say and other times it's a weird schizo moment and I have no words. I hope if you want to have a bigger role in the Bank that you take this invitation to update CGY/EDM/LAP whenever you want. Will always help me as I'm sporadic at updating the bank, but can do it well and efficiently. I hope everything goes well for Colt and for New England, hope to see you on the ice!

Jme - Yep, I'm a post whore. Got the red letter and everything. No lie, I have no idea who you are except that you basically created every bank thread. That's the full extent of my knowledge. You support breast cancer research, #RunForPink.

Nike - I won't fight you or Buster, we're good. I was hotheaded that day, it was a bit much, and we made up, but I won't kiss and tell haha. Hate that you had to trade to draft yourself, but I went through a similar situation in the VHL, so I empathize with you. I hope Goody has a great career, he's been a great player thus far and he'll be a great foe when Manhattan and Seattle play. I also like you GM style. I think you and Merica have assembled a great team and it shows with your Cup. Congrats bud! Let's actually have a few conversations, I think we'd be good friends if we tried.

FourFour - You're a Chicago guy, right? I vaguely recall something along those lines. Either way, FourFour has my upmost respect. Great player, great member, doing solid work in your SHL jobs, and a good guys to chat with in kik even. I nominate you as the complete package, even with your off season. It'll be hard for Nikitin to score on you, but I'll try. You're a great adversary, don't change.

easymoneysniper - I always say I never talk to you and vow to connect, especially since we're in the same draft class, but it always falls through! I'm glad you kept my Russian Whalers in line though, so thanks for that! I know you're a beast and are a big part of the Renegades future, so kudos! I can't wait to get on the ice with you after your, what, 3rd season in the minors? it's your time to shine, son. I love you too, btw.

Deuces - JHS, you are a fun guy to shoot shit with. We go back and forth about the US-Russia rivalry and it's fun, I love it. Yes, I admit I'm a post whore, all good there. JHS has been good in WKP, but I think this is a breakout year for you, both in WKP and in the US. You can be really good, and I believe in you! Do the 1980 team right, JHS. WIN IT ALL!

HabsFanFromOntario - I'm pumped for you to be big in Seattle. Pomery'll go off I assume, you've got the scoring capability and the nose for defense to maybe even win ROTY (assuming Bursyuk or Vlats doesn't win it haha). I was so scared you wouldn't show up to the draft the other night, but you did a great job so I'm happy! You're a ton of fun to talk to in the LR and a great member, even with your retiring history. Keep that shit up, that's what champions are made of! You know you can talk to me whenever you want, just holler!

Bojo - I love your podcasts tbh. Best thing ever, besides the Klosecast. That shit's hard to top, and you come close! And thank you for giving me reciprocating questions when I ask you questions, it helps me a lot too. I respect Biscuit, though your H/PIM ratio isn't what you want it at. You are great but you can be legendary and I believe you can make the jump, especially with the way you've managed WKP recently. Stay as GM, WKP needs a guy like you as the face. It'll be a good season for you guys, I can tell.

prikulis5 - The god Lauris Prikulis graces himself with his presence! I have tons of respect for you, considering the awards you raked in, which I think might even include a Ron Mexico award here soon (fingers crossed). I love that you're really sensible and have a great updating ethic, and don't put up with people's shit. Not even the Latvians, and that takes balls. I love it. I want this in bold so it will get seen: I LOVE YOUR BALLS. There, I said it. It's in the open and we can move forward. Keep on holding the Jets at bay, you're their Gibraltar.

Syckez - Yeah, remember that time you guys had 5th OVA? I remember... Never do the award thingy again, but I love that you're there with Bojo to give Ohtaay and Rice a great place to play Smile Keep that up! We don't talk much, so that's about it really...

Spangle - I'm so happy you put up with me and my bullshit in the IIHF HO... You're a great guy to have doing a million different things around the league, though you don't get credit, and I appreciate your role here. You take care of the IIHF, something I love, and you were able to help as much as possible with other situations. I hope you know that I'm willing to help with anything in the league, all you gotta do is ask. Oh yeah, congrats on the cup!

Storm - I never knew if your name was after the X-Men character or just because you're a troll sometimes tbh. You were a part of that S20 Scarecrows crew that really helped me adjust to the site. You listened to my confused rookie self get through a Russia LR and a SMJHL LR, and that means a lot. I value our relationship and hope we can stay friends throughout, even if you go to another country with your new goalie...

16seasonsandcountingfor1cup - Myers. Zach/Drew Myers. I respect you, you were in Seattle as King Tut (a GOAT player btw) and you were fun to talk to, listen to, and generally be active around. I like that. Drew Myers looks to be Mr. 1000 TPE v3.0, and that's not bad. You need to change your username though, since the Jets didn't win the Cup last season. Were you even called up? Can't remember. Either way, love Collins and Šatan for me, those guys will go far and you want to be helping them help you to get that cup Smile Love what you do, don't stop!

DollarAndADream - What a stud. We hoped you'd fall to Seattle on account of your VHL elite status and is having so many VHL guys like GoB, Duddy, RED, etc. You're right, I did back out of everything in the VHL, but man, being super active here is just so much fun while after a certain point the VHL became a chore to do. I'll probably fill my summer with it, so no worries, but still. You'll be just one here in the SHL. I have faith. Work with Ferdy, he's super active and knows what to do usually. Great guys the both of you Smile

EuroCap - Bro, we don't talk that much. We need to. I think we have had a few disagreements, but that's ok. I still respect what you've done in Minnesota and Ireland, though I think Tanner should come back to reunite player and user haha. It's cool either way, Russia will get ALL the recruits anyways haha. Anywho, take good care of Evgeny Semin (Trill) and Chernika Banananov (PeanutButter), they're great and they deserve the best that Minnesota has to offer. PM me sometime if you want to chat. Keep it real!

I'll add people as I can. Thanks!


I quit banker and they took me out of the LR pretty quick :( I don't think they liked me

[Image: creller_dragons.png]

:wub: Cheers :-x

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
[Image: 64012_s.gif]
Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
StampedeĀ  Kraken
ā¤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!ā¤


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[Image: ffBCCRQ.png]


Quote:Originally posted by Mook@Apr 3 2015, 07:45 PM
I quit banker and they took me out of the LR pretty quick :( I don't think they liked me

You know I love you, Mooky Pooky :-x

Quote:Originally posted by Ragnar#sweg( ƍĀ”ƂĀ° ĆÅ“ĆŠā€“ ƍĀ”ƂĀ°)@Apr 3 2015, 08:00 PM
:wub: Cheers :-x

:"> Cheers >:D<

That Tumble connection :lol:


Quote:Originally posted by BluesBoy71@Apr 3 2015, 08:02 PM


add plz

Quote:Originally posted by Syckez@Apr 3 2015, 08:05 PM

You're in, no more snubbing


[Image: SigStorm.png]
[Image: QHLWtic.png?1]
san francisco group of cats - mikael koskinen
quebec city citadelzĀ  - mikael koskinen

Based on the extremely negative feedback on my Alternative Awards, I have to host it every year.

Quote:Originally posted by Spangle@Apr 3 2015, 08:05 PM
add plz


Quote:Originally posted by Storm@Apr 3 2015, 08:12 PM

wait, really? Lemme remedy this

Thanks for the kind words Nikitin! Kik me Wink

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